Friday, December 23, 2016

Why God Appeared To The Shepherds? Do You Want To Experience The Same?

In the book of Luke 2:8-20, the author describes in details how the shepherds received the good news directly from the angel of the God. First thing we may ask is, why God gave this message of the birth of Jesus to the group of lowly, ordinary and unnoticed people and not to the dignitaries, wealthy and well known personalities? As we can see in the birth of Jesus, God used an ordinary people like Mary and Joseph; Mary has delivered Jesus not in the palace but in a manger where the animals sleep and eat; the social and economic situations are uncertain, full of worries and economically in distress cause of unfriendly system of Roman Empire's handling the society. The shepherds are one of them and affected also of that societal turmoil that seemingly hope and change for the better are beyond their reach and impossible to come in their life time. The appearance of the angel to the shepherds in verse 9 created fear and seemingly unbelievable experience to them. To see and hear a supernatural like an angel is a very different story for a normal people like the shepherds, about that moment of witnessing and experiencing of the glorious presence of God amazed them and had changed their outlook in life. They became so excited to witness the things that they learned from the teachings in Torah concerning the prophecy of a Messiah that was written hundred of years have passed that all the Jewish people will one day be delivered from the tyranny hands of the the Roman Empire and other issues in their lives (Isaiah 7:14; 9:1-7). They can't believe that what was prophesied will come to a reality. To witness a host or big number of angels was a very rare experience these lowly men had. They had an overwhelming joy that no one can explain. And after this encounter, the angels left them and these shepherds excitedly left their flocks and went to Bethlehem to obey what the angel of God told them. When they saw the child wrapped in cloths, they were so overjoyed, praising and glorifying God (verse 17) and they left the child with gladness and new level of excitement and inner strength that they shared this good news of the birth of the Savior of all men including themselves to all they met going back to their place. This account in the lives of the shepherds taught us clearly of the following: First, that the words of God are right and true and he is faithful in all he does (Psalm 33:4). What he promised, he will do it and we can hold on to these; Second, the good news of a Savior has been born to us thousand years have passed. The solution to all man's cares has come already and he is Jesus, the true God who became true man to live and to die to save us all from the power and punishment of sin. Satan has no longer the final say in our lives cause Jesus came here to rescue and to deliver us from the powerful hands of Satan that brought worries, fear, sadness, hopelessness and helplessness in our lives. True meaning and purpose in life are now available to us all through Jesus by accepting him through faith as our Lord and Savior, we will be like the shepherds who were liberated from fear and hopelessness but rather, became joyful; Lastly, the shepherds shared with joy and enthusiasm the good news of love and life to all continuously that others might have these also, for Jesus came to have us life and to have this more abundantly (John 10:10). Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us be thankful always that this Christmas season is a reminder that we should be joyful and excited to share the good news to all. Don't be distracted of the materialism around us. Christmas means, sharing the best gift we had through faith in Jesus (John 1:12-13) to all people who have no peace and joy in life (Isaiah 48:22). Let other people be freed from sadness, fear, no direction in life, envy, quarreling and others. Have pity on them as how God had pity on us. Let us follow the example of Jesus that he gave his life to die to give life to the dying world. Are you willing and ready to become a channel of change to one's life and to lead him/her to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus? Ask God in prayer that the Holy Spirit will give you joy, excitement and concern for your loved ones, relatives, friends and contacts. The second coming of Christ is at hand. Wake up and be watchful always! For more biblical messages about Christmas, life, joy, blessings and others, visit our website at or go to our blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez or email us at for your suggestions, comment and prayer requests. God bless you always.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

What If Jesus Didn't Born In Bethlehem?

God threw Satan and all the evil angels to the earth because of their pride and so evil heart that they desired the holy throne of the Almighty and holy God. Now that he and his followers are on earth, he deceived our forefathers, Adam and Eve and he got them and disobeyed God and they were threw also away from the garden of Eden. The same crooked desire Satan is doing to the people in all parts of the world right now, his aim is, to deceive, lead them away from God and to bring them all with him in everlasting destruction in hell - a place of torment, punishment, unstoppable tears and cries prevailed, a place where even the solid metals,stones and things melted easily but Satan, evil angels and the souls of wicked men do not melt but will remain alive in the midst of fiery lake of fire (Revelation 21:8). The thief came to kill, to steal and to destroy men whom God has created in his image (John 10:10). If God didn't send Jesus to be born in a humble manger and of an ordinary woman in the town of Bethlehem thousands of years have passed, the shepherds and all the people during that time today and in the future will remain in a state of hopelessness and helplessness. What kind of life people could have if this world will be filled of hatred, anger, envy, continuous breaking of families, emptiness, losing of self-confidence, self-esteem, killings, corruption, sickness, poverty and others, do you still want to stay here in this world for the rest of your life? God used Mary and Jesus was born of an ordinary woman not through the union of man and woman but by the power of the Holy Spirit who overshadowed her womb and conceived the baby . By faith, Mary and Joseph accepted by and obeyed the message of great salvation that the angel of God told them. That Jesus will be born for he will save the people from sins. The real presence of great joy, hope, and peace were then experienced by all through Jesus, for he Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:21;23). He was born not to kill the Roman Emperor who contributed to Israel's life of misery but to defeat the father of sin, who is Satan - the cause the fall of men into sin that led and will lead the world from eternal presence of God. "... Jesus came that you might have life and to have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). Jesus birth gave light, hope and life for the dying world. Praise God as what the bible says in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son Jesus, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit knew that there is no hope for all men whatever they striving to do in order to restore their broken relationship with God. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23); "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). Friend, you need Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The best gift of God for you is his Son, Jesus Christ. He knows your present needs and what you feel right now. He is just waiting for you to come to him and ask for help to save you from the power and punishment of sin (Revelation 21:8) The bible says in Isaiah 48:22, "There is no peace says the Lord for the wicked". You can't hide anything from him. Be honest to yourself and to God. You will remain helpless and hopeless even you have all the material things in this life and let your soul to lose the real meaning of life that you need. "What shall a profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits or lose his soul" (Mark 8:36). "Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30) Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior today, the best gift of God for you. Jesus loves you and he has a wonderful plan in your life. For more biblical messages about life, forgiveness, peace, joy and restoration of marriage, visit our website at or go to our blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez or email us at for free counseling and prayer for your concerns and healing.

Monday, November 7, 2016

How To Know Who God Wants To Lead America For Another Six-Year Term?

The bible tells in Romans 13:1-7 to pray and support the leader whom God will place to lead the country.  So many years, Americans are hoping for a good leader who will restore the glory and preeminence of this country from the rest of the world.  From the very example showed by the people of Israel, once the leader lives and lead the country in sin, it invites economic crisis, social injustices, inequality, drought and famine, sickness of different kinds, defeats, troubles and other issues within.  But when a leader is obedient to the words of God like King David, King Solomon, and even King Saul, the country of Israel always wins in the battle and more wealth come to the national treasury - prosperity to the whole land.  We know that these leaders obeyed God in parts of their years of leadership but in times of success, they all fall into sins that's why, Israel had experience issues of different kinds in the land.

What then are biblical principles that all qualified American voters need to follow to exercise their freedom of expressions, elect the right person for the leadership of America?

First, pray hard.  Be truly concern to the flight and needs of the land.  Bring to God in prayer the right person to lead the country for another six-year term and onward.  It is not man who will bring the glory, strength and prosperity of America, it is the Almighty God.

Second, be reminded again by the words of God that a leader must have moral authority to lead the land, a person who has the regard, love and respect to the words of God.  It is the bible or the words of God that should reign and guide the flow of system of the country.  Morality which is found in the bible is always the foundation of every law before it will be implemented in the society.  Wisdom and know how can be learned while a person is serving the country with the help of well choice people who have regard for God and for the poor.

Third, a leader must be willing to serve others with all his/her heart without expecting anything in return.  A leader must be selfless, righteous in making decision, willing to listen and control his/her mind, tongue, emotions and actions.

Fourth, a leader must have a 100% love for God and people, especially the needy.

Fifth, a leader knows how to lead the country with humbleness and faith to God.  He is not proud.

Lastly, a leader knows to live a blameless life, an upright life, must be a God-fearing person, and must shun all kinds of evil.

We are not looking for the perfect leader, but at least, he/she that is much closer to the following characteristics above.  Pray and be wise!

If you have suggestions for a topic to discuss and post here, feel free to email me at,  follow us in Facebook, Jesus Is Lord Global Ministry - Yonkers.  If you need also some help to disseminate fast your message to many people, try to visit our link in

Monday, October 31, 2016

What Does The Bible Say About The Soul of A Dead Person?

One of the tests to know whether the law of gravity works or  not is by throwing a hard or soft object upward and then see that it goes back to the ground.  The same truth is also found in the book of Galatians 6:7, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows".

In the book of Luke 16:19-31,  Jesus taught his disciples a parable about how to have a right attitude to handle wealth.  This parable was used to rebuke the Pharisees, teachers of the law and other people who have too much love to their wealth and neglecting the true teaching of Jesus to help, feed, and uplift the poor for God has regard for the weak (Psalm 41:1).  We'll ask why the rich man went to a tormenting place and suffered so much endlessly in hell after his death while the poor man was escorted by the angels in the bosom of Abraham or in heaven, a permanent beautiful and blissful place he'll live forever.

The rich man lived daily enjoying his wealth and he neglected the flight of a poor person Lazarus who comes to his gate daily to wait for the left over food from his table cause he is hungry.  The rich had no regard for the need for the poor cause he does not love God (Psalm 10:4) and his dependence was on his wealth (I Timothy 6:17). He is like the young rich ruler who came to Jesus and asked, Rabbi, what should I need to do to inherit eternal life?  Jesus said, sell all your possessions and give these to the poor.  But he became so sad and left Jesus.  He didn't obey the words of Jesus.  While the poor man Lazarus was thrown by the society in a dumping place for the poor and his only thing he did everyday was to look for food for his sustenance.  He has sores and not even qualified to work for other people cause of his physical ailment.  His hope and dependence are in God's provisions and help.  God is his only hope to survive in life (Proverbs 3:5-7).

God's holiness, love and justice were seen visibly and the rich man violated these through the kind of life he has shown in the parable.  The two men wrote their own story and had decided for their own destiny.  If you disobeyed the teaching of Jesus like the kind of life the rich man did when he had all the opportunities to live a life of faith in obedience to the will of God, he should not be in the tormenting place where he is up to now.  It shows only that the soul of a person who rejected the call of God through his faithful men and women to repent and to turn away from his sins in order to inherit the kingdom of God was missed cause of disbelief and disobedience.  He tried to be comforted and be refreshed even temporarily but his request from father Abraham was denied.  He tried for the second time to save his five brothers so that they will not be tormented too as how he is experiencing in hell by requesting again father Abraham to send Lazarus back in life and remind his brothers personally to repent from their sins but he failed again cause all the prophets and even Moses were there already during their times.  Its' up to the people whether they will respond in faith and repent from their sins or not cause they have the free will to decide for themselves.

Lazarus on the other hand was escorted by the angels in Abraham's bosom or heaven not because he is a  poor but because he put his whole trust in God and lived a life pleasing to his sight.  His soul went immediately in heaven, a place where there is no longer thirst and hunger, no more sickness and other issues in life and all are joyful and complete happiness in the presence of a loving and holy God (Revelation 21:4).

Brothers and sisters, the Lord is calling us to heed and to listen to his call through his words to repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.  His second coming is very near.  The words of God in John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.  That whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".  Come to me all of you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest from all your cares (Matthew 11:28-30).  "Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me (Revelation 3:20).  Don't waste your great opportunities God has given you.  If you're wise like king Solomon, you'll choose the best for you and others.

For more messages about life, death, hope, joy, love, strong marriage life and others, please visit our website in go to our blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez.  For your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at

May our good and loving God bless you and keep you all always.

Forgiven life, the road to greatness

Saturday, October 22, 2016

When The Opportunity To Change Your Life For The Better Comes, What Will You Do?

What kind of opportunity you're waiting for?  What if that opportunity you do believe is for you comes, what will you do?  In Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus told a parable to his followers and people about the kingdom of heaven that a king has prepared a big banquet for his son who is about to be married.  He commanded then his servant to invite his guests like his families, friends and contacts to attend the wedding but all of them didn't make to attend for different reasons.  For the second time, he ordered his servants to remind all his invited guests to come cause he prepared a special food like oxen and fattened calf for the wedding but still, they didn't come for different reasons.  The king was so dismayed,  and has ordered his servants to go to the streets and corners to invite others like the dumb, lepers, poor, the outcasts and others to attend the prepared wedding.
Those who were first invited to attend the very special occasion, have rejected it and had so many reasons to disregard this opportunity.  Not only they disregarded the invitation, they killed even the servant whom the king was sent to inform them of that great invitation or opportunity.

This parable talks about the rejection of the Jewish people, the chosen nation of God to accept Jesus as the gift of God to save them from the power and punishment of sin (Matthew 1:21).  He came here on earth for his own people but his own didn't receive him (John 1:11).  Because of the Jewish people's hardheadedness, salvation was offered to the Gentiles like us (Romans 1:16; 9:1-3).

Because of the Jewish unbelief, they chose to obey the teaching and tradition of man and allowed their minds to be blinded by Satan (Acts 5:29; II Corinthians 4:4).  They intentionally rejected their Messiah, their only Savior spiritually and not as what they perceived the action should be done by their expected Messiah as the one who will liberate them from the hands of the cruel system of the Roman Empire that caused their economic lives so difficult (Matthew 21:1-11).  The people who shouted "Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" were also the people who shouted, release Barabbas and crucify Jesus, as the pretender Messiah!

Because of Israel's unbelief and hardheadedness, salvation was offered to us Gentiles.  The chosen nation's wickedness has opened the door of salvation to us (Romans 11:25).  This should not lead us to become proud but to be thankful for the grace that is shared for all people in the world to receive this salvation that was rejected by the Jewish people and until such time that the good  news will be preached to all the nations.

Gentiles - fellow Filipinos, Americans and all the people around the world, let us be thankful for the wonderful privilege to be a recipient of the precious free gift of salvation that was offered first to the Jewish people but because of their unbelief, they rejected and killed instead the best gift of God who is Jesus, the Savior of the world.  Since God has opened this precious gift of salvation to us Gentiles, be joyful and thankful and not to be like the Jewish people but if we'll still insist to harden also our hearts and mind, the same fate will come to us.  Let us learned from the mistakes that the Jewish people did and let us open our hearts and mind to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

In the book of John 3:16 says very clearly that "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.  That whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".  God knew that all the human efforts of man to restore again his broken relationship to God  was very impossible, "For all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).  God himself has initiated to bring this restoration to men or else all men will die spiritually or will suffer the agony and pain of his soul to the eternal separation of men from the presence of God.  Hell is the eternal punishment that awaits those who will live in sin and will reject the precious gift of eternal life.  "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:23).

Man needs to make an intelligent decision to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior.  The meaning of this statement are the following:  First, it means that man needs to accept that he is a sinner and that he is one of the reasons why God has sent Jesus on earth to die on the cross.  Second, is to admit that he sinned against God.  He violated the holiness of God and he is worthy to die on the cross or to receive the punishment due to every sinner.  Third, make a decisive decision to turn away from his sin or sin no more as what Jesus said to Mary Magdalene in John 8:11.  Sin is no longer his master cause he was forgiven already.  The only logical and acceptable action on the part of a sinner who received forgiveness.  And lastly, is to ask God's help to live a new life which is now possible to do because of the presence of the Holy Spirit who will guide a believer in all the truth through his written words in the bible II Corinthians 5:17.

Brothers and sisters, Jesus said in Revelation 3:20, "Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door.  I will come in and eat with him, and he with me"  It is your personal decision that matters and will determine your destination in life.  You have to make an intelligent decision today.  God has promised in John 1:12 that says, "Yet to all who receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave them the right to become children of God".

Your new meaning and purpose in life will start only once you invited him to come into your heart and make Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  He will free you from the power and punishment of sin, you will receive eternal life, you can do all things through Christ who will give you strength, you will have the wisdom and strength to overcome worries, fears, negativism in life, you will have joy, peace and hope here on earth and these will be completed when we all come to heaven - a place of complete life, no more tears, pain, sickness and even death.

May the grace and love of our living and holy God be with you always.

For more messages about life, death, freedom from worries, fears, victory over temptation, dating, happy family, healing from sickness and others, visit our website in and or go to our blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez.  And for you suggestions, comments and prayer requests, email us at

Thursday, October 13, 2016

How Will I Know That God Is Truly Please In My Life?

In Romans 6:1-14,  Apostle Paul has reminded the believers in Rome to count themselves dead to sin and alive in Christ.  Paul knew their spiritual condition through the news he heard  from different people also in the church.  Paul is always so concerned to the stability of the faith of the believers of all the churches he established thinking that he is not always present with them physically and able to watch them cause of the very nature of his missionary work, the growing numbers of churches  he visited and his physical limitations like aging, illness and even death.

 He responded and explained this truth by using one of the ordinances of the church, which is baptism.  He clarified that once a person accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, he will follow the command of Christ in his greatest commission to his disciples in the book of Matthew 28:18-20 that says, Go ye therefore and preach the gospel and baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all things that I commanded them to do...  In water baptism, the follower of Jesus has decided with all his heart to tell or to announce to the believers that he is now one with them in faith and he is now willing to follow all the teachings of Jesus Christ by drowning into water which symbolizes of being united with Christ in his death for the sin of men and by raising him him up from the water which means, that he is willing wholeheartedly to live in obedience to all the teachings of Jesus Christ, to live by faith, complete trust in God's promises and to live a holy loving life as his new way of life and be ready and willing to suffer and to die as a bearer of his name and to stand for the the truth.

As what it says in Romans 6:5-7, "If we have united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection.  For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slave to sin - because anyone who has died has been freed from sin."  A true follower of Christ has counted himself as dead already into sin when he obeyed in water baptism as an expression of his faith to Christ.  Sin is no longer his master for the Father of sin is Satan and all who live in sin have no strength and power to overcome sin because he or she is still living in it.  He surrendered his old nature or self, character, values and mind to Christ' teaching to live a holy life and become a loving person.  A person can't live a new life without counting himself by faith as dead to sin.  There is no resurrection of the body unless a person has died into sin.

One of the very clear example of this truth is found in I John 3:15 that says, "Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him."  Cain killed his brother Abel cause his mind and deeds were evil.  No child of God will make a decision to take the life of other person because of jealousy, position, money and prestige just to satisfy oneself desire of applause, credits, and material things.  A true child of God knows how to forgive cause God has forgave us.  But those who didn't experienced the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ can't love and forgive others, even his sister or brother.  That's why before you offer your gift to the house of the Lord and  you know that you have something against your brother or sister, go first to him or her and be reconciled.  Ask for forgiveness and be cleansed before you give your offering to the Lord (Matthew 5:24).

Don't waste our life in anything that will not please our God and Creator.  "Only one life so soon it will pass.  Only what's done for Christ will last" (Unquoted Song). Always be reminded of the ultimate meaning of life in the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 that says, "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter:  Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.  For God will bring every deed into judgment , including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil".

For more messages about life, death, joy, peace, hope and others, visit our website at or go to our blogs in and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez and email me at for your comments, suggestions.  Visit also our facebook in Jesus Is Lord Global Ministry -Yonkers and go to our page about prayer for the sick and counseling.

Jesus Loves You And He Has A Wonderful Plan In Your Life.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How To Be Free From Financial Bondage, Worries And Cares In Life?

The top ten concerns or biggest problems of men worldwide today are the following: #1 is, Poverty, Hunger and lack of drinking water.  #2 is, Climate Change, #3 is, Economic condition.  #4 is, International Terrorism.  #5 is, Availability of Energy.  #6 is, The Increasing Global population.  #7 Spread Of Infectious Disease.  Tied #7 Armed Conflict.  #9 Proliferation Of Nuclear Weapons.  #10 Don't Know (Eurobarometer Report.

Of these concerns today, it seems that people worldwide have mixed negative perceptions and feelings about these and we're so thankful that a lot of concerned people are trying to do something to find solutions to these many challenges that the world is facing today. And we have to be a part of this great task.

Of these issues we're having right now, do you believe that people's broken spirituality or relationship with our Creator, the holy loving God is the main issue why we have all of these today?  The book of Psalm 81:13-14, 16 says, "If my people would but listen to me, If Israel would follow my ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!  And you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you."  God reminded Israel to listen to his words and to obey these daily.  Israelite have to turn away from worshiping idols and from living in all kinds of sins which hinder him to help them.  Sin is the only thing God can't do cause he is holy and all his people should live a holy life (I Peter 1:16). A life of holiness is a life that is pleasing to God and without holiness no one can see God (Hebrews 12:14).

All of these challenges listed above are just the results of sin that's why God sent Jesus his only begotten Son on earth to live a life of complete obedience to the will of the Father even to die on the cross of shame and agony at Calvary just to save men from the power of sin and from its' punishment  - painful life here on earth and eternal separation of man from God which is hell.  All the above issues are just the foretaste of hell.  God made already the solution to restore ones again the fallen situation of men because of sin and that is Jesus.  He came here to meet our physical and spiritual needs.

Man should acknowledge that he has no way to solve these gigantic issues on earth and if he will continue to resist and reject his calling to repent and to obey his words, the world's sure destiny is complete destruction.  The world will be destroyed no longer through great flood during the time of Noah because of disobedience of the people and only his family with choice animals saved from that great flood (Genesis 6-8).  And now, the same message of repentance is heard worldwide to repent and to obey the words of God, the surest way to solve the issues we have now today and to avoid the pending destruction of the present world through fire (II Peter 3:10).

Let us hold on to the words of God for his words are right and true and he is faithful in all he does (Psalm 33:4).  All the plans of God for mankind are all good because we were all created in his image and because he loved us since the beginning of time, today and tomorrow.  He is just waiting for all the people worldwide to listen and to obey to his words for he is our God who is powerful, loving and holy.  He sent his only Son Jesus to the world to give us life and to have this more abundantly but Satan came here to kill, to steal and to destroy (John 10:10).  God knew that people worldwide are so tired, full of sadness, filled with emptiness and Jesus words in Matthew 11:28 says, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Jesus is the starting point of good life here in this life in preparation for the life everlasting in heaven.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).  Jesus is calling you to come and you will have true joy, peace and hope in life. He is the only way, the truth an the life.  No one can come to the Father except through him (John 14:6).   Invite Jesus to come into your heart and accept him as your Lord and Savior.  Let him be the king of your life, turn away from your sins and obey his words.  True and complete restoration of the broken world will start from having a personal relationship of man with Jesus.

For more biblical messages about life, peace, joy and hope in life, visit our website at or go to our blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez.  You can send also your comments, suggestions and prayer requests to our email address at

God bless you all.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Are You A Fruitful Follower Of Jesus Christ?`

What makes a tree bears fruits bountifully?  If you are a farmer and owns acres of land and you want it becomes productive plantation of corn that can supply your community and your country or even some parts of the world, then,  you have to prepare your land to become suited place before you plant the seed.  You will clean it first and remove all thorns, rocks, rotten wood and other garbage.  After this, you will till the soil and set the irrigation to supply your acres of land with enough water and put fertilizer and when it is ready, you will start to arrange the planting of seeds.  While waiting for the harvest time, you will ensure that all harmful and destructive insects, weeds and even hungry birds and animals can't come to your plantation.  You have to be patient and endure hard work to watch and protect carefully your plants that will give you good income.

In the book of Luke 8:1-15,  Jesus taught his disciples of a parable of the Sower.  He wanted them to know how to bear much fruits which refer to winning of more souls as the end results of being a good followers of Jesus Christ.  That's why Jesus told to Peter that "from now on, you will no longer catch fish but men" (Luke 5:11).   Prior to his teaching of this parable, Jesus days were so filled of many tasks of preaching, teaching, healing of sicknesses, casting out demons. And the twelve disciples were there too and even the women like Mary Magdalene who came out seven demons,  Joanna the wife of Cuza, the manager of Herod's household; Susana and many others. These women supported the daily necessities of Jesus ministries.

Knowing that the people were there to listen to his teaching, he told them the message of how to become more fruitful in their ministry through a parable.  Jesus narrated a story that one day a farmer went out of his house and went to his field to sow the seed and while he scattering it, some fell along the path and was trampled and the birds of the air ate it up.  Some fell on a rocky place and when it sprang up, the plants withered cause these have no moisture and enough soil.  Some fell on the thorns and grew up with these and were just choked the plants and died.  Other seed fell on good soil.  It grew up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown" (verses 4-8).

In the following verses 9-10, the disciples asked Jesus why he is always using a parable in his teaching ministry?  Jesus answered them, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, "though seeing, they may not see, though hearing, they may not understand."  Jesus told his disciples that blessed are they who understand his teaching and obey it.  For not all who listen, hear what the Lord is saying, for faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word  of Christ (Romans 10:17).   Hearing or  listening should couple with action or obedience.  "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him" (Hebrews 11:6).  A person can only understand the message of Christ if he has the willingness and desire with all his mind, heart and soul to listen and to obey.  Without these, don't expect to know the will of God in your life.  Blessed is he who heard the message of Christ and do it - he will be blessed in all he does" (James 1:25).

Jesus gave the meaning of the sowing of the seed  that fell on different places.  First, the seed that fell on the pathway, is the word of God that heard by a person who has no interest at all for different reasons.  His mind is blinded by the system of this world which father is Satan (II Corinthians 4:4).  "In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God" (Psalm 10:4).  Second, the seeds that fell on the rock are the people who received the word with joy and they believed for a while but they have no roots.  When temptations and testing in life come, they easily gave in or gave up and fall away.  Third, the seed that fell on the thorny place are those who received the word of God but as they go on their way they are choked by, defeated by  and weakened their faith by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. These people who received and obeyed the word of God for some period in time but because of pain and hardships in life,  and attractions of the world like love of money, flesh, power and good life, they exchanged their found faith in Jesus on these worldly things and blamed God of the miseries they suffered caused of their unpreparedness brought by their poor choice to love the world and its desires. They didn't come back to God and to ask for forgiveness like what the prodigal son did.  This man after he realized the evil things and worldliness he did,  he humbled himself and asked his Father for forgiveness and his Father welcomed him with hug and kiss of joy.  This seed died too.    Fourth, the seed that fell on the good soil are those who received the message of God with all their hearts and they keep and obeyed these daily.  They submitted their lives to Christ teaching and they grow in their faith and by perseverance, patience and endurance of hardships they continue to follow Christ words and works and face sickness and even death with gladness knowing that one day they will hear the commendation from God that says, "Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" (Matthew 25:21).

Brothers and sisters in Christ, the road going to heaven is the want all men are aiming to have in life after death, but they wanted the easy way and there are no sacrifices whatsoever.  God sent Jesus, his only precious Son just to live a simple life, voluntarily accepted the false accusations from his very own people, was ridiculed and mocked before the eyes of many, was humiliated and was hanged on the cross for the sins that he didn't commit.  He obeyed his Father's will because of his unconditional love for you and for me.  In John 3:16 it says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".  Jesus is calling you now to open your ears and to accept his invitation in Revelation 3:20, that says, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me".  If you hear God's voice, listen and make a wise decision now.  It is you who will make the best decision for your salvation.  The bible says in John 1:12, "To those who received him to them who believed in his name, to them he gave the right to become children of God".  If you will accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are blessed and this will the start of your new life in Christ.  You will know the truth and the truth will set you free and be fruitful in everything that you do for the glory of our God.  Attend a bible believing Christian church near you to help you grow in your faith and share the same to your loved ones, friends and contacts today.

For more messages about eternal life, forgiveness, victory over sin, hope, love and peace, visit our website at or go to our blogs at or Eugene "EJ" Juarez.  Email us also at for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.

God loves you and has a wonderful plan in your life.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why Jesus needs to pray?

Why man needs to eat food at least three times a day or more?  What are the effects to man's physical body if he's not well fed or eats the nutritious food?  Have you tried to skip a meal in a day or had skipped one whole day without food and water?

To function man's physical body and mind more effectively and be ready to meet the many demands of the day, man needs to eat nutritious food regularly.  Man can't stay longer in work cause of weak resistance, can't concentrate in taking examination, can't make wise decision and might affected easily by cough and flu if lack of necessary fuel in the body.  Man's normal activities are negatively affected.  How much more those people like children who just eat food that is not nutritious and in a little quantity or just a meal a day like in many countries around the world who are very scarce in basic needs like food.  What to expect them to function their body effectively and become useful and productive for their immediate family, community and country as a whole?  Food is very essential to live a normal life and to become more productive in different areas of life.

In the book of Mark 1:35-39, Jesus showed to us clearly his very need to commune with his heavenly Father in prayer.  Why he needed to discipline himself to wake up early, to go to a solitary and to pray?  Isn't it that he is God and doesn't need to be strengthened spiritually to become more effective, fruitful and powerful to preach, teach the good news of salvation, cast out demons and to heal various sicknesses?

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit knew the dilemma and problem of man to restore his broken relationship with them because of sin  (Romans 3:23) that's why Jesus, the Son has learned to obey the will of the Father to leave temporarily heaven and his being God just to live like a true man.  He emptied and subjected himself to the four corners of the earth or accepted the reality to be bounded by time and space and lived like a real and true man.  He humbled himself, lived a holy life and in full dependence and trust from his Father, lived a simple life, bore the many issues of life, even the pains, ridicules, mocking from his very own people and had keep himself meek and controlled himself even he knew that he can call his Father to bring even an angel to kill the evil people who did evil to him and had shouted to release a criminal in exchange for an innocent like him in order to die through hanging on the cross because of his love for mankind (Philippians 2:5-8).

Jesus knew that he has to obey the will of the Father and be subjected and bounded by time and space.  He lived like a real and true man that needs to depend on the provisions of God through prayer.  He knew that he can do the will of God effectively, fruitfully and with power if he will always attuned and connected with his Father in prayer.  Before he started his public ministry, he was led by the Holy Spirit to the desert to pray and fast for forty nights and  forty days as the only and best spiritual discipline he needs to do to reach the cross of Calvary.  And when Satan tempted Jesus, he overcame Satan and was not give in to temptation and Satan left him with anger and shame because of his defeat cause of the inner strength and wisdom that Jesus had gained through prayer and fasting (Matthew 4:1-11).

After Jesus prayer, his disciples were looking for him cause  people are waiting for him, but he told them to go instead to other place to preach and teach the good news and to heal various sicknesses the reason why he came on earth.  He told his disciples that other people are also in need to hear the message of deliverance from the power and punishment brought by sin.  Jesus had the wisdom and power in doing the ministry in which he was called.  His decisions were enlightened through prayer and was always been directed by God to his focus or goal through this spiritual discipline.

As Christian and  or leaders in different churches, follow the example of Jesus as the sure way of victory in our lives and ministries.  Satan will continue to divert our attentions away from the will of our God.  He will do all he can do to weaken our faith, become defeated always when temptations come, have no strength to overcome trials in life, and to serve money and God.  Don't let Satan win over us, but keep our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.  Pray as Jesus did.  Discipline ourselves in prayer and hold on to his words in James 5:16-17 that says, "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."

For more biblical messages about prayer, source of wisdom and inner strength, visit our website, or go to our blogs, and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez.  For your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Why we need to share the good news of God's love and forgiveness to all?

For every minute of the day, one hundred five people died due to different reasons. It means 6,300 people an hour, 151,200 a day, 4,536,000 a month and 54,432,000 a year.  This figure is just 40% of the birth rate worldwide or 136,080,000 people a year.   Death is the number one cause of traumatic experiences of man and he can't avoid it.  Out of this figure of death rate, an estimated of only 25% of this or around (54,432,000 x 25%) 13,608,000 will enter the kingdom of heaven and the remaining 40,824,000 will suffer in hell of torment and agony for eternity a year.  This estimate is based on the the teaching of Jesus recorded in Mathew 7:13-14 of the narrow and the wide door, the parable of the sower in Luke 8:1-15 and the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 7:21-23.  As of this year 2016, the estimates of the United Nations worldwide population is 7.5 billions plus and minus of 10% or around 8.2 billion people.  Considering the 25% of this or 2.05 billion, these numbers are the only people who will enter the kingdom of God and the remaining of almost 5.9 billion will perish in hell for eternity.  This 2.05 billion people are the combined numbers of people who truly received Jesus as their Lord and Savior from the the time of Jesus ministry up to now or more or less 2000 years ago, so it means it needs another 6000 years to lead the remaining 5.9 billion by the gospel of Jesus Christ.  And if the predictions of many bible believing preachers and teachers that the second coming of the Lord will happen in our time, what then will be the final destiny of this vast numbers of people?

In the book of Mathew 9:35-38, he wrote the daily schedules of Jesus as being preoccupied of the non-stop and urgent ministry of preaching and teaching about the kingdom of God which is open and available to all who will truly believe in him.  He taught them many wonderful and very important teachings about repentance, life, forgiveness and others that leads to life and one of these is the beatitudes or who are the blessed today which is written in Matthew 5:1-12.  His ministry was coupled and confirmed of his healing of various sicknesses and miracles that were shocked the people of the power of Jesus that led them to find joy, purpose, meaning and hope in life, but envy, shame and anger to the enemies of the gospel like the Pharisees, Sadducees and others.  He found compassion to the crowds who are harassed, hopeless and helpless in life that even their system is evil which is caused by sin. The population during that time was around 300 million and Jesus was so concerned on the vast numbers of people that he compared to the harvest that are ripe and need to be harvested.  Jesus saw the need for more faithful followers who will lead the needy people to be freed from the power of sin, its punishment, and even from the evil system that make their lives in mess (Mathew 9:35-38). He opened the eyes of his faithful disciples for the need of more workers to harvest the vast numbers of crops that are ripe.  He encouraged them to pray to the Lord of the harvest to become more faithful in doing his will to lead the people to the saving knowledge of Jesus and to send more workers to work with them continuously until the last man on earth comes to his fold cause God doesn't want that even the last one here on earth will perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

How much more now that the world's population is almost 8 billion people as compared to 300 million during the time of Jesus.  This message of urgency and big need for more workers to bring the good news of salvation to all is still the calling up to this very hour.  What is your response to this untiring calling of God?  God did his part of salvation through his Son Jesus and the harvest is still going on.  The population now of the world is much bigger compared before, people are getting more wicked and their minds have no room for the words of God that need workers who will sacrifice everything just to be a part of a big mission of bringing them to repentance and to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus, for the second coming of the Lord Jesus is at hand.  This is the right time to respond and to be a part of this great commission.

Here are the things that you can do in response to his calling:  First, pray daily for the names of the people and your contacts within your reach that the gospel of good news will be shared to them and that the Holy Spirit will convict them of their sins, to repent, to believe and to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Second, show the love and care of Jesus through doing good to them always and don't expect anything in return.  Third, pray unceasingly that the Lord will send more workers to preach and to teach the good news.  Fourth, support financially all efforts of your church, organizations and or individuals who have clear focus and program to reach the souls and to strengthen their faith.  Lastly, pray that God will give you the courage to share the good news to your loved ones and contacts or let yourself be willing to accept the challenge to sacrifice all things just to follow Jesus and to do his will to share the gospel till his coming.  Are you ready and willing to be a part of this calling in Matthew 28:18-20 that says, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

For more messages about hell, forgiveness, life and others, visit our website in or go to our blogs at and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez.  Email us also at for your comments, suggestions and prayer concerns.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What wiil Happen To Your Soul When You Die?

Did you know that the average death worldwide recorded by Ecology Global Network is around 55.3 million a year?  This is 42 % of the total birth rate of 131.4 million a year.  It means that for every minute, there are 105 people die or 6,300 an hour or 151,200 a day (  Of this estimated data, how many percent of this death daily goes to heaven and goes to hell?

Why we need to give an urgent and importance on this reality?  Is there a death after life or is this just a creation of a very wildest thinking of man?  God has created man in his image and was created as very good and God was so pleased to see his creations in perfect and normal condition.  But because of sin of disobedience, Adam and Eve had put the whole creation of God in ruin, including mankind.  The perfect, beautiful and normal creations of God were and are groaning in pain like a woman who is in the situation of delivering her baby.  "For the wages of sin is death both physical death and spiritual death or eternal separation from the presence of God" (Romans 6:23).   Adam has opened the door to a very awful and painful life to the world and even physical death had first experience by Abel, the younger son  of Adam and Eve.

God knew that because of sin, the world and the whole mankind were in great danger.  The holiness of God must be satisfied to solve the dilemma of death, the wages of sin.  Whatever men tried to do to restore again their broken relationship with God, these resulted to nothing.  "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).  Because of the great mercy and love of God to mankind, he sent Jesus, his only begotten Son to die on the cross as the once and for all offering to satisfy his holiness for the forgiveness of sin, and to save  men from the punishment of sin which is death.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal" (John 3:16).

The good news of God's salvation was prophesied thousand years ago by the prophet Isaiah before the birth of Jesus, was studied intelligently by the three wise men who traveled a distant place to worship the King,  was explained clearly  by the angel of God to Mary and Joseph the meaning of the inception of a child in the womb of Mary, and was announced also by the angel to the shepherds the message of hope and salvation to the hopeless and lonely men.

For thousand years,  God talked and commanded his obedient holy men to bring to the wicked people the message of repentance in order to be saved.  Noah, a devoted and obedient man of God was ridiculed, mocked and was called insane by the people in his generation because of reminding them to repent or face the destruction of their generation through the great flood. They ignored and rejected God's message through Noah and after he and his immediate family and selected animals entered the ark, God closed the big and heavy door of the ark and his judgment through great flood came and all the people who rejected Noah's reminders were all drown into water and died (Genesis 6-9).

History seems true today in our present generation of the 21st  century.  People in all parts of the world have different concerns and stands about the true teachings of the words of God.  Life now becomes so complicated because of the power of Satan to deceive people of many deceptive lustful offers, materialism, ideologies, priorities, values and even needs.  Satan and his followers are doing their very best to deceive all people in the world and lead them away from God.  His main goal is to kill, to steal and to destroy the relationship of man.  He wants all men to be with him in hell knowing that his end and Christ second coming is very near.  We can observe now that the sins in Gomorrah and Sodom, the sins of the people in Noah's time and the sins of the people in our present generations are almost the same but much worst today.

Holy men and women of God are now sacrificing their earthly opportunities in order to obey the call of God to remind the people today to repent from their sins and to obey the words of God.  But still,  majority of the 8.5 billion population of the world today are wicked and their thoughts and minds have no room for God (Psalm 10:4) cause they love to do the very lustful offers of the world, the goodness of materialism, the messages they want to hear that bring good life, success, sensuality, doing the best of the two worlds, immorality, idolatry, and living in hatred, anger, envy, drunkenness and others,  These people can't enter the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21).

If people will insist to live in this crooked way, wait for the much intense punishment of God cause he will no longer destroy again the world through great flood but through fire (II Peter 3:7).

The rich man lived and enjoyed his life on earth and had no regard and concern to live a holy life and to live for the kingdom of God but the poor Lazarus had live a holy life in the midst of poverty.  He put his trust in God and obeyed him till he died.  Both of them died and Lazarus was brought immediately by the angels of God to comfort him in heaven, the place of God and of the holy people like father Abraham, a place of joy, peace, health, happiness.  No more tears, sickness and loneliness.  A place of complete serenity and love (Revelation 21:4).  But the rich man died and he was thrown into the lake of fire.  A place of torment, pain and agony.  He requested father Abraham to bring back Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger to water and to dip to his dry lip and tongue but his request was denied and for the last time, he begged father Abraham to bring Lazarus to life and to go to the house of his father on earth cause he has five brothers that need to be reminded to repent from their sins cause he doesn't want them to be with him in hell too.  But his request was denied again.  Father Abraham told him that Moses and the prophets are there already and Lazarus can't be brought into life again.  It is up to his brothers weather they will believe or not (Luke:16:19-31).

Brothers and sisters all over the world, death will surely come to all of us,  don't be deceived by Satan and his followers.  The words of God are very clear and you have to listen and believe.  Turn away from your sins and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Admit to yourself that you are a sinner also and one of the reasons why Jesus died on the cross.  Confess your sins to God, ask for his forgiveness, turn away from these and obey the words of God daily.  If you will receive Jesus today, he will forgive you and will count you as one of his children (John 1:12).  As a child of God, you will have eternal life and will no longer be judged and to be thrown into hell to suffer pain, to be tormented and be punished for eternity.  Don't sacrifice your 85 years on earth for eternity.  Make a wise decision today.  Jesus loves you and has wonderful plan in your life.  He wants you to be with him in heaven for eternity.

For more biblical messages about life, death, forgiveness, hope and peace, visit our website in or go to our blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez.  or email me at for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Did I Find The True Meaning And Purpose In Life?

If you will go to a ticketing agency to buy an airplane ticket, what are the main questions a representative will ask you?  First, he will know your personal information and second is your destination before he or she gives you the total cost of plane ticket.  Or if you want to become a successful person in the future, what is the first question your teacher will ask you in your grade school level as to what you want to be when you're in College?  What is the reason why the ticketing representative and your grade school teacher want to know your exact answer to these questions?  Of course, to give the right amount of fare of your plane ticket so that you will know whether to buy or not.  Your teacher on the other hand will give you suggestions to guide you what course or program you need to take in college and what university is the best for your program.  The plane ticket representative and the teacher want to guide you to have the best decision in your particular situation and not to waste your limited resources in order to maximize benefits of your limited investment.

The same thing with your life.  To avoid or at least minimize wastes and losses, like your life, time, money, health, and other concerns, you have to know the meaning of your life and its purpose before you make a definite action steps to go on.  King Solomon, the wisest man lived on earth gave us the source of wisdom that man can use to make a right and wise decision in life.  It says in Proverbs 1:7, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom but fools despise wisdom and discipline."  This verse means that a person must love God and to love him is to listen and to hold on continuously to his words.  It is only the words of God or the truth a person can set as free from all fears, worries, negativism in life, loosing of self-confidence and self- esteem.  To be free is to have the strength to think right and wise cause he is now motivated by love and holiness which are from God, the source of pure, joyful, hopeful, and satisfying life.  But foolish is a person who doesn't care for the truth that can set him free.  The word of God says in Psalm 10:4 "In his pride the wicked does not seek him; and in all his thoughts there is no room for God.  The words of God describe and declare that person as foolish.  You don't expect that a foolish person will win the challenges in life, because he is away from God.  He has no stability and peace cause he has no wisdom.    "There is no peace says the Lord for the wicked" (Isaiah 48:22).  He tries to do everything by his own strength, schemes, and strategies but in the end it resulted to frustrations, short term success, and failures.  A person who lives in sin means a life under the influence or spirit of Satan whose main purposes for coming are to kill, to steal and to destroy.  "There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death" (Proverbs 14:12).  A life away from God is a life full of emptiness and loneliness.

God is love and all who receive him, to them he gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12).  A person can become a child of God if he will sincerely accept Jesus, his only begotten Son to be his Lord and Savior.  The offer of God's salvation is free but it is not cheap cause it cost the very life or blood of Jesus when he offered himself to die on the cross as once and for all offering to God for the forgiveness of sins of men.  Forgiveness means, salvation of the totality of man, that includes his present confused life to a fresh and better life  from the power and punishment of sin or the eternal separation of man from the presence of God.  To be separated from the presence of God is to be in the presence of Satan in hell - the eternal place of torment and extreme painful punishment for eternity.  For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:23; Hebrews 10:10).

The thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy all kinds of relationship of men but Jesus came to give you life and to have this more abundantly (John 10:10).  All mess and issues in life come from the teaching and influence of Satan.  His main purpose now is to destroy man's life including yours'.  He didn't overthrow God because he underestimated the power of his creator that's why he diverted his anger and shame resulted from his defeat to us all cause he knew that we are not God but man - limited and mortal.  Satan knew our weaknesses and he knew where he will attack us.  He will use money, sex, lust of the eyes and mind, power and personal satisfactions to turn us away from God and to be with him in hell for eternity.  Sin is seemingly pleasurable temporarily, but after this, you'll see your life and your relationship with your family are in the midst of mess or separation.  The once happy and harmonious family is now at the brink of collapse.  The children are no longer motivated to study, some are now indulge in different vices, some entered in unwanted relationship, some are now in jail or in rehabilitation centers, counseling sessions, hospital or in the cemetery.  These are now the true picture of life of all people in the world who are living in sin.  And even the people who said that they are Christians, who once so excited in their new found faith, faithful in attending all ministries where the words of God are taught, shared his means to the needy, give his tithes faithfully, share his faith to other people, active in the prayer meeting and other church ministries, on-time in his work and doing his best in his work for the glory of God and others.  But now, all of these or at least, part of these have gone cause he forgot his first love to God.  He was swayed away of the pattern and system of his community and of the world.  He loves the world and its lust more than God.  He is like the prodigal son and unless he comes to realization of his present need and will ask God for forgiveness, he will be drowned into sin and its consequences continually or even to suffer in hell for eternity.  For God is holy and all who say they are children of God must live a holy life too (I Peter 1:16).  "...without holiness no one will see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14).

My friend, if you need to find true meaning and purpose in life, admit to yourself that you need Jesus as your only Savior.  You can't help yourself.  Be humble to say, Lord I need you, I'm asking for your forgiveness, I became proud and thinking that I can manage my life on my own.  My mind and my heart are full of lust and selfishness.  I set you aside and became so engrossed of the things of this world and had no room in my mind about you and your word.  My life is now in the midst of mess.  Help me to fix it again and give me a chance to change.  I'm so sorry and I need you.  I'm now accepting you as my Lord and Savior.  Come into my heart and I will follow you as my Lord, my Savior and my King now and until you come again.  Thank you for your understanding, forgiveness and love and for the eternal life that you promised to all who will receive you as Lord and Savior.  Thank you for the new chance that you gave me to redirect my life for the better and to become like you.  So help me God and thank you so much.

For more messages about new beginning in life, forgiveness and hope, visit our website at or go to our blogs at and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez.  For your suggestions, comments and prayer requests, email us at

PS.  Please memorize at least one bible verse a week to help you become strong and wise in life

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Saturday, July 16, 2016

What Satan and his followers are doing right now?

From the garden of Eden and up to now, Satan was deceiving our forefathers to disobey the commandment of God not to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and they were deceived and ate the fruit.  They disobeyed God which was the starting point of the fall of humanity into sin.  Because of sin, all were died, "For the wages of sin is death, both physical and spiritual or the everlasting separation of man from the presence of God" Romans 3:23.  And the book of John says, "The thief or Satan came here on earth to steal, to kill, and to destroy all relationship, but Jesus came to give life and to have this more abundantly" John 10:10.  Up to now Satan and his followers, the fallen angels are doing their very best quickly for they knew that their end is soon to come and Satan wants that all people on earth will be with him in hell, his permanent tormenting and punishment place for eternity with all whom he may deceive too.

We can't see Satan and the fallen angels but we can know their presence and operations where there are killings, robbery, immorality, worshiping of Satan in some states of the United States of America and the world, legalization of the same-sex marriage, selfishness, unforgiving spirit, lusts, sensuality, focusing of ones mind to get rich, to be on top of the society, adultery, breaking up of so many relationships, unwanted child, drinking of too much wine, legalization of gambling, having a form of godliness but can't forgive his brother or sister or parents, and more.  God created the world and he owns this, Genesis 1 but Satan wants to own it cause he knew that he is the prince of this world II Corinthians 4:4; John 12:31; 14:30.  Satan our enemy prowls like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour I Peter 5:8. He has no any good purpose to mankind except to destroy everything.  All activities that lead people away from God are of the devil, therefore, we should have no part on these.

If Satan is always on the offensive move right now, we as true believers and followers of Jesus Christ should also be in the offensive move and not let ourselves be deceived by his very tricky and evil schemes like what he did to our forefathers and the people today.  We have to be self-controlled and alert I Peter 5:8.  Fill our mind with the words of God regularly Philippians 4:8-18, always pray with
all kinds of prayer I Thessalonians 5:17, change our mind set and renewed our mind to become like Christ and not to conform to the pattern and system of this world Romans 12:1-2, Resist the devil and he flee from you James 4:7, Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth...that your life will become prosperous and successful Joshua 1:8, endure hardships or accept these as God's discipline for he disciplined all his true children for the better until he comes again Hebrews 12:5-6.

We have to strengthen our faith till the second coming of Jesus Christ and focus our eyes on him, the author and finisher or perfecter of our faith.  For our citizenship is in heaven, the place he prepared for all whom he saved through his blood that was shed on the cross Philippians 3:20.  Let us continue to pray that he will find us faithful in obeying his words and be a part of the proclamation of the good news of salvation to all through our lives, personal testimony, good works with love and holiness for the sake of others even without anything in return, lead others to the saving knowledge of Jesus and don't let them to perish in hell for eternity Matthew 25:23; 28:18-20. As our expression of great thanks to the sacrificial act of God through Jesus just to save us from the power of sin and its punishment, let us share this truth also to others as long as we still have the freedom to do it.  As what the message of a song says, "Only one life so soon it will pass, only what's done for Christ will last".  Don't waste the wonderful and great salvation we received by faith through Jesus, the grace of God.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16.

For more messages about life, hope, peace, meaning in life, guide to overcome sin and Satan, visit our website at or go to our blogs at and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez or email us at for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.  Do Pray that our powerful and living God will use also the church that he entrusted to us in order to lead more people to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to strengthen the faith of the believers to overcome so many issues in life and to become fruitful for the kingdom until the second coming of Christ our King.

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Friday, July 1, 2016

Why The Lord Will Answer My Prayer?

Short Background of the Authorship, Date and Recipients Of The Book Of James.

The book was written by the Apostle James, the brother of Jesus in 49 A.D. before the Jerusalem council in 50 A.D.  This was written to the Jewish Christians who were scattered in the Mediterranean world because of the persecutions.  The main focus of this book is to give the believers then and today the practical guidelines to have true understanding of the following: true religion, true faith, and true wisdom.

Hindrances to Answer My Prayer (James 4:1-12).

James wrote the Jewish believers to remind and clarify them the acceptable kind of relationship they should have in the church.  He taught them that God will only hear their prayers if there is no quarreling and fighting among the believers in the church; if there is no killing and covetousness that should exist within just to get something for personal gain; that prayer needs pure motive and not to satisfy one's personal interest; that they should not be friend with the evil system of the world that teaches envy, selfish interest, pride, hard headed attitude, gossip, judgmental attitude and others.  Instead, if they want the Lord will answer their prayers, they should live with humbleness, let love reigns in their personal life, family, church, working relationship and dealing with other people, learn to trust others and not to become judgmental,  don't destroy others integrity because of gossiping or sharing false information, and to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  These are the proofs of a true child and follower of God.

If a Christian lives in sin, he can't resist the devil cause sin is Satan's controlling power in the life of man.  Man and even a Christian will lose his inner strength to say no to temptation.  Unbelievers are already controlled by Satan because of sins in them but if a person truly accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior yet he still living in sin, his position in Christ is questionable and he might not really a child of God.  He accepted Jesus based on different shallow reasons like pressure from the family and other people, personal interest and fear of hell, he is used to have a good life and doesn't want to suffer, and others, not really and wholeheartedly willing to leave his sins, and to suffer and die for Christ.  His decision was motivated by earthly things that last temporarily.  The word of God is very clear to say that all who belong to God hear what God says and they obey his word continually and hold on to these daily John 8:31-32; 47.

Rewards of the true child of God and who obeys his Word faithfully.

First, God will answer his prayer.  He can claim God many promises in his word like in Mark 11:24 that says, "Whatsoever you ask for in prayer, believe that you received it and this will be yours.  Jeremiah 33:3, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know".  Second, he can resist the devil and the devil will flee from him James 4:7.  A true Christian can command Satan to go away from him cause God through his Holy Spirit is living in him and Satan can't touch him.  That is the result if a Christian lives a holy life.  The presence of God will not depart from a true obedient child of God.  He is always strong and victorious in the midst of issues and hardships in life.  Like Job, when great storms in life came to him like the losing of all his wealth, death of all his three daughters and seven sons at the same time, suffering pain physically from head to toe.  He made to overcome all of these and never blamed God nor questioned him why those painful experiences came to him.  He never sinned but had learned to make a wise decision to be faithful to his God and to praise him that's why God restored more than twice everything that were lost from him caused God was so pleased in his life Job 1-42.  Lastly, God will lift him up James 4:10.  Like Joseph, one of the twelve sons of Jacob.  He suffered so much from the hands of his brothers but he remained patient and faced all odds in life.  He became faithful in small things and did his very best to glorify God in all things that he does until the Pharaoh of Egypt made him the next person to his throne caused he found favor to God and Joseph was exalted to the prominent position of power of other land because he lived a holy life.  He pleased God Genesis 37-50.

For more messages about life, death, hope, inner strength, wisdom and others, visit our website at or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou,com and Eugene "EJ" Juarez or fro your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Why God Chose You To Become One Of His Children?

Out of 7.4 billions of people this June 2016, China has 1.4 billions, India has 1.3, U.S.A. has 324 million, Indonesia has 258 million, Brazil has 205 million, Pakistan has 191 million, Nigeria has 188 million, Bangladesh has 162 million, Russia has 141 million, Mexico has 126 million, Japan has 126, Philippines has 103 million and others.  An average of 197,000 births and 82,000 deaths worldwide a day and an average growth of population of 114,000 a day worldwide Worldometers: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division.  Out of the total deaths of 82,000 people worldwide a day, how many souls go to hell and heaven a day?  Based on the book of Matthew 7:13-14, it is very clear that the road going to hell is very wide and broad compared to the road going to heaven which is very narrow and small.  If we will use also the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:1-23,  there are four places where the seed was sown, some fell on the path, some fell on rocky places, some fell among the thorns, and some fell on the good soil.  Considering these two teachings of Jesus, Matthew 7:13-14 gave us a hint that for every recorded deaths daily worldwide, only 10% will go to heaven and 90  will go to hell.  And in Matthew 13:1-23, this gave us a hint that only 25% will go to heaven and 75% will go to hell.  To sum up the two hints and divide these into two, this gives us at least 17.5% of the total deaths daily in the world will go to heaven or 17.5% of 82,000 or 14,350 and 67,650 souls will go to hell.  In a year, 5.2 million will go to heaven and 24,692,250 million will go to hell and this estimates are much lower compared to the estimates recorded and given by the two other credible sources, the and the

The bible says in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life".  God sent his precious Son Jesus to die on the cross of Calvary as a proof that he really care for the salvation of mankind.  He knew the agony and pain all people will experience if he will not do it.  God meant, salvation of mankind and he meant a once and for all sacrifice and death of Jesus as the only acceptable offering to God to satisfy his holiness and that people will be saved from sure punishment.  "For all have sin and fall short of the glory of God."  Romans 3:23.  And "For the wages of sin is death, both physical and spiritual or eternal separation from the presence of God, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Friends, Jesus loves you and he has a wonderful plan in your life.  God doesn't want men to perish in hell as it says in the book of Revelation 21:8, "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars - their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.  This is the second death."  This is also written in details in the book of Paul in Galatians 5:19-21 that says, "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and  debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.  I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."

God wants that all men will repent from their sins.  This means, that man has to admit to himself and to God that he is a sinner and needs forgiveness, confess his sins and make a decisive decision to turn away from sins and to follow the teachings of Jesus written in his words and to live a new life.  The question is, are you ready to receive eternal life and not to suffer the punishment and agony in hell for eternity?  You are the one who will make a decision for you.  Don't wait that it will become too late to make a decision.  Remember that all men who live in sins are not normal people, they are abnormal cause this was not the original plan of God that man should be enslave to sin or be a victim of sin that leads to life without peace, harmony with the family and other people, worried in life and full of negativism, insecure and full of fear.  "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10

To all believers of Christ, God has given us the greatest commission in Matthew 28:18-20,  "Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  This is a commandment and needs our unconditional obedience.  People will perish if nobody will open his mouth to share the good news and we will all be accountable to their blood if we failed to open our mouth and warned them of the impending judgment or punishment if people will not repent Ezekiel 3:16-21. Sixty seven thousand five hundred fifty people are dying everyday without Christ for different reasons.  We are not expected to talk to all the people in our country but we have to share the good news to our loved ones, friends, classmates, and contacts whom we meet in different ways and in different places.  Pray that God will always give us the courage and wisdom and to be faithful in bringing the good news to them daily.  To share Jesus to others is a great privilege and accountability as true followers of Christ.  If we love God, we will love others and will not let them to die without hearing the gospel and have a personal relationship with him.

May the Lord be with you always.

For more messages about eternal life, hell, peace, hope and others, visit our website at or go to our blogs at and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez.  Or email us at for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.