Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Key to go to Heaven

The thief comes only to kill, steal, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full  (John 10:10)

The Key to go to Heaven


     Are you in trouble?  Are you so afraid and no peace?  Are you so anxious and fearful?  Do not blame yourself and do not think that you are alone.  Even the disciples of Jesus were with Him for three years, who taught them personally, who saw many miracles done by their master like raising Lazarus from the dead, who saw the blind to see, the paralytic to walk, the five thousand (5000) men excluding the women and children fed through five (5) loaves of bread and two (2) pieces of fish, and casted out even demons from the body of some people, and other miracles.  Yet they all experienced sadness, fear, anxiousness and negativism in life because Jesus their master will leave them and His physical death is about to come.   The disciples questioned Jesus as follows: Where are you going?  Why can't I follow you?   How can we know the way?  Show us the father!  The disciples questions meant hopelessness and helplessness.  Who is now our leader and teacher?  We gave up everything to follow you, we can't do anything.  To whom shall we go?

     Jesus knew the feelings and thinkings of His disciples that is why He answered, "I am the way the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  (John 14:6)  The disciples were with Jesus for more than three (3) years, but still they became fearful when they knew that Jesus was about to die on the cross.  They found Jesus and were related to Him because they accepted Him by faith  and followed Him.  Yet,  it seems that they have no Jesus.  But everything were changed when Jesus died on the cross and resurrected from the dead after three days.  Their fears and doubts were changed into love, faith, hope and boldness to share the goodnews of salvation to all.  The disciples knew that Jesus's death on the cross and resurrection from the dead mean, life and hope.  Life means, Jesus is the only way to heaven and the only solution to man's problems and loneliness because of life away from God.  Hope means, all our toils here on Earth have meaning because Jesus has prepared us a permanent home in heaven for all who truly accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through faith.  This means, accepting and admitting your sins before and today, asking God's forgiveness of all your sins, turning back from your sins and obeying God's words daily in your life. 

     When Jesus found Mary Magdalene to be stoned by the teachers of the law and people of the Sanhedrin, Jesus bent down to the ground and wrote and told to the people who planned and acted to stone Mary, that whosoever have no sin be the first to stone Mary in obedience to the law, but no one had thrown his or her stone but left Mary Magdalene.  Jesus said to Mary, your sins are forgiven and sin no more.  (John 8:11)  And Mary Magdalene became a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.
     Mary Magdalene knew that a life away from God or a life under the power and slavery to sin means, hopelessness, helplessness and death spiritually.  In Revelation 8:21 said "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic and arts, those who worship idols and all liars- the place for them is the lake burning with fire and sulfur which is the second death." 
     If you want to be freed from your worries, hopelessness, helplessness, loneliness, and eternal punishment into hell, come to Jesus today. Repent from your sins and accept Him as your Lord and Savior.  He is waiting for you and today your sins will be forgiven and will receive eternal life. 
(John 3:16, John 1:12)

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The Key of God's Blessings

Faith that Pleases God
     After a whole day preaching, teaching and healing ministries in the lake of Galilee, Jesus and His disciples withdrew in the evening from the crowd and took a boat to go to other side of the lake to continue His public ministries the following day.  Jesus took a rest and sleep in a cushion.  While Jesus was sleeping, a strong squall came and the waves broke over the boat and almost drown into the lake.  The disciples were so afraid and went to Jesus and woke Him up.  They said to Jesus, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"  (Mark 4:38) 
     Jesus woke up and commanded the wind and the waves to stop, be quiet and still.  Then, the wind and the waves became calm  (V.39).  And Jesus rebuked His disciples and said, why you were so afraid?  Where is your faith?  (V.40).  The disciples were so amazed and asked one another as to who is this man, and why even the strong wind and waves obeyed Him.
     Jesus expected that His disciples are strong enough to face difficulties and trials in life, but they failed Him that is why He asked them "Why are you so afraid?  Do you still have no faith?"  (V.40)
     Jesus seems He wasted His time spent with His disciples.  Jesus has taught them personally through His teachings, miracles, and even His personal life, but still they didn't learned.  What a very frustrating experience for a teacher to know that his/her students do not learn after years of teaching, and this was the feeling of Jesus when they were in the boat.

     They forgot that Jesus was with them in the boat when the strong wind and waves came.  They were so afraid and terrified, because they almost drown and all of them might die.  Their minds were overshadowed and became full of doubts, fear, negativism, and death.  Jesus became their last resort or solution in life.  Dangers became greater than Jesus.  They were almost gave up in their lives. No hope and became restless.  But Jesus has taught them again to put their whole trust in Him (Psalm 3:5-7); not to become anxious (Phil. 4:6-7), but to believe in Him (Mark 11:24).
      That is why when Jesus died on the cross and resurrected from the dead, the disciples realized and understood clearly the teachings, miracles and powers of Jesus.  They moved the world ups and downs; many were healed from their diseases and sicknesses; demons were casted out, many were comforted, motivated and encouraged and became followers of Jesus up to the point that all the Twelve (12) disciples and other disciples were crucified on the cross, upside down, slain by the swords and stones, died in hunger and thirst, put into jail and lions and ferocious animals ate their bodies in the dungeon of death.  They gave up all the wonderful opportunities on Earth and even their lives to Jesus. 
     If you have problems and fears in life, remember that Jesus loves you and always with you whatever difficulties we have in life.  Trust Jesus.  Put all your anxieties upon Him for He cares for you.  (1 Peter 5:7)  If you want to have a more meaningful life and purposeful life, come to Jesus and accept Him as your Lord and Savior.  (John 3:16)     



  • Do you want to know the secrets why God will answer your prayers? Or if you know, share your ideas with to us.

  • What are the reasons why God will not answer your prayers?  Or if you know, share your ideas with to us.

  • How to overcome temptations?  If you know, share your ideas to us.

  • The secrets of Gods blessings?  If you know, share your ideas to us.

      For more questions or free counseling, email us at
