Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What wiil Happen To Your Soul When You Die?

Did you know that the average death worldwide recorded by Ecology Global Network is around 55.3 million a year?  This is 42 % of the total birth rate of 131.4 million a year.  It means that for every minute, there are 105 people die or 6,300 an hour or 151,200 a day (Ecology.com).  Of this estimated data, how many percent of this death daily goes to heaven and goes to hell?

Why we need to give an urgent and importance on this reality?  Is there a death after life or is this just a creation of a very wildest thinking of man?  God has created man in his image and was created as very good and God was so pleased to see his creations in perfect and normal condition.  But because of sin of disobedience, Adam and Eve had put the whole creation of God in ruin, including mankind.  The perfect, beautiful and normal creations of God were and are groaning in pain like a woman who is in the situation of delivering her baby.  "For the wages of sin is death both physical death and spiritual death or eternal separation from the presence of God" (Romans 6:23).   Adam has opened the door to a very awful and painful life to the world and even physical death had first experience by Abel, the younger son  of Adam and Eve.

God knew that because of sin, the world and the whole mankind were in great danger.  The holiness of God must be satisfied to solve the dilemma of death, the wages of sin.  Whatever men tried to do to restore again their broken relationship with God, these resulted to nothing.  "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).  Because of the great mercy and love of God to mankind, he sent Jesus, his only begotten Son to die on the cross as the once and for all offering to satisfy his holiness for the forgiveness of sin, and to save  men from the punishment of sin which is death.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal" (John 3:16).

The good news of God's salvation was prophesied thousand years ago by the prophet Isaiah before the birth of Jesus, was studied intelligently by the three wise men who traveled a distant place to worship the King,  was explained clearly  by the angel of God to Mary and Joseph the meaning of the inception of a child in the womb of Mary, and was announced also by the angel to the shepherds the message of hope and salvation to the hopeless and lonely men.

For thousand years,  God talked and commanded his obedient holy men to bring to the wicked people the message of repentance in order to be saved.  Noah, a devoted and obedient man of God was ridiculed, mocked and was called insane by the people in his generation because of reminding them to repent or face the destruction of their generation through the great flood. They ignored and rejected God's message through Noah and after he and his immediate family and selected animals entered the ark, God closed the big and heavy door of the ark and his judgment through great flood came and all the people who rejected Noah's reminders were all drown into water and died (Genesis 6-9).

History seems true today in our present generation of the 21st  century.  People in all parts of the world have different concerns and stands about the true teachings of the words of God.  Life now becomes so complicated because of the power of Satan to deceive people of many deceptive lustful offers, materialism, ideologies, priorities, values and even needs.  Satan and his followers are doing their very best to deceive all people in the world and lead them away from God.  His main goal is to kill, to steal and to destroy the relationship of man.  He wants all men to be with him in hell knowing that his end and Christ second coming is very near.  We can observe now that the sins in Gomorrah and Sodom, the sins of the people in Noah's time and the sins of the people in our present generations are almost the same but much worst today.

Holy men and women of God are now sacrificing their earthly opportunities in order to obey the call of God to remind the people today to repent from their sins and to obey the words of God.  But still,  majority of the 8.5 billion population of the world today are wicked and their thoughts and minds have no room for God (Psalm 10:4) cause they love to do the very lustful offers of the world, the goodness of materialism, the messages they want to hear that bring good life, success, sensuality, doing the best of the two worlds, immorality, idolatry, and living in hatred, anger, envy, drunkenness and others,  These people can't enter the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21).

If people will insist to live in this crooked way, wait for the much intense punishment of God cause he will no longer destroy again the world through great flood but through fire (II Peter 3:7).

The rich man lived and enjoyed his life on earth and had no regard and concern to live a holy life and to live for the kingdom of God but the poor Lazarus had live a holy life in the midst of poverty.  He put his trust in God and obeyed him till he died.  Both of them died and Lazarus was brought immediately by the angels of God to comfort him in heaven, the place of God and of the holy people like father Abraham, a place of joy, peace, health, happiness.  No more tears, sickness and loneliness.  A place of complete serenity and love (Revelation 21:4).  But the rich man died and he was thrown into the lake of fire.  A place of torment, pain and agony.  He requested father Abraham to bring back Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger to water and to dip to his dry lip and tongue but his request was denied and for the last time, he begged father Abraham to bring Lazarus to life and to go to the house of his father on earth cause he has five brothers that need to be reminded to repent from their sins cause he doesn't want them to be with him in hell too.  But his request was denied again.  Father Abraham told him that Moses and the prophets are there already and Lazarus can't be brought into life again.  It is up to his brothers weather they will believe or not (Luke:16:19-31).

Brothers and sisters all over the world, death will surely come to all of us,  don't be deceived by Satan and his followers.  The words of God are very clear and you have to listen and believe.  Turn away from your sins and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Admit to yourself that you are a sinner also and one of the reasons why Jesus died on the cross.  Confess your sins to God, ask for his forgiveness, turn away from these and obey the words of God daily.  If you will receive Jesus today, he will forgive you and will count you as one of his children (John 1:12).  As a child of God, you will have eternal life and will no longer be judged and to be thrown into hell to suffer pain, to be tormented and be punished for eternity.  Don't sacrifice your 85 years on earth for eternity.  Make a wise decision today.  Jesus loves you and has wonderful plan in your life.  He wants you to be with him in heaven for eternity.

For more biblical messages about life, death, forgiveness, hope and peace, visit our website in savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugene "EJ" Juarez.  or email me at agn623@gmail.com for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.

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