Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How To Be Free From Financial Bondage, Worries And Cares In Life?

The top ten concerns or biggest problems of men worldwide today are the following: #1 is, Poverty, Hunger and lack of drinking water.  #2 is, Climate Change, #3 is, Economic condition.  #4 is, International Terrorism.  #5 is, Availability of Energy.  #6 is, The Increasing Global population.  #7 Spread Of Infectious Disease.  Tied #7 Armed Conflict.  #9 Proliferation Of Nuclear Weapons.  #10 Don't Know (Eurobarometer Report.

Of these concerns today, it seems that people worldwide have mixed negative perceptions and feelings about these and we're so thankful that a lot of concerned people are trying to do something to find solutions to these many challenges that the world is facing today. And we have to be a part of this great task.

Of these issues we're having right now, do you believe that people's broken spirituality or relationship with our Creator, the holy loving God is the main issue why we have all of these today?  The book of Psalm 81:13-14, 16 says, "If my people would but listen to me, If Israel would follow my ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!  And you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you."  God reminded Israel to listen to his words and to obey these daily.  Israelite have to turn away from worshiping idols and from living in all kinds of sins which hinder him to help them.  Sin is the only thing God can't do cause he is holy and all his people should live a holy life (I Peter 1:16). A life of holiness is a life that is pleasing to God and without holiness no one can see God (Hebrews 12:14).

All of these challenges listed above are just the results of sin that's why God sent Jesus his only begotten Son on earth to live a life of complete obedience to the will of the Father even to die on the cross of shame and agony at Calvary just to save men from the power of sin and from its' punishment  - painful life here on earth and eternal separation of man from God which is hell.  All the above issues are just the foretaste of hell.  God made already the solution to restore ones again the fallen situation of men because of sin and that is Jesus.  He came here to meet our physical and spiritual needs.

Man should acknowledge that he has no way to solve these gigantic issues on earth and if he will continue to resist and reject his calling to repent and to obey his words, the world's sure destiny is complete destruction.  The world will be destroyed no longer through great flood during the time of Noah because of disobedience of the people and only his family with choice animals saved from that great flood (Genesis 6-8).  And now, the same message of repentance is heard worldwide to repent and to obey the words of God, the surest way to solve the issues we have now today and to avoid the pending destruction of the present world through fire (II Peter 3:10).

Let us hold on to the words of God for his words are right and true and he is faithful in all he does (Psalm 33:4).  All the plans of God for mankind are all good because we were all created in his image and because he loved us since the beginning of time, today and tomorrow.  He is just waiting for all the people worldwide to listen and to obey to his words for he is our God who is powerful, loving and holy.  He sent his only Son Jesus to the world to give us life and to have this more abundantly but Satan came here to kill, to steal and to destroy (John 10:10).  God knew that people worldwide are so tired, full of sadness, filled with emptiness and Jesus words in Matthew 11:28 says, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Jesus is the starting point of good life here in this life in preparation for the life everlasting in heaven.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).  Jesus is calling you to come and you will have true joy, peace and hope in life. He is the only way, the truth an the life.  No one can come to the Father except through him (John 14:6).   Invite Jesus to come into your heart and accept him as your Lord and Savior.  Let him be the king of your life, turn away from your sins and obey his words.  True and complete restoration of the broken world will start from having a personal relationship of man with Jesus.

For more biblical messages about life, peace, joy and hope in life, visit our website at or go to our blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez.  You can send also your comments, suggestions and prayer requests to our email address at

God bless you all.

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