Tuesday, February 28, 2017
What Is Your Goal For Your Family?
Everyday, we hear negative news around the world in the television, laptop, cellphones, newspapers, forums, social media and others the continuous tearing apart of many families in our present time. The rate of the following like divorce, juvenile delinquency, unwanted pregnancy, drop outs from school, drunkenness, using and selling of drugs, gambling, killing, robbery, poverty and others are mostly related to the eroding of the family ties today. As a member of a family, the smallest unit of a society that affects the stability, peaceful, joyful and hopeful life of a nation and of the world, what can you contribute to minimize at least these gigantic problems each country is facing now? We know that nobody can eat or swallow a big bread in a minute but rather, it should be eat little by little to consume it all smoothly. We can't solve the big issues around us at once or in overnight but we can solve it little by little by focusing first in our own home. Here are some helpful guides from the words of God:
First, let us believe and submit to the authority of the bible or the words of God as the only true blueprint to restore the broken lives of people and of the family. The bible says in II Timothy 3:16-17, "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work".
Second, let us be reminded that the original plan of God for the world and for the family was excellent, a life full of joy, peace, harmony, full of blessings materially and orderliness. But because of sin of disobedience of our forefathers - Adam and Eve, this wonderful plan was tainted and almost destroyed. And now, all men around the world are suffering so much cause of the entering of different issues that were the results of sin. Satan will never stop to do his evil desires and wicked aspirations and of his blind eyes and mind to dethrone the Triune God and is continue and will go on to lead astray all even the believers through his devilish schemes from their faith in God, just to be with him in his kingdom in hell. For this reason, God sent his faithful followers, the prophets, the preachers, the teachers and his faithful children to remind the people in old days to repent but still, they ignored this effort and do everything evil before the eyes of a living and holy God and most of them were ridiculed, mocked and killed by these wicked people until God has sent his only Son Jesus to remind them personally to repent from their sins through his preaching and teaching ministries and even to do miracles of healing and casting out demons just to open their eyes for their need of a Savior from sure death - an eternal separation of man from the presence of God.
Jesus obeyed his Father our God and he offered his life to die on the cross in order to save people from the power and punishment of sin. The world today is in deep chaos and people will continue to live in wickedness but we have to praise God cause there is a Savior who came here on earth and his name is Jesus. He came here to give us life and to have this more abundantly (John 10:10). "To all who received him to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God" (John 1;12-13) There is freedom and life in Jesus (John 14:6; John 3:16). Repent, and believe in the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you will be saved, you and your household(Acts 16:31; Revelation 3:20).
Third, obey the words of God. There is nothing to lose when a person obeys God! Apostle Paul has given these a must instructions to the family: First to the children and he said, "Children obey and honor your parents in everything which is good for this is right and pleasing to God (Ephesians 6:1; Colossians 3:20 God wants the best for his creation and for us and our parents are just relaying what they received and had experienced to be loved and this love is the one that they are sharing to us as their children. If the child asks bread from his parents, shall they give them stone? Or if he asks for a fish, shall he give him snake? (Matthew 7:9-10).All the parents even they have many faults and weaknesses, know how to give good things to their children, how much more then our heavenly Father who is good and he is just using our parents to train us in the way we should go to save us all from sure sadness, failures, discouragement or even death brought by wayward live which is the result of disobedience and intentional negligence of the parents (Proverbs 22:6). To obey our parents means, to love and to respect them. A life away from sins of selfishness, envy, pride, lust of the eyes, hatred, unforgiving spirit, spirit of competition, too much love on material things, no respect to God and his words, no time for God and destroying his or her life which is not of him but of God. God owns your life and we have no right to destroy it. For the unbelievers God owns you through creation and you didn't create yourself. You are pretender, a robber and a killer if you own which is not yours and you're destroying it through disobedience to his words. A person who lives in sin, needs a Savior who will free him from the power of sin and save him from the punishment of sin (Romans 3:23; 6:23).
For the believers, God owns you twice, in his creation (Genesis 1) and at the cross where Jesus died (I Peter 1:24). The Holy Spirit who is also God lives in you when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He is the temple of your body (I Corinthians 6:19; 3:16) and you have no right to live in sin but to obey the words God - to live in holy loving life. There is promise of material blessings and will enjoy long life here on earth to those children who will obey faithfully their parents. Obedience to parents, is obedience to God and he is pleased in the lives of the obedient children (Ephesians 6:3; Colossians 3:20) Second, to all the fathers, "do not exasperate or embitter your children because of your way of living and harsh words which are not pleasing to God and to the eyes of your children which will surely cause them not to respect you and thet will be discouraged and less motivated in life that will surely lead them to low performance in school, early marriage, might become a victim of vices, unwanted child, a life of shame for you and for him, depression that might lead to suicidal action that will bring you sorrow (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:20).
If you love God, your children and yourself, do what it says in Ephesians 6:4 "... but bring them up in the training and instructions of the Lord". Your duty is not just to provide food, education and other things for them but to guide them and to do everything even it costs all you have, just to help them know God through his words and to grow in it that they will become like Christ in words and in deeds. You have to love God and his words before you can guide and lead them to a life which is pleasing to God. "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will never depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6) Lastly, to all mothers, "submit to your husbands as is fitting to the Lord" (Colossians 3:18) Be supportive in all good things that he does, be kind to him in deeds and in your words, be calm and control tongue and yourself when you talk to him, be kind, understanding, humble before his eyes and your children that will truly pleases our God. Be prayerful and love the words of God for him, your children for the glory of God. The book Proverbs 31:30 says, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised".
If Jesus and his words of love and holiness is at the center of the family, expect a happy and joyful and peaceful life. Parents and children obey the words of God and be a blessing to other family and individuals. Be an agent of love and holiness of God. And whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, do these all for the glory of God (Colossians 3:17) Our goal is to help restore the families that are destroyed and experiencing issues that will crumble their relationship. Pray hard for them and let them see Christ in our lives. Be a living example to all and let them experience the love and holiness of our holy loving God (Matthew 5:16)
For more biblical messages about family, visit our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugene "EJ" Juarez or email me at agn623@gmail.com for your comment, suggestions and prayer requests. For free counseling and prayer, feel free to email me. God bless you all!
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