In Romans 6:1-14, Apostle Paul has reminded the believers in Rome to count themselves dead to sin and alive in Christ. Paul knew their spiritual condition through the news he heard from different people also in the church. Paul is always so concerned to the stability of the faith of the believers of all the churches he established thinking that he is not always present with them physically and able to watch them cause of the very nature of his missionary work, the growing numbers of churches he visited and his physical limitations like aging, illness and even death.
He responded and explained this truth by using one of the ordinances of the church, which is baptism. He clarified that once a person accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, he will follow the command of Christ in his greatest commission to his disciples in the book of Matthew 28:18-20 that says, Go ye therefore and preach the gospel and baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all things that I commanded them to do... In water baptism, the follower of Jesus has decided with all his heart to tell or to announce to the believers that he is now one with them in faith and he is now willing to follow all the teachings of Jesus Christ by drowning into water which symbolizes of being united with Christ in his death for the sin of men and by raising him him up from the water which means, that he is willing wholeheartedly to live in obedience to all the teachings of Jesus Christ, to live by faith, complete trust in God's promises and to live a holy loving life as his new way of life and be ready and willing to suffer and to die as a bearer of his name and to stand for the the truth.
As what it says in Romans 6:5-7, "If we have united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection. For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slave to sin - because anyone who has died has been freed from sin." A true follower of Christ has counted himself as dead already into sin when he obeyed in water baptism as an expression of his faith to Christ. Sin is no longer his master for the Father of sin is Satan and all who live in sin have no strength and power to overcome sin because he or she is still living in it. He surrendered his old nature or self, character, values and mind to Christ' teaching to live a holy life and become a loving person. A person can't live a new life without counting himself by faith as dead to sin. There is no resurrection of the body unless a person has died into sin.
One of the very clear example of this truth is found in I John 3:15 that says, "Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him." Cain killed his brother Abel cause his mind and deeds were evil. No child of God will make a decision to take the life of other person because of jealousy, position, money and prestige just to satisfy oneself desire of applause, credits, and material things. A true child of God knows how to forgive cause God has forgave us. But those who didn't experienced the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ can't love and forgive others, even his sister or brother. That's why before you offer your gift to the house of the Lord and you know that you have something against your brother or sister, go first to him or her and be reconciled. Ask for forgiveness and be cleansed before you give your offering to the Lord (Matthew 5:24).
Don't waste our life in anything that will not please our God and Creator. "Only one life so soon it will pass. Only what's done for Christ will last" (Unquoted Song). Always be reminded of the ultimate meaning of life in the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 that says, "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment , including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil".
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Jesus Loves You And He Has A Wonderful Plan In Your Life.
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