Monday, October 31, 2016

What Does The Bible Say About The Soul of A Dead Person?

One of the tests to know whether the law of gravity works or  not is by throwing a hard or soft object upward and then see that it goes back to the ground.  The same truth is also found in the book of Galatians 6:7, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows".

In the book of Luke 16:19-31,  Jesus taught his disciples a parable about how to have a right attitude to handle wealth.  This parable was used to rebuke the Pharisees, teachers of the law and other people who have too much love to their wealth and neglecting the true teaching of Jesus to help, feed, and uplift the poor for God has regard for the weak (Psalm 41:1).  We'll ask why the rich man went to a tormenting place and suffered so much endlessly in hell after his death while the poor man was escorted by the angels in the bosom of Abraham or in heaven, a permanent beautiful and blissful place he'll live forever.

The rich man lived daily enjoying his wealth and he neglected the flight of a poor person Lazarus who comes to his gate daily to wait for the left over food from his table cause he is hungry.  The rich had no regard for the need for the poor cause he does not love God (Psalm 10:4) and his dependence was on his wealth (I Timothy 6:17). He is like the young rich ruler who came to Jesus and asked, Rabbi, what should I need to do to inherit eternal life?  Jesus said, sell all your possessions and give these to the poor.  But he became so sad and left Jesus.  He didn't obey the words of Jesus.  While the poor man Lazarus was thrown by the society in a dumping place for the poor and his only thing he did everyday was to look for food for his sustenance.  He has sores and not even qualified to work for other people cause of his physical ailment.  His hope and dependence are in God's provisions and help.  God is his only hope to survive in life (Proverbs 3:5-7).

God's holiness, love and justice were seen visibly and the rich man violated these through the kind of life he has shown in the parable.  The two men wrote their own story and had decided for their own destiny.  If you disobeyed the teaching of Jesus like the kind of life the rich man did when he had all the opportunities to live a life of faith in obedience to the will of God, he should not be in the tormenting place where he is up to now.  It shows only that the soul of a person who rejected the call of God through his faithful men and women to repent and to turn away from his sins in order to inherit the kingdom of God was missed cause of disbelief and disobedience.  He tried to be comforted and be refreshed even temporarily but his request from father Abraham was denied.  He tried for the second time to save his five brothers so that they will not be tormented too as how he is experiencing in hell by requesting again father Abraham to send Lazarus back in life and remind his brothers personally to repent from their sins but he failed again cause all the prophets and even Moses were there already during their times.  Its' up to the people whether they will respond in faith and repent from their sins or not cause they have the free will to decide for themselves.

Lazarus on the other hand was escorted by the angels in Abraham's bosom or heaven not because he is a  poor but because he put his whole trust in God and lived a life pleasing to his sight.  His soul went immediately in heaven, a place where there is no longer thirst and hunger, no more sickness and other issues in life and all are joyful and complete happiness in the presence of a loving and holy God (Revelation 21:4).

Brothers and sisters, the Lord is calling us to heed and to listen to his call through his words to repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.  His second coming is very near.  The words of God in John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.  That whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".  Come to me all of you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest from all your cares (Matthew 11:28-30).  "Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me (Revelation 3:20).  Don't waste your great opportunities God has given you.  If you're wise like king Solomon, you'll choose the best for you and others.

For more messages about life, death, hope, joy, love, strong marriage life and others, please visit our website in go to our blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez.  For your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at

May our good and loving God bless you and keep you all always.

Forgiven life, the road to greatness

Saturday, October 22, 2016

When The Opportunity To Change Your Life For The Better Comes, What Will You Do?

What kind of opportunity you're waiting for?  What if that opportunity you do believe is for you comes, what will you do?  In Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus told a parable to his followers and people about the kingdom of heaven that a king has prepared a big banquet for his son who is about to be married.  He commanded then his servant to invite his guests like his families, friends and contacts to attend the wedding but all of them didn't make to attend for different reasons.  For the second time, he ordered his servants to remind all his invited guests to come cause he prepared a special food like oxen and fattened calf for the wedding but still, they didn't come for different reasons.  The king was so dismayed,  and has ordered his servants to go to the streets and corners to invite others like the dumb, lepers, poor, the outcasts and others to attend the prepared wedding.
Those who were first invited to attend the very special occasion, have rejected it and had so many reasons to disregard this opportunity.  Not only they disregarded the invitation, they killed even the servant whom the king was sent to inform them of that great invitation or opportunity.

This parable talks about the rejection of the Jewish people, the chosen nation of God to accept Jesus as the gift of God to save them from the power and punishment of sin (Matthew 1:21).  He came here on earth for his own people but his own didn't receive him (John 1:11).  Because of the Jewish people's hardheadedness, salvation was offered to the Gentiles like us (Romans 1:16; 9:1-3).

Because of the Jewish unbelief, they chose to obey the teaching and tradition of man and allowed their minds to be blinded by Satan (Acts 5:29; II Corinthians 4:4).  They intentionally rejected their Messiah, their only Savior spiritually and not as what they perceived the action should be done by their expected Messiah as the one who will liberate them from the hands of the cruel system of the Roman Empire that caused their economic lives so difficult (Matthew 21:1-11).  The people who shouted "Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" were also the people who shouted, release Barabbas and crucify Jesus, as the pretender Messiah!

Because of Israel's unbelief and hardheadedness, salvation was offered to us Gentiles.  The chosen nation's wickedness has opened the door of salvation to us (Romans 11:25).  This should not lead us to become proud but to be thankful for the grace that is shared for all people in the world to receive this salvation that was rejected by the Jewish people and until such time that the good  news will be preached to all the nations.

Gentiles - fellow Filipinos, Americans and all the people around the world, let us be thankful for the wonderful privilege to be a recipient of the precious free gift of salvation that was offered first to the Jewish people but because of their unbelief, they rejected and killed instead the best gift of God who is Jesus, the Savior of the world.  Since God has opened this precious gift of salvation to us Gentiles, be joyful and thankful and not to be like the Jewish people but if we'll still insist to harden also our hearts and mind, the same fate will come to us.  Let us learned from the mistakes that the Jewish people did and let us open our hearts and mind to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

In the book of John 3:16 says very clearly that "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.  That whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".  God knew that all the human efforts of man to restore again his broken relationship to God  was very impossible, "For all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).  God himself has initiated to bring this restoration to men or else all men will die spiritually or will suffer the agony and pain of his soul to the eternal separation of men from the presence of God.  Hell is the eternal punishment that awaits those who will live in sin and will reject the precious gift of eternal life.  "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:23).

Man needs to make an intelligent decision to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior.  The meaning of this statement are the following:  First, it means that man needs to accept that he is a sinner and that he is one of the reasons why God has sent Jesus on earth to die on the cross.  Second, is to admit that he sinned against God.  He violated the holiness of God and he is worthy to die on the cross or to receive the punishment due to every sinner.  Third, make a decisive decision to turn away from his sin or sin no more as what Jesus said to Mary Magdalene in John 8:11.  Sin is no longer his master cause he was forgiven already.  The only logical and acceptable action on the part of a sinner who received forgiveness.  And lastly, is to ask God's help to live a new life which is now possible to do because of the presence of the Holy Spirit who will guide a believer in all the truth through his written words in the bible II Corinthians 5:17.

Brothers and sisters, Jesus said in Revelation 3:20, "Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door.  I will come in and eat with him, and he with me"  It is your personal decision that matters and will determine your destination in life.  You have to make an intelligent decision today.  God has promised in John 1:12 that says, "Yet to all who receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave them the right to become children of God".

Your new meaning and purpose in life will start only once you invited him to come into your heart and make Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  He will free you from the power and punishment of sin, you will receive eternal life, you can do all things through Christ who will give you strength, you will have the wisdom and strength to overcome worries, fears, negativism in life, you will have joy, peace and hope here on earth and these will be completed when we all come to heaven - a place of complete life, no more tears, pain, sickness and even death.

May the grace and love of our living and holy God be with you always.

For more messages about life, death, freedom from worries, fears, victory over temptation, dating, happy family, healing from sickness and others, visit our website in and or go to our blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez.  And for you suggestions, comments and prayer requests, email us at

Thursday, October 13, 2016

How Will I Know That God Is Truly Please In My Life?

In Romans 6:1-14,  Apostle Paul has reminded the believers in Rome to count themselves dead to sin and alive in Christ.  Paul knew their spiritual condition through the news he heard  from different people also in the church.  Paul is always so concerned to the stability of the faith of the believers of all the churches he established thinking that he is not always present with them physically and able to watch them cause of the very nature of his missionary work, the growing numbers of churches  he visited and his physical limitations like aging, illness and even death.

 He responded and explained this truth by using one of the ordinances of the church, which is baptism.  He clarified that once a person accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, he will follow the command of Christ in his greatest commission to his disciples in the book of Matthew 28:18-20 that says, Go ye therefore and preach the gospel and baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all things that I commanded them to do...  In water baptism, the follower of Jesus has decided with all his heart to tell or to announce to the believers that he is now one with them in faith and he is now willing to follow all the teachings of Jesus Christ by drowning into water which symbolizes of being united with Christ in his death for the sin of men and by raising him him up from the water which means, that he is willing wholeheartedly to live in obedience to all the teachings of Jesus Christ, to live by faith, complete trust in God's promises and to live a holy loving life as his new way of life and be ready and willing to suffer and to die as a bearer of his name and to stand for the the truth.

As what it says in Romans 6:5-7, "If we have united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection.  For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slave to sin - because anyone who has died has been freed from sin."  A true follower of Christ has counted himself as dead already into sin when he obeyed in water baptism as an expression of his faith to Christ.  Sin is no longer his master for the Father of sin is Satan and all who live in sin have no strength and power to overcome sin because he or she is still living in it.  He surrendered his old nature or self, character, values and mind to Christ' teaching to live a holy life and become a loving person.  A person can't live a new life without counting himself by faith as dead to sin.  There is no resurrection of the body unless a person has died into sin.

One of the very clear example of this truth is found in I John 3:15 that says, "Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him."  Cain killed his brother Abel cause his mind and deeds were evil.  No child of God will make a decision to take the life of other person because of jealousy, position, money and prestige just to satisfy oneself desire of applause, credits, and material things.  A true child of God knows how to forgive cause God has forgave us.  But those who didn't experienced the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ can't love and forgive others, even his sister or brother.  That's why before you offer your gift to the house of the Lord and  you know that you have something against your brother or sister, go first to him or her and be reconciled.  Ask for forgiveness and be cleansed before you give your offering to the Lord (Matthew 5:24).

Don't waste our life in anything that will not please our God and Creator.  "Only one life so soon it will pass.  Only what's done for Christ will last" (Unquoted Song). Always be reminded of the ultimate meaning of life in the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 that says, "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter:  Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.  For God will bring every deed into judgment , including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil".

For more messages about life, death, joy, peace, hope and others, visit our website at or go to our blogs in and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez and email me at for your comments, suggestions.  Visit also our facebook in Jesus Is Lord Global Ministry -Yonkers and go to our page about prayer for the sick and counseling.

Jesus Loves You And He Has A Wonderful Plan In Your Life.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How To Be Free From Financial Bondage, Worries And Cares In Life?

The top ten concerns or biggest problems of men worldwide today are the following: #1 is, Poverty, Hunger and lack of drinking water.  #2 is, Climate Change, #3 is, Economic condition.  #4 is, International Terrorism.  #5 is, Availability of Energy.  #6 is, The Increasing Global population.  #7 Spread Of Infectious Disease.  Tied #7 Armed Conflict.  #9 Proliferation Of Nuclear Weapons.  #10 Don't Know (Eurobarometer Report.

Of these concerns today, it seems that people worldwide have mixed negative perceptions and feelings about these and we're so thankful that a lot of concerned people are trying to do something to find solutions to these many challenges that the world is facing today. And we have to be a part of this great task.

Of these issues we're having right now, do you believe that people's broken spirituality or relationship with our Creator, the holy loving God is the main issue why we have all of these today?  The book of Psalm 81:13-14, 16 says, "If my people would but listen to me, If Israel would follow my ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!  And you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you."  God reminded Israel to listen to his words and to obey these daily.  Israelite have to turn away from worshiping idols and from living in all kinds of sins which hinder him to help them.  Sin is the only thing God can't do cause he is holy and all his people should live a holy life (I Peter 1:16). A life of holiness is a life that is pleasing to God and without holiness no one can see God (Hebrews 12:14).

All of these challenges listed above are just the results of sin that's why God sent Jesus his only begotten Son on earth to live a life of complete obedience to the will of the Father even to die on the cross of shame and agony at Calvary just to save men from the power of sin and from its' punishment  - painful life here on earth and eternal separation of man from God which is hell.  All the above issues are just the foretaste of hell.  God made already the solution to restore ones again the fallen situation of men because of sin and that is Jesus.  He came here to meet our physical and spiritual needs.

Man should acknowledge that he has no way to solve these gigantic issues on earth and if he will continue to resist and reject his calling to repent and to obey his words, the world's sure destiny is complete destruction.  The world will be destroyed no longer through great flood during the time of Noah because of disobedience of the people and only his family with choice animals saved from that great flood (Genesis 6-8).  And now, the same message of repentance is heard worldwide to repent and to obey the words of God, the surest way to solve the issues we have now today and to avoid the pending destruction of the present world through fire (II Peter 3:10).

Let us hold on to the words of God for his words are right and true and he is faithful in all he does (Psalm 33:4).  All the plans of God for mankind are all good because we were all created in his image and because he loved us since the beginning of time, today and tomorrow.  He is just waiting for all the people worldwide to listen and to obey to his words for he is our God who is powerful, loving and holy.  He sent his only Son Jesus to the world to give us life and to have this more abundantly but Satan came here to kill, to steal and to destroy (John 10:10).  God knew that people worldwide are so tired, full of sadness, filled with emptiness and Jesus words in Matthew 11:28 says, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Jesus is the starting point of good life here in this life in preparation for the life everlasting in heaven.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).  Jesus is calling you to come and you will have true joy, peace and hope in life. He is the only way, the truth an the life.  No one can come to the Father except through him (John 14:6).   Invite Jesus to come into your heart and accept him as your Lord and Savior.  Let him be the king of your life, turn away from your sins and obey his words.  True and complete restoration of the broken world will start from having a personal relationship of man with Jesus.

For more biblical messages about life, peace, joy and hope in life, visit our website at or go to our blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez.  You can send also your comments, suggestions and prayer requests to our email address at

God bless you all.