In the book of Mathew 9:35-38, he wrote the daily schedules of Jesus as being preoccupied of the non-stop and urgent ministry of preaching and teaching about the kingdom of God which is open and available to all who will truly believe in him. He taught them many wonderful and very important teachings about repentance, life, forgiveness and others that leads to life and one of these is the beatitudes or who are the blessed today which is written in Matthew 5:1-12. His ministry was coupled and confirmed of his healing of various sicknesses and miracles that were shocked the people of the power of Jesus that led them to find joy, purpose, meaning and hope in life, but envy, shame and anger to the enemies of the gospel like the Pharisees, Sadducees and others. He found compassion to the crowds who are harassed, hopeless and helpless in life that even their system is evil which is caused by sin. The population during that time was around 300 million and Jesus was so concerned on the vast numbers of people that he compared to the harvest that are ripe and need to be harvested. Jesus saw the need for more faithful followers who will lead the needy people to be freed from the power of sin, its punishment, and even from the evil system that make their lives in mess (Mathew 9:35-38). He opened the eyes of his faithful disciples for the need of more workers to harvest the vast numbers of crops that are ripe. He encouraged them to pray to the Lord of the harvest to become more faithful in doing his will to lead the people to the saving knowledge of Jesus and to send more workers to work with them continuously until the last man on earth comes to his fold cause God doesn't want that even the last one here on earth will perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
How much more now that the world's population is almost 8 billion people as compared to 300 million during the time of Jesus. This message of urgency and big need for more workers to bring the good news of salvation to all is still the calling up to this very hour. What is your response to this untiring calling of God? God did his part of salvation through his Son Jesus and the harvest is still going on. The population now of the world is much bigger compared before, people are getting more wicked and their minds have no room for the words of God that need workers who will sacrifice everything just to be a part of a big mission of bringing them to repentance and to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus, for the second coming of the Lord Jesus is at hand. This is the right time to respond and to be a part of this great commission.
Here are the things that you can do in response to his calling: First, pray daily for the names of the people and your contacts within your reach that the gospel of good news will be shared to them and that the Holy Spirit will convict them of their sins, to repent, to believe and to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Second, show the love and care of Jesus through doing good to them always and don't expect anything in return. Third, pray unceasingly that the Lord will send more workers to preach and to teach the good news. Fourth, support financially all efforts of your church, organizations and or individuals who have clear focus and program to reach the souls and to strengthen their faith. Lastly, pray that God will give you the courage to share the good news to your loved ones and contacts or let yourself be willing to accept the challenge to sacrifice all things just to follow Jesus and to do his will to share the gospel till his coming. Are you ready and willing to be a part of this calling in Matthew 28:18-20 that says, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
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