Friday, May 13, 2016

How To Become Effective And Productive In Life?

Are you fulfilled in life?  Did you find your true purpose, destiny and real meaning why you were born?  Your presence here on earth is not an accident or a failure of your parents or of yourself, all things have noble purpose.  The Psalmist says in Psalm 139:13-14, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."  You are special and so valuable.  Life is so precious cause this comes from God.  He created you for a purpose and you have a special role in life to do.  "God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female."  Genesis 1:27.  Some were born with defects, incomplete parts of the body, ugly in the eyes of men but still, they were created in God's image and the life in them is so precious and valuable.  Life can't be bought and only our Creator, our God owns this and you and I are blessed cause he entrusted you and me of a very precious life that even a combined value of gold and richest of this world can't outweigh this gift of life in us.  How Nick Vujicic, a man who has no arms and legs became so fulfilled, useful and fruitful in his life?  (See his video in google part 1 and 2 - Nick Vujicic - Preacher with no arms and legs...).

You have to acknowledge and to accept that God owns you,  that he created you in his image, that he made you and knitted you in your mother's womb wonderfully and perfectly, that your mind works harmoniously and can think and analyze complicated things, that you can make your own decision, that you can create a lot of things for yourself, family, and others, that you came here on earth for a noble reason and that you have something to do for others as your legacy before you die and for the glory of God.

Before you become effective and productive in life, you have to be connected again to the source of life - both physical and spiritual.  Why you have to be connected again?  It is because of sin that's why all the beautiful and wonderful plan of God to man was tainted or destroyed.  For the wages of sin is death, both physical and spiritual death or the eternal separation of man from the presence of God or hell ( Romans 6:23, Revelation 21:8).  God's provision to save man from the power of sin and its punishment was solved through the once and for all death of Jesus, the only Son of God.  God sent his Son on earth to live on earth and to die on the cross to save man from sin (Matthew 1:21).  "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  (John 3:16).  Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior through faith.  You have to admit that you are a sinner - the reasons why Jesus died on the cross, confess your sins to God, and promise him that you will turn away from sins and ask his grace to give you strength to learn his words and apply these in your life today and onward until the second coming of Christ.  If you will truly do this and make a decision to believe Jesus and to accept him as your Lord and Savior, you will have eternal life and now you will be called, a child of God (John 1:12).

Once you belong to God's children, your new way of thinking or pattern in life will be guided by the following:  First, Add to your new found faith goodness or righteousness.  This refers to your thinking about right that expresses in all acts of being merciful and helpful that are beneficial to others;  Second, Add to your goodness, knowledge.  You have to know the word of God for this is the only source of truth that will set man free from fear, worries, wrong beliefs that lead to death.   Love his words and study this diligently (Joshua 1:8); Third, Add to your knowledge, self-control.  This is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit that is in you when you truly accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  One way of understanding this is by taming your tongue (James 3:1-12).  You can't use your tongue to praise God and to use it by sending false information to others and destroy their reputation in the community;  Fourth, Add to your self-control, perseverance.  Perseverance means, persistent or steadfastness in doing things even these are difficult to do and this might require additional time until the tasks will finish or accomplish.  No turning back and your mind is determined to finish it.  Joseph the dreamer went through many hardships in life before he became a leader of Egypt next to Pharaoh (Genesis 37-50);  Fifth, Add to your perseverance, godliness.  The ten commandments  in the Old Testament were summarized into two in the New Testament:  Love your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength and the second is to love your neighbor as your self (Luke 10:27);  Sixth, Add to your godliness, brotherly kindness.  There is no other clear example of this word except the love and forgiveness of the Father to his prodigal son that after he squandered all the money he got from his father as inheritance even he is still alive, the father accepted his repentant son whom the older brother didn't accept and forgive;  Lastly, Add to your brotherly kindness, love.  To die sacrificially for your enemy is the highest kind of act of showing love of a  person who truly experienced the love and forgiveness of God.  This is the meaning of true love (I Corinthians 13).

This is the only sure way all true believers of Jesus Christ can do to become fruitful and productive in every endeavor in life.  A life without Jesus, is a life of futility and nothingness.  You will become more lonely, empty and frustrated.  Life has no meaning and purpose.  But a life connected with Jesus or a life with a personal relationship with Jesus as his Lord and Savior,  all things will become meaningful and his services will become an act of worship that is acceptable and pleasing to God.  And if you will obey the truth listed above, you can expect that you will become fruitful and productive in life (II Peter 1:5-9).

For more messages about life, death, meaning and purpose in life,  how to overcome temptation and others, visit our website at or go to our blogs at and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez.  For your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at

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