What are the proofs that you truly love yourself? First, when you were still a baby, you wanted to have all the comforts that's why you were crying to get the attention of your parents. You needed to be fed and when you were full, you then slept the most hours that you can because you love to do it and you've felt the need to do it.. You wanted the full attention of your parents and felt so secured and loved whenever you feel their touch. You've always longing for their love and comfort. Second, Your need of love and comfort increased by your longing for being accepted by other kids of your age like your playmates, cousins, friends, schoolmates and others. You wanted to feel continuously the love and comfort that you felt when you were just a baby. Aside from having toys that you love, candies that you like, beautiful clothes, shoes, bags, pencil, games, nice scenery and others, you were always still looking for acceptance and community. Third, When you were in the grades school onward, and your mind is trained to love education, book, and learning, your need was then elevated more. You wanted to achieve your dream to become somebody or useful in the future. You wanted to prove something, to find yourself and to have a sense of fulfillment through personal accomplishment. You realized as student to stand on your own feet and reduced your dependence on your parents, others and to be of help to others to have fulfillment in life. Fourth, When you finished your college and pass the board examination and made to get a nice paying job and knew your capacity to help your parents financially, help to support the studies of your brothers and sisters and help others, you were then thinking to have a family that you've felt as one of the last moves to be done in life that will give complete meaning in your life. You've spent more time to work hard because you wanted to give the best education to your children as your investment for their future. Lastly, After you've set and placed everything in order, you wanted to retire in a very quiet scenery in the province or to have a retirement home whereto plant fruits and vegetables, to raise livestock, and to visit once in a while your grandchildren. You've felt personally that you've done what you aimed when you were still a child. Now that you're belong to the senior level, you're now just waiting for your death which normally not part of the preparation you've prepared when you were just a child and even when you've in your middle life. Your plan was only up to your retirement age. And this cycle will continue to roll up to the next generations and the most important part of life was not included and this is to place God at the center of his life. Man realized his need for God when he is old, weak and sick. God doesn't want that cycle becomes the norm of man's life but because of man's intention to focus his life for himself, he let Satan to deceive him and didn't see the importance of life after death. God wants that all men will enjoy life here on earth and not to suffer his life in hell for eternity, but man had no regard for God because he was strong and enjoyed life and the offered happiness of materialism.
But what the bible says about life? "What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul." Mark 8:36. And in I Peter 1:24 says, "All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field, the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the words of the Lord will stand forever." The average life span of man during the Old Testament time reached up to 969 years old and this man was Methuselah but because of sin of disobedience done by Adan and Eve, this life span was reduced to an average of 85 years old in the 21st century and will continue to go down till the second coming of Christ. The world is now in the last days and now ushering this critical time, people will continue to become more wicked as how it describes in II Timothy 3:1-5. The world food supplies now is contaminated by chemicals, the air that we breath is so polluted cause of the continuous emissions of gas, diesel and chemicals by billions of cars, millions of factories, billions of tons of garbage dumped, polluted waters and others. Different kinds of sicknesses are now present in the world like HIV, cancer, Ebola virus and others. The world's death rate as the report of the CIA World Fact book last June 30, 2015 is 108 people per minute or 6,480 people per hour or 155,520 people per day or 56,764,800 per year. Death is a reality and will continue to increase until the coming of Christ. If the average life span of man in 2016 is 85 years old, all seniors age 60 years old have only 30% or 25 years left here on earth. But to all young people or middle aged men and women, don't be so confident, death is coming to all unexpectedly. Death is coming to all like a thief in the night. No one knows when death will come.
If you truly love yourself, you will invest in an insurance that will cover not only your life here on earth but your life after death. You can't bring anything or your accumulated wealth in your tomb, all of your savings will be left to your family and this will be the normal cycle of life of men. That's why the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus was written to remind the people worldwide to repent. The rich man begged two requests from father Abraham. One was to bring Lazarus back to life and to dip his finger into water and dip it to his lip to lessen at least his thirst because of agony and pain in hell but Abraham rejected him. And the second one was to bring Lazarus back to life and to go to the house of his father cause his five brothers are there and they need to be warned to repent so that they will not experienced the pain and punishment he is experiencing in the lake of fire. He think that they will believe if the dead like Lazarus if brings back to life will become more effective to remind them in order that they will surely believe and not to experience the same horrible fate he is experiencing in hell. But Abraham rejected him and told him that Moses and the Prophets are there. Its up to them to believe and to accept the warning. They have the freedom to choose and all the warnings are there to remind the people Luke 16:14-31.
God sent godly men to his chosen nation, the Israelite to obey his words, not to worship idols and not to live a wicked life but they insisted to reject the warnings to live a holy life through Moses, Joshua, the Prophets like Jeremiah, Elijah and others. They wholeheartedly hugged and kissed wickedness and because of their disobedience, God used king Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to conquer Israel, destroyed the temple of Jerusalem, killed so many Jews, some were put in exile and others were scattered in different countries in the world. God let these horrible event to come to his people to teach the younger generations of Israel not to follow their fathers. And this is also the lesson all people in the world should learn and not to do the same as the Israelite did against God. God is holy and he expects his people to live the same. In spite of this, God told his people through Jeremiah that he loved them so much and Jeremiah told them the beautiful plan of God to them that says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, "declares the Lord," and will bring you back from captivity and from the places where you were exiled." Jeremiah 29:11
If you truly love yourself and your loved ones, you will seek now wholeheartedly the Lord and our God while he may be found. Don't waste the life and time he's given you. We owed everything to him and we're just the stewards of all things he entrusted us to manage, even our lives. He said in his words in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, Jesus that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." And in John 1:12 says, "Yet to all who received him, to those who believe in his name, he gave them the right to become children of God." Religion, good works, money, connections and wisdom can't save a man from the power and punishment of sin, only Jesus is the answer and it is written in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. Friends, Jesus loves you and he has a wonderful plan in your life. Accept him as your Lord and Savior by faith. Admit before him that you are one of the reasons why he died on the cross, confess your sins and he will forgive you, turn away from your sins and ask him to help you to obey his words and to live a holy life until he comes again. When you decided wholeheartedly to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will become a child of God and will inherit eternal life in heaven and will no longer pass through judgment of God to all who will reject him, will insist to disobey his words and will continue to live in wickedness.
For more messages about love, forgiveness, eternal life and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. For your suggestions, comments and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com
May our God be with you always.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Friday, May 20, 2016
What Are The Expectations Of The Righteous And Of The Wicked Man?
If you will observe what's going on now in the 21st century relationships that predominantly happening in every family, companies both in private and public, schools and universities, hospitals, government agencies and all organizations in every country, sin of unforgiving, jealousy, hatred, envy, lust, selfishness, corruption, annulment, divorce, immorality, getting the medical services of the witch doctors for healing of their sicknesses because of lack of money or false belief, dishonesty, personal interest, self-pity, losing of self-confidence and self-esteem, fear, worries, panicking, killing, robbing, adultery, marrying of the same sex, active in church religious activities or called ministries but is not faithful to his wife and family and many more are the news reports daily in the television, radio, computer, cellphone, newspapers, advertisements, social media and information dissemination by mouth. If you will draw a picture of these sins, what single picture you can draw to capture all of these?
What the bible says about the present days which was discussed and written by the Apostle Paul to a young evangelist/teacher, Timothy thousands of years ago? Paul's writing is right and he prophesied as follows: "Mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them." II Timothy 3:1-5. If you will compare the descriptions of Paul of the characteristics of people during his writing thousands year ago and the kind of people in the last days, we are now in the last days! The characteristics of the people in his mind are correct based on the characteristics of people today. For Apostle Paul, the second coming of the Lord is so near when he wrote this to Timothy with urgency that's why they lived a watchful life and have prepared for the imminent coming of Christ and he emphasized this clearly to Timothy to be faithful in teaching the believers the kind of life that is pleasing and acceptable to God, a life of holiness and love as the best preparation for the coming of Christ verses 10-16. How much more now in our present time in 2016?
All of the signs that are written in Matthew 24 like the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem which was happened already thousands years ago, and now the continuous earthquake, famine, sickness of different kinds such as HIV, Ebola Virus, Cancer, and others, strong typhoons, drought, rumors of wars, ISIS and terrorism, immorality, the legality of same-sex marriage and LGBT, increase of wickedness, growth of false teachings and the love of most of the believers will grow cold and many more. These are all happening now. Only one that is not happening now and that is the appearance of the Man of Lawlessness or the one who will exalt himself as God! He will use his power to control the world and will force all the people including the believers of the Lord Jesus Christ to submit to him and to renounce their faith or else, they will not enjoy the services of the one world government like water, electricity, food, gasoline, medicine, transportation and others. His secret power is now at work II Thessalonians 2:1-12.
The coming of the Lord our God is so near and right at the door Matthew 24:33, people of the world, brothers and sisters in Christ, what shall we need to do now? To all unbelievers, repent and ask God for forgiveness, turn away from your sins and accept him as your Lord and Savior John 3:16. And to all believers, keep watching for the coming of Christ, live a holy and loving life. Turn from your sins and ask God to forgive you. Share your faith to all who need Christ's salvation. Prove to God that you are truly his disciples, followers and children John 15.
For more messages about love, forgiveness, salvation, hope and inner strength, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs in hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. For your suggestions, comments and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com
Keep Watch! Jesus is coming soon.
What the bible says about the present days which was discussed and written by the Apostle Paul to a young evangelist/teacher, Timothy thousands of years ago? Paul's writing is right and he prophesied as follows: "Mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them." II Timothy 3:1-5. If you will compare the descriptions of Paul of the characteristics of people during his writing thousands year ago and the kind of people in the last days, we are now in the last days! The characteristics of the people in his mind are correct based on the characteristics of people today. For Apostle Paul, the second coming of the Lord is so near when he wrote this to Timothy with urgency that's why they lived a watchful life and have prepared for the imminent coming of Christ and he emphasized this clearly to Timothy to be faithful in teaching the believers the kind of life that is pleasing and acceptable to God, a life of holiness and love as the best preparation for the coming of Christ verses 10-16. How much more now in our present time in 2016?
All of the signs that are written in Matthew 24 like the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem which was happened already thousands years ago, and now the continuous earthquake, famine, sickness of different kinds such as HIV, Ebola Virus, Cancer, and others, strong typhoons, drought, rumors of wars, ISIS and terrorism, immorality, the legality of same-sex marriage and LGBT, increase of wickedness, growth of false teachings and the love of most of the believers will grow cold and many more. These are all happening now. Only one that is not happening now and that is the appearance of the Man of Lawlessness or the one who will exalt himself as God! He will use his power to control the world and will force all the people including the believers of the Lord Jesus Christ to submit to him and to renounce their faith or else, they will not enjoy the services of the one world government like water, electricity, food, gasoline, medicine, transportation and others. His secret power is now at work II Thessalonians 2:1-12.
The coming of the Lord our God is so near and right at the door Matthew 24:33, people of the world, brothers and sisters in Christ, what shall we need to do now? To all unbelievers, repent and ask God for forgiveness, turn away from your sins and accept him as your Lord and Savior John 3:16. And to all believers, keep watching for the coming of Christ, live a holy and loving life. Turn from your sins and ask God to forgive you. Share your faith to all who need Christ's salvation. Prove to God that you are truly his disciples, followers and children John 15.
For more messages about love, forgiveness, salvation, hope and inner strength, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs in hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. For your suggestions, comments and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com
Keep Watch! Jesus is coming soon.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Are You Ready For Your Final Day Here On Earth?
One of the most memorable dates for a person is his birthday. People in all walks of life are very cautious when that very special day comes. Majority are celebrating this occasion in different places and ways, if they are working, they are filing a vacation to celebrate this with his/her loved ones in special places for a vacation or family lunch or dinner. This date is remembered and celebrated yearly in different ways and places. Majority are excited and sometimes have an advance preparation for the coming of that day. But what about death. Do you think all people are preparing for the coming of that very unlikely moment? Most of the people do not want to think of this and do not want to talk about that day to come cause of fear and thinking that anyway this will take years before this will happen and "I'm still young."
When I was about twelve years old, I worked in a private cemetery near the public cemetery in the Philippines as a janitor. I tried to accept that kind of job because of need. For ten straight years after the death of our mother, this seemingly shameful job has helped me to support my studies till college. I learned the importance of handling money cause you have to discipline yourself to wake up early to work hard while you're studying and doing the daily household chores of fetching water in distant places. These were my routines daily for ten years until I finished my college and masters level of education. But the most important lesson I learned from this job was the realization to give value on my life. For that long period of time, I saw and observed personally the arrival of different funeral cars with different dead persons on board in different colors of coffin. There were babies, children, young people, adult and seniors that are buried weekly. Part of my regular routine in the morning is to roaming around part of a five-hectare cemetery just to compute the age of each buried person by deducting the date of death from his/her date of birth to get the age. In doing this routine, I realized then that death will come to all men at an hour, day, month and year in different time and unexpectedly. This lesson in life taught me the meaning of a song that says, "Only one life so soon it will pass. Only what's done for Christ will last." I grew up in a poor family but the best legacy our mother left us was her strict desire to attend us all in a regular Sunday School class. The words of God that stored in my mind were triggered easily of my exposure and actual experience as a janitor in a cemetery.
This is the meaning of the passage in Luke 16:19-31 about the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man lived an abundant life and didn't mindful of the flight of the poor and had no regard for God. He spent his whole life to enjoy life here on earth and he forgot his soul's needs for a Savior. He had no time for God or may be because he believed that anyway, God is so good! There was a man named Lazarus, a poor man and just waited for the left over food from the table of the rich man to fall on the ground and to pick these to fill his hungry stomach. The time came that both of them died. Lazarus died and the angels of the Lord carried him in his father Abraham's bosom or in heaven. And the rich man died too and was buried. In hell where he was tormenting everyday, he looked up and saw father Abraham and requested him to raise Lazarus from the dead and to dip his finger to cool his lips even for a minute. But Father Abraham told him that his request is very impossible because of the big chasm that God has put between his place of torment or hell and the place of Lazarus in heaven. So the rich man begged Abraham instead to send Lazarus back to life to tell his five brothers to repent that they will escape from the place of fire where he is tormenting day and night. He didn't want that his brothers will suffer the same fate he is experiencing tremendously in hell. But father Abraham told him again that Moses and the Prophets are there preaching the gospel of love and forgiveness and let the people decide weather to repent from their sin or not. The rich man insisted and continue to beg father Abraham to grant his request knowing that if a dead man will return to his brothers, they will believe. But Abraham told him again that even a dead man be raised from the dead and to remind them to repent and yet they insist not to believe, its useless.
People of the world, this passage is reminding us all continuously of the message of repentance until the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Let us be reminded again on what we have to do to avoid the horrifying experience of the rich man in hell - a place of torment and punishment for eternity: First, There is a danger that is set for all who will insist to reject and disobey the word of God to repent, and that is hell verses 22-24; Revelation 21:8. Second, The good news of salvation and of forgiveness will be shared to all by the true men and followers of Jesus until the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ verse 29, Matthew 28:18-20. Third, Salvation is for all. It doesn't mean that only the poor will inherit eternal life and the rich man is not. The truth is, all who will accept the reminder to repent of their sins and believe in the words of Jesus will inherit eternal life. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. Fourth, Life is not permanent. Death will come unexpectedly. The bible is very clear to attest that once a person died, right after this is to face judgment Hebrews 9:27. Once a person died, his soul will go directly to hell if he rejected the reminder of the men and women of God through his words to repent from his sins. And to him/her who accepted the reminder and who believes in the words of Jesus, he will be saved and become a child of God John 1:12. Fifth, All true children, followers and believers of Jesus Christ are responsible and accountable to remind their relatives and contacts to repent from their sins and to live a holy life until the second coming of Jesus our Lord Ezekiel 3:16-21. Lastly, Man has freedom to choose. True wise man accepts the words of God to repent and to live a new life. But the foolish man, rejects and ignores this reminder Luke 6:46-49.
Brothers, sisters, and fellow men all over the world, the second coming of Jesus Christ is soon to happen and his coming is very near. He wants that all men will be saved from the eternal damnation in hell and he wants them all to live with him in heaven which he prepared for all who will believe in him John 14:1-4. Don't waste your life. If you love yourself, believe the reminder of the words of God through Jesus Christ's followers to repent and accept him as your Lord and Savior. God's love was shown to the world two thousand years ago through the death of his Son, Jesus - the once and for all sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin and salvation of men worldwide. His free gift of grace is open to all who will accept him today. Don't be deceived of Satan's very beautiful schemes of materialism, lust, good life, power and others. Salvation is only available through faith in Jesus Christ. For there is no other name given under heaven whereby a person can be saved Acts 4:12. And in John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one can come to the father except through me." Wake up!
For more messages about life, salvation, forgiveness, hope, peace and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. For your suggestions, comments and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com
God bless you all.
When I was about twelve years old, I worked in a private cemetery near the public cemetery in the Philippines as a janitor. I tried to accept that kind of job because of need. For ten straight years after the death of our mother, this seemingly shameful job has helped me to support my studies till college. I learned the importance of handling money cause you have to discipline yourself to wake up early to work hard while you're studying and doing the daily household chores of fetching water in distant places. These were my routines daily for ten years until I finished my college and masters level of education. But the most important lesson I learned from this job was the realization to give value on my life. For that long period of time, I saw and observed personally the arrival of different funeral cars with different dead persons on board in different colors of coffin. There were babies, children, young people, adult and seniors that are buried weekly. Part of my regular routine in the morning is to roaming around part of a five-hectare cemetery just to compute the age of each buried person by deducting the date of death from his/her date of birth to get the age. In doing this routine, I realized then that death will come to all men at an hour, day, month and year in different time and unexpectedly. This lesson in life taught me the meaning of a song that says, "Only one life so soon it will pass. Only what's done for Christ will last." I grew up in a poor family but the best legacy our mother left us was her strict desire to attend us all in a regular Sunday School class. The words of God that stored in my mind were triggered easily of my exposure and actual experience as a janitor in a cemetery.
This is the meaning of the passage in Luke 16:19-31 about the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man lived an abundant life and didn't mindful of the flight of the poor and had no regard for God. He spent his whole life to enjoy life here on earth and he forgot his soul's needs for a Savior. He had no time for God or may be because he believed that anyway, God is so good! There was a man named Lazarus, a poor man and just waited for the left over food from the table of the rich man to fall on the ground and to pick these to fill his hungry stomach. The time came that both of them died. Lazarus died and the angels of the Lord carried him in his father Abraham's bosom or in heaven. And the rich man died too and was buried. In hell where he was tormenting everyday, he looked up and saw father Abraham and requested him to raise Lazarus from the dead and to dip his finger to cool his lips even for a minute. But Father Abraham told him that his request is very impossible because of the big chasm that God has put between his place of torment or hell and the place of Lazarus in heaven. So the rich man begged Abraham instead to send Lazarus back to life to tell his five brothers to repent that they will escape from the place of fire where he is tormenting day and night. He didn't want that his brothers will suffer the same fate he is experiencing tremendously in hell. But father Abraham told him again that Moses and the Prophets are there preaching the gospel of love and forgiveness and let the people decide weather to repent from their sin or not. The rich man insisted and continue to beg father Abraham to grant his request knowing that if a dead man will return to his brothers, they will believe. But Abraham told him again that even a dead man be raised from the dead and to remind them to repent and yet they insist not to believe, its useless.
People of the world, this passage is reminding us all continuously of the message of repentance until the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Let us be reminded again on what we have to do to avoid the horrifying experience of the rich man in hell - a place of torment and punishment for eternity: First, There is a danger that is set for all who will insist to reject and disobey the word of God to repent, and that is hell verses 22-24; Revelation 21:8. Second, The good news of salvation and of forgiveness will be shared to all by the true men and followers of Jesus until the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ verse 29, Matthew 28:18-20. Third, Salvation is for all. It doesn't mean that only the poor will inherit eternal life and the rich man is not. The truth is, all who will accept the reminder to repent of their sins and believe in the words of Jesus will inherit eternal life. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. Fourth, Life is not permanent. Death will come unexpectedly. The bible is very clear to attest that once a person died, right after this is to face judgment Hebrews 9:27. Once a person died, his soul will go directly to hell if he rejected the reminder of the men and women of God through his words to repent from his sins. And to him/her who accepted the reminder and who believes in the words of Jesus, he will be saved and become a child of God John 1:12. Fifth, All true children, followers and believers of Jesus Christ are responsible and accountable to remind their relatives and contacts to repent from their sins and to live a holy life until the second coming of Jesus our Lord Ezekiel 3:16-21. Lastly, Man has freedom to choose. True wise man accepts the words of God to repent and to live a new life. But the foolish man, rejects and ignores this reminder Luke 6:46-49.
Brothers, sisters, and fellow men all over the world, the second coming of Jesus Christ is soon to happen and his coming is very near. He wants that all men will be saved from the eternal damnation in hell and he wants them all to live with him in heaven which he prepared for all who will believe in him John 14:1-4. Don't waste your life. If you love yourself, believe the reminder of the words of God through Jesus Christ's followers to repent and accept him as your Lord and Savior. God's love was shown to the world two thousand years ago through the death of his Son, Jesus - the once and for all sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin and salvation of men worldwide. His free gift of grace is open to all who will accept him today. Don't be deceived of Satan's very beautiful schemes of materialism, lust, good life, power and others. Salvation is only available through faith in Jesus Christ. For there is no other name given under heaven whereby a person can be saved Acts 4:12. And in John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one can come to the father except through me." Wake up!
For more messages about life, salvation, forgiveness, hope, peace and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. For your suggestions, comments and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com
God bless you all.
Friday, May 13, 2016
How To Become Effective And Productive In Life?
Are you fulfilled in life? Did you find your true purpose, destiny and real meaning why you were born? Your presence here on earth is not an accident or a failure of your parents or of yourself, all things have noble purpose. The Psalmist says in Psalm 139:13-14, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." You are special and so valuable. Life is so precious cause this comes from God. He created you for a purpose and you have a special role in life to do. "God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female." Genesis 1:27. Some were born with defects, incomplete parts of the body, ugly in the eyes of men but still, they were created in God's image and the life in them is so precious and valuable. Life can't be bought and only our Creator, our God owns this and you and I are blessed cause he entrusted you and me of a very precious life that even a combined value of gold and richest of this world can't outweigh this gift of life in us. How Nick Vujicic, a man who has no arms and legs became so fulfilled, useful and fruitful in his life? (See his video in google part 1 and 2 - Nick Vujicic - Preacher with no arms and legs...).
You have to acknowledge and to accept that God owns you, that he created you in his image, that he made you and knitted you in your mother's womb wonderfully and perfectly, that your mind works harmoniously and can think and analyze complicated things, that you can make your own decision, that you can create a lot of things for yourself, family, and others, that you came here on earth for a noble reason and that you have something to do for others as your legacy before you die and for the glory of God.
Before you become effective and productive in life, you have to be connected again to the source of life - both physical and spiritual. Why you have to be connected again? It is because of sin that's why all the beautiful and wonderful plan of God to man was tainted or destroyed. For the wages of sin is death, both physical and spiritual death or the eternal separation of man from the presence of God or hell ( Romans 6:23, Revelation 21:8). God's provision to save man from the power of sin and its punishment was solved through the once and for all death of Jesus, the only Son of God. God sent his Son on earth to live on earth and to die on the cross to save man from sin (Matthew 1:21). "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16). Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior through faith. You have to admit that you are a sinner - the reasons why Jesus died on the cross, confess your sins to God, and promise him that you will turn away from sins and ask his grace to give you strength to learn his words and apply these in your life today and onward until the second coming of Christ. If you will truly do this and make a decision to believe Jesus and to accept him as your Lord and Savior, you will have eternal life and now you will be called, a child of God (John 1:12).
Once you belong to God's children, your new way of thinking or pattern in life will be guided by the following: First, Add to your new found faith goodness or righteousness. This refers to your thinking about right that expresses in all acts of being merciful and helpful that are beneficial to others; Second, Add to your goodness, knowledge. You have to know the word of God for this is the only source of truth that will set man free from fear, worries, wrong beliefs that lead to death. Love his words and study this diligently (Joshua 1:8); Third, Add to your knowledge, self-control. This is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit that is in you when you truly accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. One way of understanding this is by taming your tongue (James 3:1-12). You can't use your tongue to praise God and to use it by sending false information to others and destroy their reputation in the community; Fourth, Add to your self-control, perseverance. Perseverance means, persistent or steadfastness in doing things even these are difficult to do and this might require additional time until the tasks will finish or accomplish. No turning back and your mind is determined to finish it. Joseph the dreamer went through many hardships in life before he became a leader of Egypt next to Pharaoh (Genesis 37-50); Fifth, Add to your perseverance, godliness. The ten commandments in the Old Testament were summarized into two in the New Testament: Love your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength and the second is to love your neighbor as your self (Luke 10:27); Sixth, Add to your godliness, brotherly kindness. There is no other clear example of this word except the love and forgiveness of the Father to his prodigal son that after he squandered all the money he got from his father as inheritance even he is still alive, the father accepted his repentant son whom the older brother didn't accept and forgive; Lastly, Add to your brotherly kindness, love. To die sacrificially for your enemy is the highest kind of act of showing love of a person who truly experienced the love and forgiveness of God. This is the meaning of true love (I Corinthians 13).
This is the only sure way all true believers of Jesus Christ can do to become fruitful and productive in every endeavor in life. A life without Jesus, is a life of futility and nothingness. You will become more lonely, empty and frustrated. Life has no meaning and purpose. But a life connected with Jesus or a life with a personal relationship with Jesus as his Lord and Savior, all things will become meaningful and his services will become an act of worship that is acceptable and pleasing to God. And if you will obey the truth listed above, you can expect that you will become fruitful and productive in life (II Peter 1:5-9).
For more messages about life, death, meaning and purpose in life, how to overcome temptation and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. For your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com
You have to acknowledge and to accept that God owns you, that he created you in his image, that he made you and knitted you in your mother's womb wonderfully and perfectly, that your mind works harmoniously and can think and analyze complicated things, that you can make your own decision, that you can create a lot of things for yourself, family, and others, that you came here on earth for a noble reason and that you have something to do for others as your legacy before you die and for the glory of God.
Before you become effective and productive in life, you have to be connected again to the source of life - both physical and spiritual. Why you have to be connected again? It is because of sin that's why all the beautiful and wonderful plan of God to man was tainted or destroyed. For the wages of sin is death, both physical and spiritual death or the eternal separation of man from the presence of God or hell ( Romans 6:23, Revelation 21:8). God's provision to save man from the power of sin and its punishment was solved through the once and for all death of Jesus, the only Son of God. God sent his Son on earth to live on earth and to die on the cross to save man from sin (Matthew 1:21). "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16). Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior through faith. You have to admit that you are a sinner - the reasons why Jesus died on the cross, confess your sins to God, and promise him that you will turn away from sins and ask his grace to give you strength to learn his words and apply these in your life today and onward until the second coming of Christ. If you will truly do this and make a decision to believe Jesus and to accept him as your Lord and Savior, you will have eternal life and now you will be called, a child of God (John 1:12).
Once you belong to God's children, your new way of thinking or pattern in life will be guided by the following: First, Add to your new found faith goodness or righteousness. This refers to your thinking about right that expresses in all acts of being merciful and helpful that are beneficial to others; Second, Add to your goodness, knowledge. You have to know the word of God for this is the only source of truth that will set man free from fear, worries, wrong beliefs that lead to death. Love his words and study this diligently (Joshua 1:8); Third, Add to your knowledge, self-control. This is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit that is in you when you truly accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. One way of understanding this is by taming your tongue (James 3:1-12). You can't use your tongue to praise God and to use it by sending false information to others and destroy their reputation in the community; Fourth, Add to your self-control, perseverance. Perseverance means, persistent or steadfastness in doing things even these are difficult to do and this might require additional time until the tasks will finish or accomplish. No turning back and your mind is determined to finish it. Joseph the dreamer went through many hardships in life before he became a leader of Egypt next to Pharaoh (Genesis 37-50); Fifth, Add to your perseverance, godliness. The ten commandments in the Old Testament were summarized into two in the New Testament: Love your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength and the second is to love your neighbor as your self (Luke 10:27); Sixth, Add to your godliness, brotherly kindness. There is no other clear example of this word except the love and forgiveness of the Father to his prodigal son that after he squandered all the money he got from his father as inheritance even he is still alive, the father accepted his repentant son whom the older brother didn't accept and forgive; Lastly, Add to your brotherly kindness, love. To die sacrificially for your enemy is the highest kind of act of showing love of a person who truly experienced the love and forgiveness of God. This is the meaning of true love (I Corinthians 13).
This is the only sure way all true believers of Jesus Christ can do to become fruitful and productive in every endeavor in life. A life without Jesus, is a life of futility and nothingness. You will become more lonely, empty and frustrated. Life has no meaning and purpose. But a life connected with Jesus or a life with a personal relationship with Jesus as his Lord and Savior, all things will become meaningful and his services will become an act of worship that is acceptable and pleasing to God. And if you will obey the truth listed above, you can expect that you will become fruitful and productive in life (II Peter 1:5-9).
For more messages about life, death, meaning and purpose in life, how to overcome temptation and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. For your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Who Is The Wise And Who Is The Foolish In This World?
When we talk about wise man, we describe him as knowledgeable in many aspects of life and things. He makes judgment or decision based on the objective facts and sound information. He gave balanced and right conclusion in life in a timely manner, but the foolish man makes a decision based on subjective facts or emotion that always change and is done in haste. His decision is normally affected by the environment, family, friends, position and material things. That's why a lot of people who have no sin were convicted erroneously because of lack of money and connections and therefore, were put in jail because of foolish heartless decision. Many children were not able to finish their high school or college cause of poor decision that is affected by wrong upbringing in the family, unhealthy relationship with their parents or bad examples seen inside and outside the home. Why there are businesses that failed and some became profitable? Why there are countries that are still poor right now but there are some become donors or lenders of poor countries? Everyday, all of us are facing decisions and choices and the question we have to ask ourselves is, did I gather enough information or facts before making a decision. Remember that our decision will normally affect our family, other people and ourselves. Is there a solid basis we can depend on so that our daily decisions and choices will become beneficial and helpful to many that will give everybody the joy, peace and satisfaction in life now and in the future?
In the book of Luke 6:46-49 gives us a very fundamental and solid basis to follow in making wise decision. First, Obey the word of God. God is God, he is powerful, omniscient or He knows all things, and others. If he is powerful and knows all things before, now and in the future, to whom we should come and to get guidance in making right and helpful decision for self, family, others, country and even to the world? Jesus compares the wise man to a builder of a house who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. Even the strong winds and flood come, still the house will not collapsed cause its foundation is solid. But the foolish builder dug deep and laid its foundation on the sand or on a very soft foundation. When strong winds and flood come, the house will easily collapsed because it was built on a very shaky foundation. The book of Psalm 33:4 says, "For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. Only in the word of God we can get the four-letter word love that encompasses all the ingredients of having a well knitted and united family, church, businesses, organizations, school and universities, and even the world that makes these organizations strong and unmovable even great dangers come. If you know God, believe in his word and apply the truth in your life. If you love God, you will know how to love others as how you love yourself. You will know how to maintain your relationship with your wife, children and relatives that will give motivation, unity, concern to one another, and will help develop ones self-confidence and self-esteem that will result to have a strong and joyful family. If you love your workers or employees in the company, school or university, hospital, banks and others, your decisions will be guided by love that motivates your people and therefore, this will produce unity, harmony, increases productivity and profitability. The same foundation should be seen in the church and in every country in the world. All things should start and end in love.
Second, Master the word of God. Go deeper in the word of God if you want to become more wise in life. Proverbs 2:6 says, "For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding." and in Joshua 1:8 says, "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. To know the word of God is a must to do by all who decided to follow him and who accepted him as their Lord and Savior. To know God, is to find life in its totality - both physical and spiritual.
Third, Only the word of God can lead and give man eternal life. Many of Jesus disciples had left him because of their unbelief to his teachings and Jesus told Peter and the twelve if they will also leave him but Peter said, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:68-69. Jesus said also to his disciples that, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6. A wise man will not sacrifice his life after death just because of his life here on earth. What shall a profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Mark 8:36. That's why the on going invitation of God through Jesus is always and will be preached till his second coming. He says in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Lastly, Your decision will determine who you are - a foolish or a wise man, Luke 6:46-49.
For more messages about life, death, source of wisdom and inner strength, self-confidence and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez and email us at agn623@gmail.com for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.
In the book of Luke 6:46-49 gives us a very fundamental and solid basis to follow in making wise decision. First, Obey the word of God. God is God, he is powerful, omniscient or He knows all things, and others. If he is powerful and knows all things before, now and in the future, to whom we should come and to get guidance in making right and helpful decision for self, family, others, country and even to the world? Jesus compares the wise man to a builder of a house who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. Even the strong winds and flood come, still the house will not collapsed cause its foundation is solid. But the foolish builder dug deep and laid its foundation on the sand or on a very soft foundation. When strong winds and flood come, the house will easily collapsed because it was built on a very shaky foundation. The book of Psalm 33:4 says, "For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. Only in the word of God we can get the four-letter word love that encompasses all the ingredients of having a well knitted and united family, church, businesses, organizations, school and universities, and even the world that makes these organizations strong and unmovable even great dangers come. If you know God, believe in his word and apply the truth in your life. If you love God, you will know how to love others as how you love yourself. You will know how to maintain your relationship with your wife, children and relatives that will give motivation, unity, concern to one another, and will help develop ones self-confidence and self-esteem that will result to have a strong and joyful family. If you love your workers or employees in the company, school or university, hospital, banks and others, your decisions will be guided by love that motivates your people and therefore, this will produce unity, harmony, increases productivity and profitability. The same foundation should be seen in the church and in every country in the world. All things should start and end in love.
Second, Master the word of God. Go deeper in the word of God if you want to become more wise in life. Proverbs 2:6 says, "For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding." and in Joshua 1:8 says, "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. To know the word of God is a must to do by all who decided to follow him and who accepted him as their Lord and Savior. To know God, is to find life in its totality - both physical and spiritual.
Third, Only the word of God can lead and give man eternal life. Many of Jesus disciples had left him because of their unbelief to his teachings and Jesus told Peter and the twelve if they will also leave him but Peter said, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:68-69. Jesus said also to his disciples that, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6. A wise man will not sacrifice his life after death just because of his life here on earth. What shall a profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Mark 8:36. That's why the on going invitation of God through Jesus is always and will be preached till his second coming. He says in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Lastly, Your decision will determine who you are - a foolish or a wise man, Luke 6:46-49.
For more messages about life, death, source of wisdom and inner strength, self-confidence and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez and email us at agn623@gmail.com for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.
Friday, May 6, 2016
The Characteristics Of A Precious Wife or Future Life Partner.
Is there a way to solve or minimize at least the issue of divorce in the United States and other parts of the world today? This issue was already present even during the Old Testament time up to the present year 2016. The fall of men to sin in Genesis chapter 3 started all mess in the life of men that's why that required for a once and for all sacrifice to satisfy the holiness of God that was violated and that resulted then to his furious wrath that led to death of all men both physical and spiritual, Romans 6:23 This broken relationship of men to God also affected the creation in itself as if it is like a baby who cries and needs milk to satisfy his craving for food and to stop his crying. This dilemma can only be restored through the sacrificial death of Jesus, the only Son of God, Hebrews 10:1-4. This mess will continue to happen till the second coming of Jesus but it doesn't mean that we as true bible believing Christians, should become passive only and not to do something to lessen at least the magnitude of this mess in the life of the families who are affected. The following biblical truths will truly help minimize at least this big and serious issues the world is facing now:
First, Faithfulness in the proclamation of the good news of God's salvation through Jesus Christ. A person who has no personal relationship with the Lord Jesus can easily been deceived of even minor issues in life that will affect negatively his relationship with his family. Temptations are everywhere and you can't make to guard your partner everyday. Relationship is founded on the truth of true love. There is no fear and doubt in love and trusting one another is the result of this foundation. The bible says in John 8:31-32, "If you hold on to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will will set you free." What to expect to a man who is a slave of sin? For him, all things are justifiable, even it hurts his wife or family. What is important to him is his own satisfaction and it doesn't matter what's the implications of his decision to others.
Second, Guided list of qualities of a model mother or future life partner. All mother, young ladies and even men and young men should read regularly the book of Proverbs 31:10-31 and be guided by the down to earth and tested characteristics of a precious mother: A precious mother or wife is trustworthy or can be trusted, always thinks what's the best for the family, industrious and do her works with love and joy, she is creative and knows how to budget the limited resources of the family, knows and ready how to sacrifice for her family, business minded and thinks also the financial status of her family, she works like a man and smart in decision making, helpful to the needy and does it without expecting anything in return, she has the ability to plan ahead, she's clean and manages the home beautifully, she's a woman of integrity and knows how to protect delicate information, she has a strong personality and can't easily panic when issues in the family come, she's faithful and full of wisdom and common sense. She knows to mind her own business and doesn't eat food out of being idle, her life is a good example before other people and her own family, she knows how to maintain her beauty not only physically but also her heart and mind. She loves God more than anything else in this life. She is not a superwoman but this kind of life is attainable of a well disciplined woman. Husband and children, how would you rate your mother? Mother, how would you rate yourself? Young ladies, can you follow the qualities of a precious mother? Young men, be careful not just to marry a rich and so beautiful woman and missed the other qualities of a model woman or future life partner.
Lastly, Aim for the best always. The woman who fears the Lord is the best quality a mother should have and the other qualities or characteristics above will be developed little by little. Make God be the center of your life, means, love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your soul and everything will follow. A woman who loves God is to be praised always.
For messages like love, family, future partner, and having a strong family ties, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez and for your suggestions, comments and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com
Second, Guided list of qualities of a model mother or future life partner. All mother, young ladies and even men and young men should read regularly the book of Proverbs 31:10-31 and be guided by the down to earth and tested characteristics of a precious mother: A precious mother or wife is trustworthy or can be trusted, always thinks what's the best for the family, industrious and do her works with love and joy, she is creative and knows how to budget the limited resources of the family, knows and ready how to sacrifice for her family, business minded and thinks also the financial status of her family, she works like a man and smart in decision making, helpful to the needy and does it without expecting anything in return, she has the ability to plan ahead, she's clean and manages the home beautifully, she's a woman of integrity and knows how to protect delicate information, she has a strong personality and can't easily panic when issues in the family come, she's faithful and full of wisdom and common sense. She knows to mind her own business and doesn't eat food out of being idle, her life is a good example before other people and her own family, she knows how to maintain her beauty not only physically but also her heart and mind. She loves God more than anything else in this life. She is not a superwoman but this kind of life is attainable of a well disciplined woman. Husband and children, how would you rate your mother? Mother, how would you rate yourself? Young ladies, can you follow the qualities of a precious mother? Young men, be careful not just to marry a rich and so beautiful woman and missed the other qualities of a model woman or future life partner.
Lastly, Aim for the best always. The woman who fears the Lord is the best quality a mother should have and the other qualities or characteristics above will be developed little by little. Make God be the center of your life, means, love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your soul and everything will follow. A woman who loves God is to be praised always.
For messages like love, family, future partner, and having a strong family ties, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez and for your suggestions, comments and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
What Makes Your Mother So Precious To You?
Mother's Day is one of the most celebrated occasion worldwide next to Christmas and Valentine's Day. This occasion is very memorable to the whole family and gives their mother the best gifts they can give as an expressions of their deep love and thanks for the life, care and sacrifices she gave to them. Both the poor and the well off family cook or buy food to eat together in their homes and some have their lunch or dinner in restaurants or in finest hotels and after this, one by one, the children will give their gift to their beloved mother. What a very joyful experience to everybody but this is not completed unless there is a family picture which will be added to their photo album and will remind them and their grandchildren of that very special moment to look back.
Why I Should Obey My Mother And To Give My Best For Her?
First, The heavy responsibilities on her shoulders. From the very start of the inception of the baby, the mother took care of everything like taking nutritious and helpful food which will give nutrients to keep her baby stronger and healthy body inside her womb. She disciplined herself to do the daily activities to avoid accidents like miscarriage. She did these for eight months until she delivered her baby. Her whole life was focused on taking care of everything until her child grew up and finished his/her studies. To wake up early around 5:00 in the morning every day is not enough just to prepare the food, clothes and other necessities in order to ensure that her child is ready when the bus service comes or sometimes, she is the one who brings her child to the school. After this, she will start cleaning the house, wash the dishes and clothes, iron the clothes, cook the lunch and dinner and many more. She did all of these because she loves her child and her family. Sometimes, because of the economic necessity, the mother is forced to work too to augment the income of her husband. It seems that the role of the mother is very hard compared to the husband. That's why husband, be kind and good to your wife! Your wife needs help and she's not a robot. It is very blessed for a wife to have a faithful and God-fearing husband whom she can trust always and is ready to help and understands her situation. But if the husband is not responsible and God-fearing, what to expect? The saying says, "The world is on my shoulders". Children, pray hard and obey the words of God before you enter into marriage life.
Second, It is a command of God. In Ephesians 6:1-3 says, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise - that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." These verses are quoted from the old testament writing in Exodus 20:12, "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you". God will not give a command through Moses which Paul quoted and written in the new testament if this has no meaning and not binding to all children. This is the GPS of all children if they want to reach their right direction in life. Don't depend solely on your emotion, subjective reasoning, or estimate but consult the factual and objective truth in the words of God - for only the truth will set you free from all fears, worries, negativism in life, John 8:31-32. What the bible says will surely happen, cause this is always true and perfect. "For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does", Psalm 33:4.
God's command requires full obedience and faith. You obey because you believe. When God told Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as burnt offering to him whom they prayed for so many years and almost they lost their hope if God will answer them but God gave Isaac when Sarah was already ninety and Abraham was already one hundred years old. And now, God asked Abraham to offer Isaac to him on the mount of Moriah. Abraham obeyed and brought the wood and Isaac asked him, father, where is the lamb as burnt offering? Abraham said, "God himself will provide", Genesis 22:6-8. Abraham started to fire the wood and he put Isaac on the altar to offer to God as burnt offering and when he lifted his hand with his knife and to slay Isaac, the angel of the Lord called him from heaven "Abraham! Abraham!" "Do not lay a hand on the boy," "Do not do anything to him now. I know that you fear God, because you do not withheld from me your son, your only son." When Abraham looked up and he saw in a thicket a ram caught by its horns and took the ram and sacrificed it as burnt offering instead of his son. And Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. Because God was so pleased to Abraham, the angel of the Lord called Abraham and said, "I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of the enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me." verses 11-18.
Lastly, The meaning of true obedience. You obey because you love God and you believe on his promises and this is so pleasing to his eyes. And If God pleases in your life, he will bless you and fulfill his promises of long life and material blessings to you, Ephesians 6:3-4.
Children, there is no mother on earth who wants something in this life except, to give the best for her children. She will sacrifice everything even her very own life just to show you that she loves you so much. She can bear the pain to be left by her husband but she can't bear to live without you. One song says, "Only one life so soon it will pass, only what's done for Christ will last". To obey your mother while she is still alive, is to obey God and this is pleasing to the Lord and this is the best gift that you can give to her this Mother's Day.
A Happy and Blessed Mother's Day To All!
For messages about life, blessings in life, joy, peace and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. For your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com.
Why I Should Obey My Mother And To Give My Best For Her?
First, The heavy responsibilities on her shoulders. From the very start of the inception of the baby, the mother took care of everything like taking nutritious and helpful food which will give nutrients to keep her baby stronger and healthy body inside her womb. She disciplined herself to do the daily activities to avoid accidents like miscarriage. She did these for eight months until she delivered her baby. Her whole life was focused on taking care of everything until her child grew up and finished his/her studies. To wake up early around 5:00 in the morning every day is not enough just to prepare the food, clothes and other necessities in order to ensure that her child is ready when the bus service comes or sometimes, she is the one who brings her child to the school. After this, she will start cleaning the house, wash the dishes and clothes, iron the clothes, cook the lunch and dinner and many more. She did all of these because she loves her child and her family. Sometimes, because of the economic necessity, the mother is forced to work too to augment the income of her husband. It seems that the role of the mother is very hard compared to the husband. That's why husband, be kind and good to your wife! Your wife needs help and she's not a robot. It is very blessed for a wife to have a faithful and God-fearing husband whom she can trust always and is ready to help and understands her situation. But if the husband is not responsible and God-fearing, what to expect? The saying says, "The world is on my shoulders". Children, pray hard and obey the words of God before you enter into marriage life.
Second, It is a command of God. In Ephesians 6:1-3 says, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise - that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." These verses are quoted from the old testament writing in Exodus 20:12, "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you". God will not give a command through Moses which Paul quoted and written in the new testament if this has no meaning and not binding to all children. This is the GPS of all children if they want to reach their right direction in life. Don't depend solely on your emotion, subjective reasoning, or estimate but consult the factual and objective truth in the words of God - for only the truth will set you free from all fears, worries, negativism in life, John 8:31-32. What the bible says will surely happen, cause this is always true and perfect. "For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does", Psalm 33:4.
God's command requires full obedience and faith. You obey because you believe. When God told Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as burnt offering to him whom they prayed for so many years and almost they lost their hope if God will answer them but God gave Isaac when Sarah was already ninety and Abraham was already one hundred years old. And now, God asked Abraham to offer Isaac to him on the mount of Moriah. Abraham obeyed and brought the wood and Isaac asked him, father, where is the lamb as burnt offering? Abraham said, "God himself will provide", Genesis 22:6-8. Abraham started to fire the wood and he put Isaac on the altar to offer to God as burnt offering and when he lifted his hand with his knife and to slay Isaac, the angel of the Lord called him from heaven "Abraham! Abraham!" "Do not lay a hand on the boy," "Do not do anything to him now. I know that you fear God, because you do not withheld from me your son, your only son." When Abraham looked up and he saw in a thicket a ram caught by its horns and took the ram and sacrificed it as burnt offering instead of his son. And Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. Because God was so pleased to Abraham, the angel of the Lord called Abraham and said, "I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of the enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me." verses 11-18.
Lastly, The meaning of true obedience. You obey because you love God and you believe on his promises and this is so pleasing to his eyes. And If God pleases in your life, he will bless you and fulfill his promises of long life and material blessings to you, Ephesians 6:3-4.
Children, there is no mother on earth who wants something in this life except, to give the best for her children. She will sacrifice everything even her very own life just to show you that she loves you so much. She can bear the pain to be left by her husband but she can't bear to live without you. One song says, "Only one life so soon it will pass, only what's done for Christ will last". To obey your mother while she is still alive, is to obey God and this is pleasing to the Lord and this is the best gift that you can give to her this Mother's Day.
A Happy and Blessed Mother's Day To All!
For messages about life, blessings in life, joy, peace and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. For your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Is There An Imminent Danger To Come Why We Need To Become Alert And Watchful Always? Part II
I've been a faithful student of Sunday School when I was a boy till my college life. My mother required me, my brother and sisters to attend faithfully in the Sunday School and we had no any alternative but to obey until I knew to love listening and interacting with my teachers about the bible. I became so familiar with the bible stories both in Old and New Testaments and in 1978 in an evangelistic crusade, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I realized then for my need of a Savior and my hunger to grow in the words of God has led me to attend more bible studies, fellowship and training in high school and in college, I joined the fellowship in campus under the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and after I passed the board examination, my calling was intensely confirmed in some of the training I attended like Leadership Training Institute (LTI) and Life Objective Seminar (LOS) hosted by Campus Crusade for Christ. All these training and exposures molded my mind and prepared me to make a decision to enroll in a seminary at Alliance Graduate Studies (AGS) in Quezon City.
While I was in the seminary and studying the lives of the characters in both Old and New Testaments like Jesus, his disciples and Paul, these men have opened my mind and finally motivated me to finish my studies and not to renew my license as CPA especially when I learned clearly the life of Jesus though he is God had obey his Father and had left temporarily his being God and humbled himself and became like a true man just to die on the cross for you and for me. I was amazed also of the sacrificial act of Paul when he considered everything loss just to know Christ and to have fellowship in his sufferings. Jesus and these men helped me to understand clearly the importance of John 3:16 that says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." I realized how important and the magnitude of the act of love of God to men through Jesus Christ. For the wages of sin is death both physical and spiritual or eternal separation of man from God and only the blood of his Son Jesus though he is God yet he obeyed his Father and became man to die on the cross as the only and the once and for all offering of man to God for the salvation of mankind. God meant life for life of the human race. And the disciples, Paul and many followers of Jesus Christ had left all things to heed to the call of God in Matthew 28:18-20 that says, "All authority has given to me... therefore go and preach the gospel and baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And teach them to obey everything that I taught them... and lo I am with you always till the end of the earth."
God gave his very best gift to mankind through Jesus to die on the cross for the forgiveness of sin that all who will believe in him shall not perish in hell but have everlasting life in heaven. By faith, men and women in both New and Old Testaments obeyed God's calling through his words to preach and teach the gospel of repentance to all or else people will die and be separated from God for eternity. Men and women of God up to now are accepting continuously this call and who am I not to respond to the calling of God for billions of people who will perish. The second coming of Jesus Christ is about to happen soon. His coming is like a thief in the night - unexpectedly and no one knows it, I Thessalonians 5:2. Through faith, Noah built an ark to save all who will believe in his preaching of repentance but sad to say, he was ridiculed, mocked and charged of insane because of his obedience to God, because God loved them. For this reason, only his family and some animals were saved from the great flood, Genesis 6-8. The same thing will happen before the coming of Jesus Christ, people will become more wicked, lovers of money, lustful, immoral, lukewarm to those who said they are believers, there is a form of Godliness but deep inside, they are hiding their sins and hypocrisy, they have no regards for the words of God, II Timothy 3:2. Their minds are full of wickedness and have no place or time in the words of God, Philippians 3:19. These people will be consumed by fire, II Peter 3:7.
People of God, wake up. If we truly love God and love our neighbors and other people in remote parts of the world, let us use all our resources even our lives to share the good news of salvation to all as long as we have little time. Remember, you and I are the watchmen of God for the wicked people and to those who are lukewarm in faith, Ezekiel 3:17. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field, Luke 10:2.
For more messages about salvation, heaven, hell, cure for worries, fear and negativism in life, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. For you comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com.
Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan in your life!
While I was in the seminary and studying the lives of the characters in both Old and New Testaments like Jesus, his disciples and Paul, these men have opened my mind and finally motivated me to finish my studies and not to renew my license as CPA especially when I learned clearly the life of Jesus though he is God had obey his Father and had left temporarily his being God and humbled himself and became like a true man just to die on the cross for you and for me. I was amazed also of the sacrificial act of Paul when he considered everything loss just to know Christ and to have fellowship in his sufferings. Jesus and these men helped me to understand clearly the importance of John 3:16 that says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." I realized how important and the magnitude of the act of love of God to men through Jesus Christ. For the wages of sin is death both physical and spiritual or eternal separation of man from God and only the blood of his Son Jesus though he is God yet he obeyed his Father and became man to die on the cross as the only and the once and for all offering of man to God for the salvation of mankind. God meant life for life of the human race. And the disciples, Paul and many followers of Jesus Christ had left all things to heed to the call of God in Matthew 28:18-20 that says, "All authority has given to me... therefore go and preach the gospel and baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And teach them to obey everything that I taught them... and lo I am with you always till the end of the earth."
God gave his very best gift to mankind through Jesus to die on the cross for the forgiveness of sin that all who will believe in him shall not perish in hell but have everlasting life in heaven. By faith, men and women in both New and Old Testaments obeyed God's calling through his words to preach and teach the gospel of repentance to all or else people will die and be separated from God for eternity. Men and women of God up to now are accepting continuously this call and who am I not to respond to the calling of God for billions of people who will perish. The second coming of Jesus Christ is about to happen soon. His coming is like a thief in the night - unexpectedly and no one knows it, I Thessalonians 5:2. Through faith, Noah built an ark to save all who will believe in his preaching of repentance but sad to say, he was ridiculed, mocked and charged of insane because of his obedience to God, because God loved them. For this reason, only his family and some animals were saved from the great flood, Genesis 6-8. The same thing will happen before the coming of Jesus Christ, people will become more wicked, lovers of money, lustful, immoral, lukewarm to those who said they are believers, there is a form of Godliness but deep inside, they are hiding their sins and hypocrisy, they have no regards for the words of God, II Timothy 3:2. Their minds are full of wickedness and have no place or time in the words of God, Philippians 3:19. These people will be consumed by fire, II Peter 3:7.
People of God, wake up. If we truly love God and love our neighbors and other people in remote parts of the world, let us use all our resources even our lives to share the good news of salvation to all as long as we have little time. Remember, you and I are the watchmen of God for the wicked people and to those who are lukewarm in faith, Ezekiel 3:17. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field, Luke 10:2.
For more messages about salvation, heaven, hell, cure for worries, fear and negativism in life, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. For you comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com.
Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan in your life!
Is There A Relationship Between Blessings And Repentance?
There is no relationship whatsoever between blessings and repentance but true repentance results to blessings. The word blessing is used in the bible as the bountiful material provisions of God to his people, Exodus 16. This includes physical health, free from plagues and losses, peace and order in the community, inner joy, physical rest, creativity and the privilege to help others. It is a foretaste of heaven, Genesis 1. This was the original plan of God for man but because of the entering of sin into the world, all of these beautiful plans of God were tainted and almost destroyed, Genesis 3. This can only be restored only if man will repent from his sin of disobedience.
Repentance means, realization to humble oneself and to admit to God and to himself his wrong doings that led him to a miserable kind of life that he wanted to be freed again. It is a foretaste of hell or eternal damnation of self to a very unwanted painful life or a life away from the presence of God. Main component of this is the willingness and decisive decision to turn away of a penitent person from sin and to accept the truth or the words of God as his new norms of life.
God was so pleased and blessed King David of wealth, lands and even kingdom and as an expression of his praise and thanks, he promised to build the temple for God but wasn't made it cause his hands were full of blood as a mighty warrior, II Samuel 7. This was fulfilled then by his son, King Solomon. He was like his father who lived obediently to the words of God and had the desire to please him in most part of his life. He prayed and dedicated the temple with all his heart, life and soul for burnt offering and worship. He regarded God as holy that worthy of his worship and of the whole Israelite, II Chronicles 6-7.
In II Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Why God included this verse while talking to King Solomon when he appeared to him at night? Was there a problem that's going on in the lives of the Israelite? Yes, but not yet in a dangerous point. This verse was written in order to remind King Solomon that whenever he and his people forgot the teaching and values of his father, King David and chose rather to disobey God and to live wickedly before his eyes, verse fourteen will remind them on what to do. God has warned King Solomon of the consequences of being disobedient to his commands and once they worship other gods, the following will come as plagues: they will be uprooted from the land and the temple will be destroyed; the world will ridicule and disgrace them and tell, they forsaken the God of their fathers and embraced other gods that's why they suffered this fate, verses 19-22.
But if King Solomon and the Israelite will obey the God of their fathers, "You shall never fail to have a man to rule over Israel. And I will established your royal throne", II Chronicles 7:17-18. Israel will always enjoy plenty and abundance under the leadership of a Godly and righteous king while other countries that surrounded them are experiencing famine, Psalm 37:18-19.
People of the world, a life of living in sin or disobedience in God is a life full of emptiness, aimless life, no meaning and purpose and always working endlessly for nothing. Do you want to be free from all of these? Repent and turn away from your sin and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Make a decisive decision to say no to sin and to follow the words of God as your new norms in life. Wake up and don't be deceived by Satan. His main purpose for you is very clear. He came here on earth to kill, to steal and to destroy. Go away from him for he is just deceiving you through many seemingly beautiful but lustful things, engross in seeking and accumulating money, power, position . He will destroy you and our family. Ask God for help and come to him all of you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you true rest, Matthew 11:28. Jesus came on earth to give you life and to have this more abundantly, John 10:10. Jesus loves you so much and he has a wonderful plan in your life, John 3;16.
For more messages about love and forgiveness, hope, peace and joy, wisdom and strength over temptations, and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. And for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com.
May our Almighty God bless you all.
Repentance means, realization to humble oneself and to admit to God and to himself his wrong doings that led him to a miserable kind of life that he wanted to be freed again. It is a foretaste of hell or eternal damnation of self to a very unwanted painful life or a life away from the presence of God. Main component of this is the willingness and decisive decision to turn away of a penitent person from sin and to accept the truth or the words of God as his new norms of life.
God was so pleased and blessed King David of wealth, lands and even kingdom and as an expression of his praise and thanks, he promised to build the temple for God but wasn't made it cause his hands were full of blood as a mighty warrior, II Samuel 7. This was fulfilled then by his son, King Solomon. He was like his father who lived obediently to the words of God and had the desire to please him in most part of his life. He prayed and dedicated the temple with all his heart, life and soul for burnt offering and worship. He regarded God as holy that worthy of his worship and of the whole Israelite, II Chronicles 6-7.
In II Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Why God included this verse while talking to King Solomon when he appeared to him at night? Was there a problem that's going on in the lives of the Israelite? Yes, but not yet in a dangerous point. This verse was written in order to remind King Solomon that whenever he and his people forgot the teaching and values of his father, King David and chose rather to disobey God and to live wickedly before his eyes, verse fourteen will remind them on what to do. God has warned King Solomon of the consequences of being disobedient to his commands and once they worship other gods, the following will come as plagues: they will be uprooted from the land and the temple will be destroyed; the world will ridicule and disgrace them and tell, they forsaken the God of their fathers and embraced other gods that's why they suffered this fate, verses 19-22.
But if King Solomon and the Israelite will obey the God of their fathers, "You shall never fail to have a man to rule over Israel. And I will established your royal throne", II Chronicles 7:17-18. Israel will always enjoy plenty and abundance under the leadership of a Godly and righteous king while other countries that surrounded them are experiencing famine, Psalm 37:18-19.
People of the world, a life of living in sin or disobedience in God is a life full of emptiness, aimless life, no meaning and purpose and always working endlessly for nothing. Do you want to be free from all of these? Repent and turn away from your sin and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Make a decisive decision to say no to sin and to follow the words of God as your new norms in life. Wake up and don't be deceived by Satan. His main purpose for you is very clear. He came here on earth to kill, to steal and to destroy. Go away from him for he is just deceiving you through many seemingly beautiful but lustful things, engross in seeking and accumulating money, power, position . He will destroy you and our family. Ask God for help and come to him all of you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you true rest, Matthew 11:28. Jesus came on earth to give you life and to have this more abundantly, John 10:10. Jesus loves you so much and he has a wonderful plan in your life, John 3;16.
For more messages about love and forgiveness, hope, peace and joy, wisdom and strength over temptations, and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. And for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com.
May our Almighty God bless you all.
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