Friday, March 4, 2016

How To Stand Firm And To Defeat Satan And His Demons Today?

The face of the world seems all are running so fast and the atmosphere of competition is the trending right now.  The growing population of the world as of this date 2015 is so alarming wherein the top ten biggest nations in population are as follows: China - 1.3 billion; India - 1.2 billion; USA -  321 million; Indonesia - 255 million; Brazil - 204 million; Pakistan 199 million; Nigeria - 181; Bangladesh - 168 million;  Russia - 146 million; Japan - 126 million; and the rest of the world - 3.04 billion with a total world population of 7.2 billion people. (2015 Internet Survey)

Of the 7.2 billion people in the world, the dominating religious beliefs are as follows:  Christianity both Catholics and Protestants - 2.1 billion; Islam - 1.3 billion; Hinduism - 851 million; Buddhism - 375 million;  and the other religions are 1.8 billion.  (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2004)

Based on the new law of Religious Exclusivity which is now applied in some parts of the world right  now including  the United States which is the pattern of many countries in the world which  hinders the exclusive claim of one religion as the holder of truth that implies that other religions are wrong is now punishable of imprisonment in some parts of the world like in Russia and some Islamic states.  This is one of the steps towards controlling the world system that will usher to one world government that aims to stop the growth of true Christianity or the followers of Jesus Christ. ( Irving Baxter, End Times Prophecy: Day Star:2015)

The fact that the world is full of many religious beliefs and all the people have their own  beliefs that guide their daily lives.  Their beliefs reflect their behaviors. values, norms that teach them how to  deal  acceptably with their family, work, business and relationship with others.  Though religions serve as the strong guides of people towards having a peaceful and meaningful life, why is it that hatred, corruptions, poverty, anger, killing, selfishness, rape, adultery, pornography, sensuality, immorality and others are seemingly become the norms of most of the countries  now?  Why is it that the wants of the people are now the very main consideration why even the law of the land has  passed and legalized system that even the word of God does not support it, like the legalization of same-sex marriage and stopping the schools and public institutions to read the bible and pray inside the premises?

The present system of many countries in the world are now upholding the desires of men rather than to obey the teaching of Jesus Christ in the Bible.  Do all of these that are happening right now prove only that Satan  and his dark forces are now reigning and  so happy in governing the world through the application of  system that promotes his evil desires for men?  It seems that the love and holiness of God are now out of the arena of men's life today.  It proves only that John 10:10 is right in saying that "For the thief or Satan comes to kill, to steal, and to destroy; I (Jesus) came to give life and to have this more abundantly."  Up to now, spiritual battle is going on between good and evil.

It is very visible now that what happened to Noah and Lot in the Old Testament times are now happening again in our generation today.  World systems uphold the desires of men though these are not in accordance with the teachings of the Word of God.  Satan is very clever to use even the systems of this world to espouse his evil intentions that are wrapped in a very attractive deceiving schemes to lead men to sure destruction.  Because of evil desires and acts of men during the time of Noah and Lot, God sent the great flood and brimstone and fire to kill these generations and surely, God will destroy this generation with great fire  if people today will continue to follow Satan and to live in sins II Peter 3:7.  But if all people today will humble themselves, ask for forgiveness of their sins and will turn from their wicked ways, God will surely hold his judgment to the world II Chronicles 7:14.

Apostle Paul's writing in  Ephesians 6: 10-12 that says, "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God so that you can take you stand against the devil's schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark's world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly."

Since our battle is against Satan and his evil followers - the demons, we as true believers of Christ should work together and  wear the full armor of God which are the words of God, pray with all kinds of prayers for one self and others, strengthening one's faith. live a life with righteousness, holiness and love in the midst if this crooked systems and others that are detailed in Ephesians 6:13-18.  To win the daily battle in the family, work, studies, church ministries and marriage relationship, we all have to go deeper in the words of God, to pray unceasingly, to worship God and always be in fellowship with the people who have the same passion and love for spiritual things.  We can become victorious in our witnessing if all of these spiritual disciplines become part of our daily lives.  Satan meant evil to all that's why God gave his only precious Son Jesus to die on the cross to forgive our sins, to give us eternal life, to free us from the punishment in hell and to give us power and inner strength to overcome temptations and sins - the only solution to man's futile effort to reach God and to have salvation Romans 3:23.   At the cross, God has defeated Satan and his forces and we can live victoriously cause Jesus who has risen from the dead is with us always.   Apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:13, that says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  We can claim this verse too for we are also sons of the Almighty God.

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