When God saw the people during the life of Noah as full of violence and wickedness, he commanded Noah to build an Ark to be saved from the destruction he will send to all disobedient people. God was so grieved and felt dismayed that he created men. Before God sent the great flood, Noah had preached to the people to repent from their sins and avoid the pending punishment that will surely come through the great flood but they rejected the message of Noah and they continued mocking and insulting him, laughing and regarded Noah as insane. God and Noah were humiliated before the eyes and hearings of others. They continued in their ways of lives, their minds were full of lust, sensuality, love of material things and lived to gratify their evil desires. Holiness and love of God had no place in their hearts and minds Genesis 6-8. The same kinds of lives were observed in the lives of people during the time of Lot in the lands of Sodom and Gomorrah. Their minds were full of wickedness. they tried all kinds of unwanted relationships like marriage of man to man, woman to woman, young people, gay to gay and even man to animal! They had no regard and respect to one another and even the angels who visited Lot's home were tried to have unwanted relationship with me. God can't look at the wickedness of the people that's why the angels helped Lot, his wife and two daughters to leave the places and went to small land of Zoar before the burning sulfur from heaven came in and destroyed all people in the cities Genesis 19.
Apostle Paul the author of many books in the New Testament like this book of Romans, was once one of the leaders of the powerful religious group called Sanhedrin who received the authority to kill the followers of Jesus Christ and annihilated them from the face of the earth but when he went to Damascus, he heard the voice of God and told him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me..." Acts 9:3-9. From then on and after he received his eyesight, he humbled himself and asked God for forgiveness and he became a zealous preacher, missionary and teacher of the faith which he zealously tried to destroy before but he failed. He gave his whole life and by faith, he became so brave with passion to share the good news of salvation to all till the end of his martyrdom in Rome in AD 67. He sacrificed everything just to know Christ and to have fellowship with Jesus sufferings which he considered much precious to gain than the wealth, position, power of this world. To know Christ and to make him known became the new norm and goal of his life.
His main desire and prayer in the book of Romans 10:1-21 is to lead the Jewish people to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ; to help them renounce their false belief that true obedience to the law means, righteousness that pleases God and leads to eternal life; that they may know the true functions of the law as mere eye opener that a person is a sinner which is limited and not the way to life everlasting. Paul wanted them to be saved from the power and punishment of sin Romans 6:23, but they forcefully rejected through their intelligence and pride to do everything and influenced people to shout to release Barabbas from jail and to crucify Jesus on the cross Matthew 27:22. Because of their pride, they uphold the Law and killed the author of the Law. Paul knew clearly how God did everything to change their hearts and to save them through his righteous men and he quoted the Old Testament books as follows: "I will make you envious by those who are not a nation; I will make you angry by a nation that has no understanding. I was found by those who did not seek me; I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me. All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and obstinate people." Deuteronomy 32:21; Isaiah 65:1-2
God is faithful in his promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the righteous leaders of Israel that his promise is a promised. God led the Gentiles to know the way of salvation knowing that one day, the Jewish people, his chosen nation will be saved too through the Non-Jewish people who are the Gentiles. Paul never lack of wisdom that's why he gave his whole life and focus, even threats to his life, hunger, dangers, and sickness didn't stop him to lead the Gentiles to salvation. He knew that faith comes from hearing of the words of Christ Romans 10:17; that faith comes if someone will be sent to preach and teach in the places where unbelievers are living verse 14; that faith comes if the people of God will send corporately preachers, teachers and missionaries to all places through their prayers, money and other resources verse 15.
It is very clear in the mind of Paul that Jesus Christ second coming is at hand and he has to obey the great commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel, and baptizing the people in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And teaching them to obey everything written in it... and lo I am with you always till the end of this world Matthew 28:18-20. Paul motivated the believers to obey the words of God faithfully cause the heart and mind of God are focused on the complete restoration and salvation of both the physical and soul of man; that he knew also that, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news to all; that the words of God are the power unto salvation of mankind and his creations Romans 1:16; that angels in heaven are rejoicing even one soul that repents Luke 15:10; that our names are written in the book of life and we shall live in heaven with God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit, angels and all people in all parts of the world who truly accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and to celebrate the great banquet that God prepared for all who stand still for the truth and endured hardships just to accept with pure joy the life that has fellowship even to the sufferings of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior John 3:16; John 1:12; Luke 10:20; Revelation 21:27; 22:1-5; Philippians 3:8-11.
For more messages about faithfulness, life, forgiveness, salvation and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugeno "EJ" Juarez. For your suggestions, comments, and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com.
God bless you all.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
The Seventh Last Words Of Jesus, " Father, Into Your Hands I commit My Spirit"
After thirty three years of very challenging life and ministries of Jesus on earth, he confidently entrusted his spirit to his Father that says, " Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." A statement of complete jubilation and joy in the midst of extreme exhaustion, pain both physical and emotional turmoil, knowing that the end result or goal has been accomplished. That through his sacrificial death, spiritual salvation of man's soul was gained. God's holiness that was violated because of sin of disobedience was answered by Jesus' voluntary laying up of oneself to die on the cross as a once and for all offering to appease the wrath of the holy God. Only the blood of Jesus, the only Son of God was the only acceptable offering that can fully and truly satisfy the holiness of God and for this reason, salvation both physical and spiritual was attained.
Jesus has entrusted wholeheartedly his spirit or soul to his Father knowing that all what he did were not in vain and that the words of his Father are true and can be trusted on. He obeyed the words of his Father cause Jesus knew from the very beginning that "For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does" Psalm 33:4. True obedience means, having true faith in the words of the one who gave him the command and this was the source of Jesus inner strength that helped him to finish his magnitude painful task of salvation and was so confident to say this words, " Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.
Jesus left his physical body on earth and his spirit or soul went to heaven. His death proved only that Jesus became true man that tasted severe pain, humiliation, loneliness, betrayal of a follower, less importance to his family members, temptations, thirst, sleepless nights, hunger and even death. But in all of these, he never fall into sin. His prayers were answered, he made many miracles, he overcame temptations and he voluntarily gave his life and to crucify and die like of a criminal caused of his unconditional love to his Father, for you , and for me.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, we can't compare ourselves to the life of Jesus but he gave us the teachings and his true to life helpful experiences that we can also follow and apply to become victorious in our daily lives, works, studies, church ministries, family concerns and others. Let us ask the grace of our God through Jesus that all things that we do will be focused on how to lead others to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus in order to give glory to his name. Let us always look at the end results of our lives and ask ourselves these questions: Am I confident to say to my Creator and Savior, Father, I am ready to meet you now. I accepted you as my Lord and Savior, I shared my faith to my loved ones, relatives, friends and others, I've finished the race, I fought the good fight of life through faith, and now, I am about to leave this earth with full confidence to say, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit".
For more messages about life, salvation, assurance of salvation and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez or email us at agn623@gmail.com for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.
God bless you all.
Jesus has entrusted wholeheartedly his spirit or soul to his Father knowing that all what he did were not in vain and that the words of his Father are true and can be trusted on. He obeyed the words of his Father cause Jesus knew from the very beginning that "For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does" Psalm 33:4. True obedience means, having true faith in the words of the one who gave him the command and this was the source of Jesus inner strength that helped him to finish his magnitude painful task of salvation and was so confident to say this words, " Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.
Jesus left his physical body on earth and his spirit or soul went to heaven. His death proved only that Jesus became true man that tasted severe pain, humiliation, loneliness, betrayal of a follower, less importance to his family members, temptations, thirst, sleepless nights, hunger and even death. But in all of these, he never fall into sin. His prayers were answered, he made many miracles, he overcame temptations and he voluntarily gave his life and to crucify and die like of a criminal caused of his unconditional love to his Father, for you , and for me.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, we can't compare ourselves to the life of Jesus but he gave us the teachings and his true to life helpful experiences that we can also follow and apply to become victorious in our daily lives, works, studies, church ministries, family concerns and others. Let us ask the grace of our God through Jesus that all things that we do will be focused on how to lead others to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus in order to give glory to his name. Let us always look at the end results of our lives and ask ourselves these questions: Am I confident to say to my Creator and Savior, Father, I am ready to meet you now. I accepted you as my Lord and Savior, I shared my faith to my loved ones, relatives, friends and others, I've finished the race, I fought the good fight of life through faith, and now, I am about to leave this earth with full confidence to say, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit".
For more messages about life, salvation, assurance of salvation and others, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez or email us at agn623@gmail.com for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.
God bless you all.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
The Sixth Last Words Of Jesus, "It Is Finished".
The Original Condition of Man.
God created the world and all things in it excellently and full of life. He created then Adam in his image, meaning, God endowed in Adam his beauty and righteousness Genesis 1:27. As how the Psalmist says, God created man, he knitted him together and made him wonderfully and has given Adam the freedom to think, to choose, to create, to love and to enjoy life to the fullest Psalm 139:14. God gave him the helper and source of his intimate needs in the person of Eve for it is not good for a man to be alone. God has given them a specific command not to eat the fruit at the middle of the garden for they will surely die, but because of the subtle and alluring words of Satan, Eve was tempted and made to convince Adam to disobey God. It is not the fruit which is the focal point here but the faithfulness of the couple to obey the commandment of God. Because of their disobedience, sin came into the world. The beautiful and blissful relationship of God to men was destroyed. The couple was cast away from the beautiful garden or from the presence of God. The couple's life became so miserable cause the image of God was tainted and the mind of men functioned abnormally, Eve's child bearing and delivery became difficult and dangerous, Adam needs to work and to provide food for his family through his sweat Genesis 3. Death came to men both physical death that shortened men's life expectancy which he had experienced and still experiencing up to now and the spiritual death that means, eternal separation of man's soul from God when he dies which is hell. Romans 6:23.
The Once And For All Offering For The Salvation Of Men.
God sent his precious Son, Jesus on earth to restore this original plan of enjoying beautiful and blissful life on earth but was destroyed because of the broken relationship of men to God due to sin of disobedience. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23. Whatever efforts men were doing like giving, helping the needy, offerings, penitence and others, all of these things were just rags before a holy God; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep away Isaiah 64:6. All men's best effort to go to heaven were nothing and God's wrath needs precious life as an acceptable once and for all offering in order to appease his anger and that man will be forgiven and shall not perish in hell for eternity Romans 6:10. Only Jesus life was the only acceptable cause he was blameless and the only qualified offering for the salvation of men from sin, its power and punishment.
The Limited Time Jesus Spent To Save The World.
The life of Jesus on earth was characterized as being obedient, contented, full of faith, love, meekness, humbleness, self-control, endurance and had accepted voluntarily even a death of a criminal just to save men from the wages of sin, which is death. He endured all humiliations, slashes, thirst, hunger, mocking and insulting just for all men in the world including you and me. He cried like a meek lamb which was about to be slaughtered and to offer as burnt offering to God in the temple.
Mission Accomplished - "It Is Finished"
When he has done of all these things, he said confidently, "It is finished" John 19:30. Jesus has accomplished the will of his Father from start to finish. The Son of God learned how to humble himself though he is God and left temporarily his glorious position in heaven just to be like a true man. He was born in a poor family and delivered in a manger, lived a simple life, enjoyed not the luxuries of the world but obeyed the will of his Father, he focused his little time to preach and to teach the good news to all men that he could reached, to heal sicknesses and did many miracles just to open the eyes of people to believe in him and to be freed from sin - its power and punishment until to face the fearful experience a man could have and this is to die physically. And Jesus faced with confidence and braveness, the very humiliating and painful death, a death of a criminal on the cross.
The whole land had experienced an earthquake, the sun stopped to shine from 12 noon till 3:00 in the afternoon, and the curtain was torn literally into two. God the Father can rescue his Son and kill them all easily cause of the pain he had that he can't even looked at his Son's agony and sufferings in the hands of the pretentious religious leaders and in the hands of his chosen nation, the Jewish people. He controlled himself knowing that only through this painful way men can be saved from sin. He showed his power before the eyes of the people and even to the prince of this world - Satan. For Satan and the evil people, the death of Jesus was a losing end but for the Triune God, this was a victory. Jesus knew also that he can call his Father to send angels to prove to their eyes that he is God but he bore all the pains and hardships and just remained calm and silent knowing that his death is the will of his Father. Satan had under estimated again the wisest plan of God, he lost again in the battle. It showed only that Satan is not God, that he is always ignorant compared to the wisdom and power of our God. The miraculous physical events like how the curtain in the temple was torn into two, signified only that men can now go directly to God through faith in Jesus cause Jesus precious blood that was shed on the cross was the only once and for all offering to God Romans 6:10. God the Father's holiness was satisfied, appeased and paid in full.
Because of Jesus obedience through his sacrificial death, the door of heaven for spiritual and physical salvation were opened to all who will humble themselves and will ask God's forgiveness of their sins, and through faith, those who will accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, salvation is now within their reach. Satan and his evil forces were declared defeated and can no longer functions powerfully and can't enslaves men again of the power of sin Colossians 2:15. Believers have now the power to live a holy life through faith in Jesus; death has no power over men. For all true believers of Jesus Christ, physical death can now be faced with hope and confidence seeing by faith that he will be in his permanent home with God and other believers in heaven. Death is no longer be considered as a fearful event in his life, as how Apostle Paul said, "It is much better to depart from this body and to be with the Lord." II Corinthian 5:8; Philippians 1:23.
The Awarding Time.
God was so pleased in all things that Jesus did. He exalted his Son at the right hand of his throne and every knees shall bow and every tongues will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. In Philippians 2:9-10 Paul says, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth."
For more messages about the Seven Last Words Of Jesus, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez or email us at agn623@gmail.com for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.
May our God richly bless you all.
God created the world and all things in it excellently and full of life. He created then Adam in his image, meaning, God endowed in Adam his beauty and righteousness Genesis 1:27. As how the Psalmist says, God created man, he knitted him together and made him wonderfully and has given Adam the freedom to think, to choose, to create, to love and to enjoy life to the fullest Psalm 139:14. God gave him the helper and source of his intimate needs in the person of Eve for it is not good for a man to be alone. God has given them a specific command not to eat the fruit at the middle of the garden for they will surely die, but because of the subtle and alluring words of Satan, Eve was tempted and made to convince Adam to disobey God. It is not the fruit which is the focal point here but the faithfulness of the couple to obey the commandment of God. Because of their disobedience, sin came into the world. The beautiful and blissful relationship of God to men was destroyed. The couple was cast away from the beautiful garden or from the presence of God. The couple's life became so miserable cause the image of God was tainted and the mind of men functioned abnormally, Eve's child bearing and delivery became difficult and dangerous, Adam needs to work and to provide food for his family through his sweat Genesis 3. Death came to men both physical death that shortened men's life expectancy which he had experienced and still experiencing up to now and the spiritual death that means, eternal separation of man's soul from God when he dies which is hell. Romans 6:23.
The Once And For All Offering For The Salvation Of Men.
God sent his precious Son, Jesus on earth to restore this original plan of enjoying beautiful and blissful life on earth but was destroyed because of the broken relationship of men to God due to sin of disobedience. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23. Whatever efforts men were doing like giving, helping the needy, offerings, penitence and others, all of these things were just rags before a holy God; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep away Isaiah 64:6. All men's best effort to go to heaven were nothing and God's wrath needs precious life as an acceptable once and for all offering in order to appease his anger and that man will be forgiven and shall not perish in hell for eternity Romans 6:10. Only Jesus life was the only acceptable cause he was blameless and the only qualified offering for the salvation of men from sin, its power and punishment.
The Limited Time Jesus Spent To Save The World.
The life of Jesus on earth was characterized as being obedient, contented, full of faith, love, meekness, humbleness, self-control, endurance and had accepted voluntarily even a death of a criminal just to save men from the wages of sin, which is death. He endured all humiliations, slashes, thirst, hunger, mocking and insulting just for all men in the world including you and me. He cried like a meek lamb which was about to be slaughtered and to offer as burnt offering to God in the temple.
Mission Accomplished - "It Is Finished"
When he has done of all these things, he said confidently, "It is finished" John 19:30. Jesus has accomplished the will of his Father from start to finish. The Son of God learned how to humble himself though he is God and left temporarily his glorious position in heaven just to be like a true man. He was born in a poor family and delivered in a manger, lived a simple life, enjoyed not the luxuries of the world but obeyed the will of his Father, he focused his little time to preach and to teach the good news to all men that he could reached, to heal sicknesses and did many miracles just to open the eyes of people to believe in him and to be freed from sin - its power and punishment until to face the fearful experience a man could have and this is to die physically. And Jesus faced with confidence and braveness, the very humiliating and painful death, a death of a criminal on the cross.
The whole land had experienced an earthquake, the sun stopped to shine from 12 noon till 3:00 in the afternoon, and the curtain was torn literally into two. God the Father can rescue his Son and kill them all easily cause of the pain he had that he can't even looked at his Son's agony and sufferings in the hands of the pretentious religious leaders and in the hands of his chosen nation, the Jewish people. He controlled himself knowing that only through this painful way men can be saved from sin. He showed his power before the eyes of the people and even to the prince of this world - Satan. For Satan and the evil people, the death of Jesus was a losing end but for the Triune God, this was a victory. Jesus knew also that he can call his Father to send angels to prove to their eyes that he is God but he bore all the pains and hardships and just remained calm and silent knowing that his death is the will of his Father. Satan had under estimated again the wisest plan of God, he lost again in the battle. It showed only that Satan is not God, that he is always ignorant compared to the wisdom and power of our God. The miraculous physical events like how the curtain in the temple was torn into two, signified only that men can now go directly to God through faith in Jesus cause Jesus precious blood that was shed on the cross was the only once and for all offering to God Romans 6:10. God the Father's holiness was satisfied, appeased and paid in full.
Because of Jesus obedience through his sacrificial death, the door of heaven for spiritual and physical salvation were opened to all who will humble themselves and will ask God's forgiveness of their sins, and through faith, those who will accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, salvation is now within their reach. Satan and his evil forces were declared defeated and can no longer functions powerfully and can't enslaves men again of the power of sin Colossians 2:15. Believers have now the power to live a holy life through faith in Jesus; death has no power over men. For all true believers of Jesus Christ, physical death can now be faced with hope and confidence seeing by faith that he will be in his permanent home with God and other believers in heaven. Death is no longer be considered as a fearful event in his life, as how Apostle Paul said, "It is much better to depart from this body and to be with the Lord." II Corinthian 5:8; Philippians 1:23.
The Awarding Time.
God was so pleased in all things that Jesus did. He exalted his Son at the right hand of his throne and every knees shall bow and every tongues will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. In Philippians 2:9-10 Paul says, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth."
For more messages about the Seven Last Words Of Jesus, visit our website at savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez or email us at agn623@gmail.com for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.
May our God richly bless you all.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Are You Prepared To Proclaim The Good News To All?
When we talk about Palm Sunday, people in all parts of the world are observing yearly this special event of the life of Jesus near his hours of death. Most of the Roman Catholic believers which are almost 65% of the total religious beliefs specially in the Philippines believe that after the church has blessed the branches of palm trees by the holy water which is now using today, this will be used against all evil spirits or has something power in it that can ward off the evil spirits away from their homes or to block the coming in of these evil forces that bring bad luck in the family like sicknesses, bankruptcy in business, low grades of the students, brokenness of marital relationship and others. Up to now you can see this branch of a palm tree on the door of every house in the Philippines. That's why the yearly celebration of Palm Sunday, the selling of palm branches becomes a good and profitable business ( Google - OMF: Folk Christianity, 2016).
The Entry Of Jesus in Jerusalem.
In Matthew 21:1-11, the author narrates the victorious and joyful shouting of people when Jesus was entering Jerusalem by spreading their cloaks on the ground where Jesus was riding on a donkey and passing by the road to Jerusalem and wavering their palm branches to proclaim the coming of their expected Messiah or the one who will release them from the tyranny of the Roman Empire's maltreatment and exorbitant imposition of taxes and administration that brought many ordinary daily wage earners into extreme poverty. It seemed that for all of them, it means, watch out Roman Empire for our Savior is now here to trample you down and Jesus will release us in a short while from your claws! This event is the fulfillment of the old testament prophecy that says, " Say to the daughter of Zion. See your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."
The False Understanding Of The Triumphal Entry.
If you will imagine, the Messiah that caused their rejoicing was just riding on a donkey that proves only of a weak and meekness Savior that came not to wage revolution or war but to save the Jewish people through peaceful way and not for the coming of a mighty deliverer riding on a tall and well built horse fitted for battle. Because of their overwhelming experienced and saw with their eyes the miracles Jesus did, they believed and assumed then that the Messiah that they were waiting for so many years has come in the person of Jesus, that's why they shouted altogether "Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest!" The crowds shouted these sentences and some had sang these loudly which they quoted from the book of Psalm 118:26. They were so amazed and declared Jesus as the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee. But they didn't understand how Jesus will save them and where they will be delivered from?
What Is The Meaning Of Jesus Answer To The Pharisees?
In Luke 19:39-40, some Pharisees requested Jesus to stop his disciples and the big crowds who are following him from shouting, rejoicing and celebrating jubilantly as if the big numbers of soldiers headed by their leaders came back victoriously from the battle caused this creates irritation and envy in the hearts of the religious leaders in Jerusalem. The crowds can't stop their emotional feelings of joy cause Jesus has opened their minds through his authoritative teachings and made miracles before their eyes that led them to exalt him but led the chief priests to get so angry against him. Jesus said, " if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." verse 40. It meant only that nobody can stop the continuous growth of the kingdom of God. The will of God will surely prevail and will continue to grow by his authoritative teachings and preaching and miraculous works then and through the mighty works of the Holy Spirit now through his faithful followers. The words of God will be shared to all the people in all parts of the world and various miracles will open the hearts and minds of the people and all men in all walks of life will be freed from the power of Satan and the truth will set them free John 8:32. And if the people of God will not obey him and become lukewarm and will not speak for Christ, he will use even the stones to declare his good news of salvation to all.
The True Meaning Of The Triumphal Entry.
Jesus wept knowing that the crowds followed him because of the many miracles he did before their eyes but didn't understand clearly why he came here on earth and for them, his chosen nation. The crowds understood that Jesus, whom they proclaimed prophet and Savior came to liberate and save them from the powerful hands of the Roman Empire. They think of physical deliverance and not of the spiritual reality of life. For Jesus came because "he will save his people from their sins" Matthew 1:21. Jesus think differently of the crowds that he should cure first the root cause of the problem which is spiritual issue of man and that is to save man from sin - its power and punishment that will results to spiritual restoration, physical healing and blessings. The mind of man should be redeemed and changed first to become an instrument to restore life and to have meaning and purpose where love and care with righteousness will become the foundation of life, relationships and leadership. A changed life will surely results to good, joyful, peaceful and blissful life Psalm 81:13-14. But majority of the crowds were misled by Satan and because of their frustration to their expectation, the once who acclaimed and exalted Jesus on the pedestal and who shouted, Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed be the name of the Lord, were let themselves to be influenced by the evil intent of the religious leaders and chose to shout for the release of Barabbas and crucify Jesus on the cross!
Challenge To All.
The main reason why God sent his only Son Jesus on earth is to save men from sin - both from the power of Satan and its punishment in hell. The problem of men to assure the salvation of his soul from eternal death in hell but rather to dwell with God in heaven permanently through good works are not enough to appease the wrath of a holy God. Only Jesus, his precious Son is the once and for all offering for the forgiveness of sins of men. The blood of animals are not enough so that God will forgive men of their sins, and only the blood of Jesus was the only acceptable offering for the salvation of mankind and this is the only reason why Jesus came here on earth, not just to liberate the Jewish people from the tyranny of the Roman Empire but from the wrath of a holy God and to liberate man from the power of Satan and sin that will save men from hell - the eternal separation of men from the presence of God, cause his holiness demands life - life and blood of his only precious Son Jesus and not the unworthy blood of the animals and pious acts of men.
The triumphal entry in Jerusalem is the entry of Jesus near the feet of the mount of Calvary, the place where he will be hanged on the cross - the once and for all offering of his life, the only solution to save men from hell. The good news of salvation should be proclaimed until Jesus second coming and all true followers of Jesus Christ are expected to become faithful in proclaiming this good news. If we will become quiet and ashamed of this mandate, God will use even the stones or other non-living things to proclaim the good news to all men.
Are you ready and willing to stand for Jesus and lead the unbelievers to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus today?
For more messages of life, forgiveness, salvation and victory over sin, visit our website at http://www.savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com or Eugenio "EJ" Juarez and for you comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com
May our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Hosanna, blessed be name of the Lord.
The Entry Of Jesus in Jerusalem.
In Matthew 21:1-11, the author narrates the victorious and joyful shouting of people when Jesus was entering Jerusalem by spreading their cloaks on the ground where Jesus was riding on a donkey and passing by the road to Jerusalem and wavering their palm branches to proclaim the coming of their expected Messiah or the one who will release them from the tyranny of the Roman Empire's maltreatment and exorbitant imposition of taxes and administration that brought many ordinary daily wage earners into extreme poverty. It seemed that for all of them, it means, watch out Roman Empire for our Savior is now here to trample you down and Jesus will release us in a short while from your claws! This event is the fulfillment of the old testament prophecy that says, " Say to the daughter of Zion. See your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."
The False Understanding Of The Triumphal Entry.
If you will imagine, the Messiah that caused their rejoicing was just riding on a donkey that proves only of a weak and meekness Savior that came not to wage revolution or war but to save the Jewish people through peaceful way and not for the coming of a mighty deliverer riding on a tall and well built horse fitted for battle. Because of their overwhelming experienced and saw with their eyes the miracles Jesus did, they believed and assumed then that the Messiah that they were waiting for so many years has come in the person of Jesus, that's why they shouted altogether "Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest!" The crowds shouted these sentences and some had sang these loudly which they quoted from the book of Psalm 118:26. They were so amazed and declared Jesus as the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee. But they didn't understand how Jesus will save them and where they will be delivered from?
What Is The Meaning Of Jesus Answer To The Pharisees?
In Luke 19:39-40, some Pharisees requested Jesus to stop his disciples and the big crowds who are following him from shouting, rejoicing and celebrating jubilantly as if the big numbers of soldiers headed by their leaders came back victoriously from the battle caused this creates irritation and envy in the hearts of the religious leaders in Jerusalem. The crowds can't stop their emotional feelings of joy cause Jesus has opened their minds through his authoritative teachings and made miracles before their eyes that led them to exalt him but led the chief priests to get so angry against him. Jesus said, " if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." verse 40. It meant only that nobody can stop the continuous growth of the kingdom of God. The will of God will surely prevail and will continue to grow by his authoritative teachings and preaching and miraculous works then and through the mighty works of the Holy Spirit now through his faithful followers. The words of God will be shared to all the people in all parts of the world and various miracles will open the hearts and minds of the people and all men in all walks of life will be freed from the power of Satan and the truth will set them free John 8:32. And if the people of God will not obey him and become lukewarm and will not speak for Christ, he will use even the stones to declare his good news of salvation to all.
The True Meaning Of The Triumphal Entry.
Jesus wept knowing that the crowds followed him because of the many miracles he did before their eyes but didn't understand clearly why he came here on earth and for them, his chosen nation. The crowds understood that Jesus, whom they proclaimed prophet and Savior came to liberate and save them from the powerful hands of the Roman Empire. They think of physical deliverance and not of the spiritual reality of life. For Jesus came because "he will save his people from their sins" Matthew 1:21. Jesus think differently of the crowds that he should cure first the root cause of the problem which is spiritual issue of man and that is to save man from sin - its power and punishment that will results to spiritual restoration, physical healing and blessings. The mind of man should be redeemed and changed first to become an instrument to restore life and to have meaning and purpose where love and care with righteousness will become the foundation of life, relationships and leadership. A changed life will surely results to good, joyful, peaceful and blissful life Psalm 81:13-14. But majority of the crowds were misled by Satan and because of their frustration to their expectation, the once who acclaimed and exalted Jesus on the pedestal and who shouted, Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed be the name of the Lord, were let themselves to be influenced by the evil intent of the religious leaders and chose to shout for the release of Barabbas and crucify Jesus on the cross!
Challenge To All.
The main reason why God sent his only Son Jesus on earth is to save men from sin - both from the power of Satan and its punishment in hell. The problem of men to assure the salvation of his soul from eternal death in hell but rather to dwell with God in heaven permanently through good works are not enough to appease the wrath of a holy God. Only Jesus, his precious Son is the once and for all offering for the forgiveness of sins of men. The blood of animals are not enough so that God will forgive men of their sins, and only the blood of Jesus was the only acceptable offering for the salvation of mankind and this is the only reason why Jesus came here on earth, not just to liberate the Jewish people from the tyranny of the Roman Empire but from the wrath of a holy God and to liberate man from the power of Satan and sin that will save men from hell - the eternal separation of men from the presence of God, cause his holiness demands life - life and blood of his only precious Son Jesus and not the unworthy blood of the animals and pious acts of men.
The triumphal entry in Jerusalem is the entry of Jesus near the feet of the mount of Calvary, the place where he will be hanged on the cross - the once and for all offering of his life, the only solution to save men from hell. The good news of salvation should be proclaimed until Jesus second coming and all true followers of Jesus Christ are expected to become faithful in proclaiming this good news. If we will become quiet and ashamed of this mandate, God will use even the stones or other non-living things to proclaim the good news to all men.
Are you ready and willing to stand for Jesus and lead the unbelievers to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus today?
For more messages of life, forgiveness, salvation and victory over sin, visit our website at http://www.savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com or Eugenio "EJ" Juarez and for you comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com
May our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Hosanna, blessed be name of the Lord.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
How To Live A Life Filled With The Holy Spirit?
Satan and all the fallen angels are working very hard and fast to deceive people of their beautiful and pleasing schemes inside and outside the homes, schools, companies, government institutions, and even churches worldwide. They are trying to lead people and even the believers in Christ away from God, knowing that their time is very short and Jesus second coming is at hand.
What are now these schemes or alluring ways of Satan? Here are some examples: First, money. Money is good but the one who holds it is the one who makes it evil. If the mind of that person is evil, money will be used for evil purpose I Timothy 6:10. Almost all people want financial freedom, to become rich, to buy all they want that can give them joy, but sometimes this becomes a status symbol to be known in the society. Second, instant coffee, fast food to eat, fast delivery of services and enjoy automatic clicks and you will get the fastest service and delivery you want. These are very important proofs of improvement and these are the results of ingenuity and growth of technology. But the values of patience, self-control, endurance and calmness are at stake right now. People are now used to avail and enjoy life with all fast, instant, automatic and beautiful services at the expense of the valuable values that the bible is teaching now. These values are very helpful to strengthen man's endurance when hardships in life come and the negative effect is, many people do not know how to wait. Even little issues in the husband and wife relationship become the reason of divorce, cause no one wants to listen and can't control oneself. Third, are the beautiful TV programs, sports, scenery, buildings, homes, appliances, cars, and luxurious lifestyles that get almost 90% interest and attention of men rather than to read, listen and study the words of God. We believe in the power of the word of God in Hebrews 4:12 and it is a big challenge for the church to improve also all aspects of its services and ministries. Fourth, is to have power. It seems that in every organization of people, to be on top of leadership is a very lucrative goal to reach even to sacrifice one's spiritual health, physical health, relationships and other people's lives. Position begets money and becomes a symbol of pride and might lead to many temptations.
The present position of all true believers in Christ.
Praise God cause there is now no condemnation to all true believers of the Lord Jesus Christ. When all believers die, our souls will go directly to heaven, the place where Jesus went ahead of his disciples to prepare a permanent home for them and for us. John 14:1-4. A place of perfect beauty, peace, joy and harmony. No more fears, sadness, sickness, hunger and pain. This is our hope and ultimate aim that we who are still alive are waiting today Revelation 22:1-5. We should not be afraid of the coming judgement, for this is set to those who rejected the good news of salvation that Jesus is offering freely to all, verse 1.
Believers are saved from the pending judgment of God to all unrepentant sinners through Jesus, God's only begotten Son who obeyed the will of the Father to die on the cross of Calvary as the once and for all offering which was the only acceptable offering of life to the holy God for the forgiveness of man's sins that leads to eternal salvation Hebrews 10:10. God's holiness was met only by the blood of his precious Son, Jesus I Peter 1:16. That's why eternal salvation is only available through Jesus Christ Acts 4:12. The cross was the expression of God's holiness that resulted to his wrath to men but also the expression of his love and mercy to wicked men.
For whom Jesus died on the Cross?
God sent Jesus on earth to die for the sinners and these are the people whose minds are focused on how to accumulate the material things of the earth, to gratify their evil desires in life, and to live a life that is detailed in Galatians 5:19-21 that say, "The act of sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition and dissentions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies and the like, I warn you as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit and enter the kingdom of God". Jesus gave his life for these kinds of people. For the thief or Satan came here on earth to kill, to steal and to destroy all good relationships, but I (Jesus) came to give you life and to have this more abundantly John 10:10. Remember that to live in sin is to live against God and this is not pleasing to God.
When a person has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, he died already in sin. Satan the father of sin is no longer his master but his life is now live under the control or leadership of the Holy Spirit. His mind is set on the spiritual things or a holy kind of life. He knows and submits himself to do the teachings of God that is pleasing to him. He is now led by the Holy Spirit and his life is filled with the following in Galatians 5:22-26 that say, "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited provoking and envying each other."
The blessings of life that is led by the Holy Spirit:
First, they are called children of God. John 3:16; John 1:12 and Romans 8:14. Second, have now the power to live victoriously over sin II Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:15. Third, you are heirs of eternal life John 14:1-4. Fourth, you can now call God as your Father Romans 8:15-16. Fifth, you can share in his sufferings that you may share also in his glory Romans 8:17. Lastly, therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1.
For more messages about hope, life, death, suffering and others, visit our website at http://www.savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs: hopeandlifeforyou.com or Eugenio "EJ" Juarez and for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com.
God bless you always!
What are now these schemes or alluring ways of Satan? Here are some examples: First, money. Money is good but the one who holds it is the one who makes it evil. If the mind of that person is evil, money will be used for evil purpose I Timothy 6:10. Almost all people want financial freedom, to become rich, to buy all they want that can give them joy, but sometimes this becomes a status symbol to be known in the society. Second, instant coffee, fast food to eat, fast delivery of services and enjoy automatic clicks and you will get the fastest service and delivery you want. These are very important proofs of improvement and these are the results of ingenuity and growth of technology. But the values of patience, self-control, endurance and calmness are at stake right now. People are now used to avail and enjoy life with all fast, instant, automatic and beautiful services at the expense of the valuable values that the bible is teaching now. These values are very helpful to strengthen man's endurance when hardships in life come and the negative effect is, many people do not know how to wait. Even little issues in the husband and wife relationship become the reason of divorce, cause no one wants to listen and can't control oneself. Third, are the beautiful TV programs, sports, scenery, buildings, homes, appliances, cars, and luxurious lifestyles that get almost 90% interest and attention of men rather than to read, listen and study the words of God. We believe in the power of the word of God in Hebrews 4:12 and it is a big challenge for the church to improve also all aspects of its services and ministries. Fourth, is to have power. It seems that in every organization of people, to be on top of leadership is a very lucrative goal to reach even to sacrifice one's spiritual health, physical health, relationships and other people's lives. Position begets money and becomes a symbol of pride and might lead to many temptations.
The present position of all true believers in Christ.
Praise God cause there is now no condemnation to all true believers of the Lord Jesus Christ. When all believers die, our souls will go directly to heaven, the place where Jesus went ahead of his disciples to prepare a permanent home for them and for us. John 14:1-4. A place of perfect beauty, peace, joy and harmony. No more fears, sadness, sickness, hunger and pain. This is our hope and ultimate aim that we who are still alive are waiting today Revelation 22:1-5. We should not be afraid of the coming judgement, for this is set to those who rejected the good news of salvation that Jesus is offering freely to all, verse 1.
Believers are saved from the pending judgment of God to all unrepentant sinners through Jesus, God's only begotten Son who obeyed the will of the Father to die on the cross of Calvary as the once and for all offering which was the only acceptable offering of life to the holy God for the forgiveness of man's sins that leads to eternal salvation Hebrews 10:10. God's holiness was met only by the blood of his precious Son, Jesus I Peter 1:16. That's why eternal salvation is only available through Jesus Christ Acts 4:12. The cross was the expression of God's holiness that resulted to his wrath to men but also the expression of his love and mercy to wicked men.
For whom Jesus died on the Cross?
God sent Jesus on earth to die for the sinners and these are the people whose minds are focused on how to accumulate the material things of the earth, to gratify their evil desires in life, and to live a life that is detailed in Galatians 5:19-21 that say, "The act of sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition and dissentions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies and the like, I warn you as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit and enter the kingdom of God". Jesus gave his life for these kinds of people. For the thief or Satan came here on earth to kill, to steal and to destroy all good relationships, but I (Jesus) came to give you life and to have this more abundantly John 10:10. Remember that to live in sin is to live against God and this is not pleasing to God.
When a person has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, he died already in sin. Satan the father of sin is no longer his master but his life is now live under the control or leadership of the Holy Spirit. His mind is set on the spiritual things or a holy kind of life. He knows and submits himself to do the teachings of God that is pleasing to him. He is now led by the Holy Spirit and his life is filled with the following in Galatians 5:22-26 that say, "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited provoking and envying each other."
The blessings of life that is led by the Holy Spirit:
First, they are called children of God. John 3:16; John 1:12 and Romans 8:14. Second, have now the power to live victoriously over sin II Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:15. Third, you are heirs of eternal life John 14:1-4. Fourth, you can now call God as your Father Romans 8:15-16. Fifth, you can share in his sufferings that you may share also in his glory Romans 8:17. Lastly, therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1.
For more messages about hope, life, death, suffering and others, visit our website at http://www.savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs: hopeandlifeforyou.com or Eugenio "EJ" Juarez and for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email us at agn623@gmail.com.
God bless you always!
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Hope and Life for you: What Are The Marks Of the True Followers Of Christ...
Hope and Life for you: What Are The Marks Of the True Followers Of Christ...: In the book of John 8:31-47, the marks of true followers of Jesus and their rewards are listed in details and explained clearly that peopl...
Saturday, March 12, 2016
What Are The Marks Of the True Followers Of Christ?
In the book of John 8:31-47, the marks of true followers of Jesus and their rewards are listed in details and explained clearly that people of this generation will know clearly what to believe and where to stand:
First, the true disciples, learners, followers or children of God are those who hold on daily the words of Jesus. As what says in verse 31, "If you hold on to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." He taught the newly Jewish believers to keep doing all they learned and hear from him continuously and tried to open also the hearings of the pretenders protector of the law or the Pharisees and Scribes to believe also but they refused to accept Jesus teachings because of pride. The bible is the complete revelation of teachings of Jesus. A person doesn't have to look for other magical experience or to hear audible voice from different sources to obey what God wants him to do. Apostle Paul said to Timothy, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of god may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." II Timothy 3:16-17
Second, "He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God." verse 47. The Pharisees and the Scribes, both the teachers and the defenders of the law tried to find fault against Jesus to stop his growing followers and to discredit his teachings. They interpreted and taught the law but disobeyed the teachings of the author of the law, who is Jesus. Because of their unbelief, they insisted earnestly to kill Jesus. This message was given directly to these earthly vanguards of the law. They knew the law fully but their minds were full of anger, jealousy, pride, hatred, self-righteousness and others which are not coming from God but from the devil or Satan verse 44. These experts were slaves of sin and their master is Satan, For the thief comes to kill, to steal and to destroy but I (Jesus) came to give life and to have this more abundantly John 10:10. This verse shows us what is the ultimate goal of Satan compared to Jesus.
Third, the true followers of Christ are no longer slaves to sin and are now free from its power and punishment verse 31. They are no longer living in sin. As what says in II Corinthian 5:17, "Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away, behold new things have come." A person who truly accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior is no longer living in sin and no longer slave to sin. His new master is Christ and his delight is in the words of God. God blessed Job materially and spiritually cause he learned how to live blamelessly, uprightly, God-fearing life and shunned evil Job 1:1. So when the hardships in life came to him, he made to stand strong and had a clear and thankful heart and mind that led him to worship God in the midst of lost, death of his children, painful sores and humiliating words from her wife and friends, cause Job had prepared himself to undergo a spiritual discipline to go deeper in the words of God and to obey these more than anything else that's why he made to overcome the painful experiences that allowed by God through Satan. Job was set free from the power of sin that might result to fear, anxiety, and even to suicidal act due to extreme pain because of his unshakeable faith and love to obey the words of God. Job chapters 1 and 2. The words of God are his source of strength and wisdom in life Joshua 1:8.
Lastly, If a person loves the words of God, he loves God, the source of life, forgiveness, hope, joy, peace and even wealth. Choose today, whom you will obey and serve?
For more messages about life, forgiveness, inner strength and others, visit our website at http://www.savelifewithjoy.com and or our blogs: hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez or email us at agn623@gmail.com for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.
First, the true disciples, learners, followers or children of God are those who hold on daily the words of Jesus. As what says in verse 31, "If you hold on to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." He taught the newly Jewish believers to keep doing all they learned and hear from him continuously and tried to open also the hearings of the pretenders protector of the law or the Pharisees and Scribes to believe also but they refused to accept Jesus teachings because of pride. The bible is the complete revelation of teachings of Jesus. A person doesn't have to look for other magical experience or to hear audible voice from different sources to obey what God wants him to do. Apostle Paul said to Timothy, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of god may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." II Timothy 3:16-17
Second, "He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God." verse 47. The Pharisees and the Scribes, both the teachers and the defenders of the law tried to find fault against Jesus to stop his growing followers and to discredit his teachings. They interpreted and taught the law but disobeyed the teachings of the author of the law, who is Jesus. Because of their unbelief, they insisted earnestly to kill Jesus. This message was given directly to these earthly vanguards of the law. They knew the law fully but their minds were full of anger, jealousy, pride, hatred, self-righteousness and others which are not coming from God but from the devil or Satan verse 44. These experts were slaves of sin and their master is Satan, For the thief comes to kill, to steal and to destroy but I (Jesus) came to give life and to have this more abundantly John 10:10. This verse shows us what is the ultimate goal of Satan compared to Jesus.
Third, the true followers of Christ are no longer slaves to sin and are now free from its power and punishment verse 31. They are no longer living in sin. As what says in II Corinthian 5:17, "Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away, behold new things have come." A person who truly accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior is no longer living in sin and no longer slave to sin. His new master is Christ and his delight is in the words of God. God blessed Job materially and spiritually cause he learned how to live blamelessly, uprightly, God-fearing life and shunned evil Job 1:1. So when the hardships in life came to him, he made to stand strong and had a clear and thankful heart and mind that led him to worship God in the midst of lost, death of his children, painful sores and humiliating words from her wife and friends, cause Job had prepared himself to undergo a spiritual discipline to go deeper in the words of God and to obey these more than anything else that's why he made to overcome the painful experiences that allowed by God through Satan. Job was set free from the power of sin that might result to fear, anxiety, and even to suicidal act due to extreme pain because of his unshakeable faith and love to obey the words of God. Job chapters 1 and 2. The words of God are his source of strength and wisdom in life Joshua 1:8.
Lastly, If a person loves the words of God, he loves God, the source of life, forgiveness, hope, joy, peace and even wealth. Choose today, whom you will obey and serve?
For more messages about life, forgiveness, inner strength and others, visit our website at http://www.savelifewithjoy.com and or our blogs: hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez or email us at agn623@gmail.com for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.
Friday, March 4, 2016
How To Stand Firm And To Defeat Satan And His Demons Today?
The face of the world seems all are running so fast and the atmosphere of competition is the trending right now. The growing population of the world as of this date 2015 is so alarming wherein the top ten biggest nations in population are as follows: China - 1.3 billion; India - 1.2 billion; USA - 321 million; Indonesia - 255 million; Brazil - 204 million; Pakistan 199 million; Nigeria - 181; Bangladesh - 168 million; Russia - 146 million; Japan - 126 million; and the rest of the world - 3.04 billion with a total world population of 7.2 billion people. (2015 Internet Survey)
Of the 7.2 billion people in the world, the dominating religious beliefs are as follows: Christianity both Catholics and Protestants - 2.1 billion; Islam - 1.3 billion; Hinduism - 851 million; Buddhism - 375 million; and the other religions are 1.8 billion. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2004)
Based on the new law of Religious Exclusivity which is now applied in some parts of the world right now including the United States which is the pattern of many countries in the world which hinders the exclusive claim of one religion as the holder of truth that implies that other religions are wrong is now punishable of imprisonment in some parts of the world like in Russia and some Islamic states. This is one of the steps towards controlling the world system that will usher to one world government that aims to stop the growth of true Christianity or the followers of Jesus Christ. ( Irving Baxter, End Times Prophecy: Day Star:2015)
The fact that the world is full of many religious beliefs and all the people have their own beliefs that guide their daily lives. Their beliefs reflect their behaviors. values, norms that teach them how to deal acceptably with their family, work, business and relationship with others. Though religions serve as the strong guides of people towards having a peaceful and meaningful life, why is it that hatred, corruptions, poverty, anger, killing, selfishness, rape, adultery, pornography, sensuality, immorality and others are seemingly become the norms of most of the countries now? Why is it that the wants of the people are now the very main consideration why even the law of the land has passed and legalized system that even the word of God does not support it, like the legalization of same-sex marriage and stopping the schools and public institutions to read the bible and pray inside the premises?
The present system of many countries in the world are now upholding the desires of men rather than to obey the teaching of Jesus Christ in the Bible. Do all of these that are happening right now prove only that Satan and his dark forces are now reigning and so happy in governing the world through the application of system that promotes his evil desires for men? It seems that the love and holiness of God are now out of the arena of men's life today. It proves only that John 10:10 is right in saying that "For the thief or Satan comes to kill, to steal, and to destroy; I (Jesus) came to give life and to have this more abundantly." Up to now, spiritual battle is going on between good and evil.
It is very visible now that what happened to Noah and Lot in the Old Testament times are now happening again in our generation today. World systems uphold the desires of men though these are not in accordance with the teachings of the Word of God. Satan is very clever to use even the systems of this world to espouse his evil intentions that are wrapped in a very attractive deceiving schemes to lead men to sure destruction. Because of evil desires and acts of men during the time of Noah and Lot, God sent the great flood and brimstone and fire to kill these generations and surely, God will destroy this generation with great fire if people today will continue to follow Satan and to live in sins II Peter 3:7. But if all people today will humble themselves, ask for forgiveness of their sins and will turn from their wicked ways, God will surely hold his judgment to the world II Chronicles 7:14.
Apostle Paul's writing in Ephesians 6: 10-12 that says, "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take you stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark's world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly."
Since our battle is against Satan and his evil followers - the demons, we as true believers of Christ should work together and wear the full armor of God which are the words of God, pray with all kinds of prayers for one self and others, strengthening one's faith. live a life with righteousness, holiness and love in the midst if this crooked systems and others that are detailed in Ephesians 6:13-18. To win the daily battle in the family, work, studies, church ministries and marriage relationship, we all have to go deeper in the words of God, to pray unceasingly, to worship God and always be in fellowship with the people who have the same passion and love for spiritual things. We can become victorious in our witnessing if all of these spiritual disciplines become part of our daily lives. Satan meant evil to all that's why God gave his only precious Son Jesus to die on the cross to forgive our sins, to give us eternal life, to free us from the punishment in hell and to give us power and inner strength to overcome temptations and sins - the only solution to man's futile effort to reach God and to have salvation Romans 3:23. At the cross, God has defeated Satan and his forces and we can live victoriously cause Jesus who has risen from the dead is with us always. Apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:13, that says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." We can claim this verse too for we are also sons of the Almighty God.
For more messages about victory over temptation, trials, life, death and others, visit our website at http://www.savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez or email us at agan623@gmail.com for comments, suggestions and prayer requests.
For more messages about victory over temptation, trials, life, death and others, visit our website at http://www.savelifewithjoy.com or go to our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez or email us at agan623@gmail.com for comments, suggestions and prayer requests.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Some Promises Of God That Will Truly Help You To Become Victorious In Life. Part I
The Words Of God:
"For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does." Proverbs 33:4
"And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in the furnace of clay, purified seven times." Prov. 12:6
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
"Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good." I Peter 2:2
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11
"The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold." Psalm 119:72
The Blessings For A Righteous Living:
"For surely O Lord, You bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield." Psalm 5:12
"My shield is God Most High, who saves the upright in heart." Psalm 7:11
"For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face." Psalm 11:7
"Fear the Lord you he saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lion may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing." Psalm 34:9-10
"A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all..." Psalm 34:19
"The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry." Psalm 34:15
"I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed." Psalm 37:25-26
"Better the little the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked; for the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous. The days of the blameless are known to the Lord, and their inheritance will endure forever. In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty." Psalm 37:16-19
"The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; he is their stronghold in times of troubles." Psalm 37:39
"The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous gives generously." Psalm 37:21
The Prayer That God Hears:
"If I regard or cherish sins in my heart, the Lord will not listen." Psalm 66:18
"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; hears their cry and saves them." Psalm 145:18-19
"To the Lord I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill." Psalm 3:4
"And whatsoever you ask for in prayer, believe that you received it, and this will be yours." Mark 11:24
"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask what you wish and it will be given you." John 15:7
"Ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8
Be Strong And Do Not Be Afraid:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of god which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not go weary, they will walk and not in faint." Isaiah 4029-31
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand," Isaiah 41:10
For more messages about victory over sin and death, joy, peace, and hope, visit our website at www.savelifewithjoy.com or in our blogs at hopeandlifeforyou.com, and Eugenio "EJ" Juarez. Or email us at agn623@gmail.com for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests.
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