Saturday, July 22, 2017

Monk Leaves Buddhism and Becomes a Christian Testimony

Islamic Ex Muslim Scholar Preach Christ crucified....Testimony

Girl From Iran Saw Her Sister Changed Dramatically in Jesus, Then She Be...

Underground Churches in China...A Rare Video Clip

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field." Out of 7.5 Billion people in the world today, only 45% or 3.4 Billion are Christians but we don't know how many percent are real followers of Jesus Christ. Of many disasters in the world today, the speedy growth of immorality, lustful thoughts, breaking up of marriage, hatred among parents and children, criminality, godlessness and or having a form of godliness but deep inside, the lives of many are in mess because of sin. We need to pray hard and start in our family to gather together at least twice a week to grow deeper in our faith through reading and studying of the words of God and to pray (Colossians 3:16; I Thessalonians 5:17;James 5:16). Visit also our Facebook, James Juarez and go to our page, "Men and Women of Prayer" and post your bible verses, message or life testimony how the Lord has helped you to overcome the issues in your life that might help also others who are experiencing like what you had before.

Sunday, July 9, 2017


Greatest Heroes of The Bible Joshua and Jericho

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Morning Worship - Medley

Are you a true worshiper of the true God?

Here are seven practical suggestions on how to grow as a true worshiper of God: 1. MAKE SURE THAT YOU TRULY BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR AND LORD. You don’t worship to gain eternal life; you worship because God has given you eternal life. Worship is your response after you have believed in God’s grace through Christ’s death on your behalf. 2. ESTABLISH A DAILY TIME ALONE WITH GOD IN THE WORD AND PRAYER. I cannot over-emphasize this. Worship is your response to the truth that God has revealed in His Word. Prayer is a response to the truth of the Word. Without spending consistent time alone with the Lord, your soul will shrivel up. You won’t worship. 3. ELIMINATE ALL OF THE GARBAGE FROM THE WORLD THAT HINDERS YOUR GROWTH IN WORSHIPING GOD. The world is constantly competing for our worship. It bombards us daily through the media. If a TV show or movie defiles you or crowds out your daily time with the Lord, cut it out. If the computer gobbles up your time, you’ve got to restrict it. If you’re yielding to the temptation to view porn on your computer, you’re in serious spiritual trouble (Matt. 5:27-30)! You cannot glorify God with your body unless you flee from immorality (1 Cor. 6:18-20). You’ve got to discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness (1 Tim. 4:7), because true worship is inseparable from godliness. 4. PREPARE YOUR HEART SATURDAY NIGHT FOR CORPORATE WORSHIP ON SUNDAY MORNING. I have an advantage on you, in that to survive in the pulpit on Sundays, I have to prepare my heart Saturday evenings. I don’t go to social events on Saturday evenings. I’m not suggesting that you do as I do in that regard, but I am suggesting that you should get home early enough to spend some time before the Lord, making sure that your heart is right with Him and praying that He would be honored by our worship as we gather on Sunday. 5. PUT AWAY DISTRACTIONS ON SUNDAY MORNINGS AND DON’T BE A DISTRACTION TO OTHER WORSHIPERS. Don’t read the bulletin during singing or the sermon. If you have a medical condition that requires you to use the restroom during the worship service, sit near the back and on an aisle so you don’t disturb others. If you’re thirsty, you can wait until the service is over to get a drink. If your child is a distraction to others, take him to the nursery or out of the service. 6. IGNORE OTHERS AROUND YOU AND REMEMBER THAT GOD IS THE AUDIENCE. There is a balance here. We should feel free to express our love to God outwardly without worrying about what others think of us. David danced before the Lord even though it embarrassed his wife, but God sided with David (2 Sam. 6:14-23). On the other hand, if you’re so demonstrative that you’re distracting others and calling attention to yourself, you’re out of balance. “All things must be done properly and in an orderly manner” (1 Cor. 14:40). 7. SPEND TIME WORSHIPING GOD IN HIS CREATION. If you live in a big city, you’ll have to work harder at this than we who live in beautiful Flagstaff do. But wherever you are, pay attention to what God has made: the night sky with its stars; the sun to warm the day and give light (Ps. 19:1-6); the flowers, the birds, the butterflies, and even the bugs; your body, which is fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14). In Romans 1:18-21, Paul indicts ungodly people who have ignored the evidence of the Creator that is all around them in His creation. Their sin was that they did not honor God or give thanks. In other words, they didn’t worship the Creator. But that’s our ultimate priority!