Friday, February 26, 2016
Does Your Father Knows How To Love And Forgive You Though You're Not Lovable?
What is the effect physically, emotionally, intellectually and socially for the children if they didn't feel the love of a father? Children, how would you describe your home if the love and care of your father is not there? Can you say that your home is a home or just a house where you are always wanting, thirsty and hungry for love and acceptance from your father? Can you open or share your personal concerns to him with confidence or fear? Are some of these questions have negative effect to your studies, work and present situations now? If you are given the opportunity to give words of advice to the children, what will you tell them?
Let us read with readiness to apply in our lives the teaching of Jesus to his disciples in the book of Luke 15:11-32. Jesus and his disciples were in Jerusalem during that time and Jesus taught series of teachings to his disciples based on the truth and then explained clearly based on the actual situations around that his disciples can understand clearly the truth about the sinner who represented by the younger son and of the self-righteous Pharisees who represented by the older brother.
The Father and the Wayward Young Son verses 11-19.
One day, the young son came to his father and said, "Father, give me my share of the estate". It is against the Jewish culture to ask the share in the inheritance as long as the parents are still alive. the request of the young son is against the tradition and culture that gives respect to the parents. But still, the father gave that request of his younger son that's why even his older son got angry.
The young son left his family and went away in a distant place and spent all his inheritance to wild and squandered living until everything was lost and he became poor and worked as servant to citizen of other country to feed the pig. Because of extreme famine, he came to his senses and had realized his wickedness and made the decision to come back to his father not as a son but as one of a would be servant to his father's field. He told to himself that "I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men." verses 18-19.
The young son returned to his father with feeling of shame, humbleness, and fear on what would his father and older son will tell him. He believed that it is much better to be with his family rather than to die in the hands of others. He had at least a very slim hope that his father would grant him mercy. He didn't know that his father was patiently waiting for him so when he came home and even while he was still far from his father's home, his father ran towards him, full of compassion and opened his arms to hug him as an expression of acceptance which means, forgiveness in spite of everything. His father said to his servant, "Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. let's have a feast and celebrate. For the son of mine was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found." verses 22-24.
His father forgot the disrespect, humiliation, and greedy attitude of his young son to him and his big heart full of love and forgiveness prevailed for his wayward son who knew how to humble himself and to repent wholeheartedly.
Jesus And The Older Son.
In spite of the kindness of the father to his repented young son, the older brother after knowing the celebration given to his wayward younger brother couldn't accept what his father did and can't understand how come that his wicked younger brother made to come back to them in spite of what evil acts he did. The older brother told his father that he did everything good for him and yet, he didn't receive even small young goat to celebrate for his good deeds and this wicked brother came and you gave him a big celebration! verses 28-30.
Jesus wanted his disciples to deal with the repentant sinners with love, respect, forgiveness and acceptance, for he came here on earth to give life to those sinners who will truly repent and that they may have life more abundantly, but the thief or Satan came to kill, to steal, and to destroy John 10:10. Jesus came for the sick or sinners and not for the pretentious righteous and good. God humbles the proud and exalts the humble. When the two men came to the temple to pray, one is the publican or the tax collectors or sinners and said, " Father, forgive me a sinner", but the self-righteous man prayed and said, " Father, thank you because I am not like that sinner" Luke 18:10-11. Of the two men, the sinner who dragged his breast or humbly asked for God's forgiveness went home with peace and gladness but the one who exalted himself like the Pharisee went home without joy, peace and forgiveness.
This passage is the assurance that our God our Father is always ready to accept and forgive all people like you, who are ready and willing to humbly ask God for forgiveness, and our God is just waiting patiently for us all to come. He is kind, loving and ready to open his arms to accept all truly repentant people like you and me. For he said in Matthew 11:28-30, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
For more messages about love, forgiveness, rest, hope and peace, visit our website at and in our blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez. And for your comments, suggestions and prayer requests, email me at
Thursday, February 11, 2016
What Makes A Family Becomes Strong In The Midst Of Storms In Life?
A structure without a solid or strong foundations using mixtures of solid soil and stones, concrete, iron and cement, the whole house or building will collapse easily especially when strong winds or an earthquake with intensity 6 and up in a Richter Scale comes and surely, many will die. The same thing will happen in the family when issues come like in finances, health, negative emotions like fear, hatred, low self-esteem and confidence in life, temptations in men, women and children, accidents and others. Expect that these might results to divorce, separation of parents from their children, lower grades in school of the children, vices that might lead to unwanted marital relationship, and or commissions of crime.
The instability of a family relationship can be avoided if the parents will learn how to prepare themselves as early as possible before these unpleasant situations come. And what the parents need to do are to show the real love in the family. A family without love within is prone to many heartaches, shame, anxieties, and even economic drought. This will affect also other people like co-workers, classmates, relatives and the community where the family lives.
That's why the role of the government, school, church and other concerned organizations are very important to work together to help minimize at least the continuous brokenness of a family - which is the smallest unit of a society and this will surely affect tremendously the stability and growth of a country once the relationship of family members becomes loose and weak within.
Apostle Paul gave the church in Corinth the only sure solution to maintain a strong and united family in order to save and regain its stability and harmony within cause he knew that this is not pleasing to the Lord, not helpful to the family and will affect also the positive growth of the society. In the writing of Paul in I Corinthians 13:4-7 says, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." Paul defined clearly in details what love is. These specific areas of life are mostly relational and are the composition of the word love.
Parents, if you love God, you will love your children. Children, you must love your parents as how you love yourselves Ephesians 6:1-4. There is no other sure way to maintain true joy and happy life in the family other than to accept the words of God and apply this daily into your life. Be willing to learn and be changed for the sake of our holy loving God and of others. Ask God to help you to do the reminders of Paul in I Corinthians 13:1-13. You can not be changed overnight but ask God to help you to be like him in words and actions. Let love rules in your mind always. And let your life shine within and outside your family that they may see your good deeds that God will be glorified Matthew 5:16. Be reminded also that "the thief or Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy all kinds of relationships of men, but Jesus came to give you life and to have this more abundantly John 10:10. It is not the will of God that a family becomes divided or disintegrated. Don't wait that one of a member of the family died before you learn how to forgive and to do good to him/her. To live in love is like bringing heaven on earth and this is one of the best preparations we have to do while waiting for the second coming of God to be with him forever in his presence in heaven.
In celebration of Love Month, remember that God so loved you that he gave his only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life John 3:16. Let God through Jesus dwells in your life and be the center of your family and rest assured that your family and your neighbors will truly experience true joy, peace and harmony today and hope for the future.
For more messages about love, joy, forgiveness and others, please visit my website at, and in my blogs at and Eugene "EJ" Juarez or email me at for your suggestions, comments and prayer requests.
Monday, February 8, 2016
The Prime Element Needed Of A Strong Family Ties.
What makes any relationships working harmoniously and with joy?
All institutions in the world like family, church, business and non-business organizations, government, non-government, foundations and even a single proprietor businesses with more than one person involved in the daily dealings need a very important value to have a happy and long lasting relationship that leads to stability - and this is love. Remove love in any organization and this will collapse. Love is the unifying reason why the family as the smallest unit of a society becomes strong. The stronger the family, the government and other organizations become strong and stable too in whatever angle of its existence. Why is it that the percentage of divorce in America is almost 50% of the total population of 320 million. And even in the Philippines, annulment is very common especially to the rich level of the society. Live-in is now the trend and even the biggest religious organization like the catholic church is calling all the faithful to solemnize their marriage in the church but very few responded to this untiring call of the church. Here in US also, almost 4000 churches are closing yearly; the death rate of businesses is much higher compared to the rate of registration of entrepreneurs who want to start a business here. Millions of young Americans now are resigning from their 9-5 daily job to venture in the online business cause of the very inhumane and dissatisfied management of many workers, staff and associates in the company where they are working. There are many reasons why these are now happening in many institutions not only here in US but also in most parts of the world and one of these is the absence of love in dealing with people or members of a family. Is there a way or solution to this gradual and continuous decline of many relationships worldwide, especially in our own area of responsibility.
The True Meaning Of Love.
In I Corinthians 13:4-7, Apostle Paul has explained clearly what is the true meaning of love. He defined love as follows: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
Paul used the word love which means, agape from the original Greek word that denotes as unconditional love and not the other meaning as worldly or erotic kind of love that demands some conditions or personal interest and gain. Love can be understood as a combination of many traits and values that form as a whole meaning of love. Love means patient or ability of a person to accept or tolerate delays, problems and sufferings without becoming annoyed or anxious. He is a person of calmness. He is kind or always thinking about others. He is generous, helpful, considerate, and a man of kind words and treat others as humane. He does not envy or a jealous person that wants always on top and owns the best compared to what others have. He is not boast or a person who does not want to parade all his trucks of accomplishments to many people as he can. He is not happy with the applause of men. He is not proud or a person who is so grateful to God of his position and accomplishments. He is not arrogant and can admit his mistakes. He is not rude. A rude person is impolite, has bad behavior, ill-mannered or rough. He is not self-seeking. A self seeking person is self-serving, self-focus or self first before others. He is not easily angered. That person has the strong feeling of displeasure to others or has the uncontrollable emotion of hating and hurting others. He does not keep a record of wrongs. That person finds easy to forgive cause he experienced to be forgiven by God. This can be done only of a person who truly experienced of the love and forgiveness of God. He knows how to protect the interest and integrity of others and of oneself, knows how to trust or has the confidence, assurance, and certainty of a relationship, his mind is filled with hope or has the belief that something good will happen, knows how to persevere or readiness and willingness to go on in spite of troubles and hardships in life.
Paul understood clearly that any relationship, accomplishments, achievements and wealth without love is nothing at all. Love is the fulfillment of everything. True meaning, purpose, peace and hope can only be experienced of a person if he has a personal relationship with God through his only Son Jesus - the true expression of God's love. True love can only been experienced and shared to others by the true sons or children of God. Let us be reminded always by the words of Paul in I Corinthians 13:1-3,13 that says, " If I speak in tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, If I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
If you need to have a harmonious relationship in your family, company, organization, school and other institutions, let love be the center or unifying factor that will strengthen your relationship and this will surely lead to a happy, joyful, stable, long lasting and more profitable endeavor. Love is the only reason why everybody will become motivated and will help produce a tremendous growth in every human dealings and relationship.
The stability, joy, hope and true life are available and ready for all and you through Jesus. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you will experience the kind of a meaningful life which you are looking for years. Come to Jesus and turn away from your sins. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and you will be forgiven. You can only experience the true kind of life here and in the future that was hidden to you by the deceiving schemes of S if you will humble yourself and make Jesus as your Lord and Savior today. As what John 3:16 says, " For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
God bless you and A Joyous Celebration of Love Month.
For more messages about love and forgiveness, visit our website at, blog at, Eugene "EJ" Juarez. And for your suggestions, comments and prayer requests please email me at
Friday, February 5, 2016
Jesus And His True Followers.
Apostle Paul's Blunt Reminders To The Corinthian Believer In Commemorating The LORD'S Supper:
Apostle Paul felt so humiliated before the eyes of God and of the unbelievers where the Church in Corinth located during his time because of the unacceptable manner and attitude of the professing Christ' followers that were shown in the celebration of the Lord's Supper: First, there are divisions among the members of the Church. One group claimed that God's approval is with them and their attitude and actions are not like the other group verse 18-19. Second, instead of eating together as one group, some ate ahead of the others and without due respect to the place of worship to God and think only of their stomachs. That showed only of being selfish and had no concern on what God will tell them and what others will say, specially the poor . The new believers were stumbled because of their misbehaved life. Apostle Paul wrote his true feelings and sound position that God is not pleased in them and he is not happy to know that what they are doing are not the teaching of Jesus and it shows only their true spiritual status before God as pretenders verses 20-22.
Who are the true believers in Christ and the true meaning of the Lord's Supper.
Apostle Paul received this teaching of the right meaning of the Lord's Supper from Jesus and he taught this to the Corinthian believers as follows: First, Jesus took the bread and when he gave thanks, he broke it and says, "This is my body, which is for you: do this in remembrance of me." and when he took the cup he says, "this cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this in remembrance of me." These mean that Jesus gave his life or died of a very painful and shameful criminal death instead us as the true sinners just for the forgiveness of sin and for the salvation of soul of man from the power of sin and its' punishment in hell John 3:16. John 1:12. Second, eating of bread and drinking in the cup mean, as an act of remembering and proclaiming continuously of Jesus death on the cross until he comes or his second coming verses 23-26. True followers of Christ live and obey daily the teaching of Jesus of love, holiness and hope II Corinthian 5:17. They are the light and salt of the place where they are in Matthew 5:16, Lastly, Jesus is expecting the true believers to examine oneself of his present status spiritually if there are sins or wickedness that live in him Psalm 51:7-12, 66:18.
Who are given the privilege to join this ordinance or commandment of Jesus?
Jesus expects that all people will participate in this great privilege of having a regular proclamation of Jesus Christ return through the celebration of the Lord Supper in the church. Jesus gave us the commandment to preach and teach the good news of salvation to all people in the world to be a part of this on going celebration here on earth in preparation for the great banquet in heaven. If you have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus through faith or if you made a commitment to follow him and to live his teachings daily, you have the privilege to take part in the celebration of this ordinance but if you take part in it and have no personal relationship with Jesus and you are still living in sin, it is a self pronouncement of judgment to yourself or just deceiving yourself. You are proclaiming that you are a sinner or still living in sin and the Lord Supper means, as a declaration of the true followers of Jesus as dead to sin already Romans 6:1-12. A person who has no Christ in his life is a person that has no joy, peace and hope. The thief comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but Jesus Christ came to give us life and to have this more abundantly John 10:10. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you will have a meaningful life here on earth and assured of eternal life in heaven. God Bless you.
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